Yrsirelth Character in Theras | World Anvil


Great Yrsirelth , Vanquisher of Shaihil, Breaker of Mountains, Lord of Dannedraig, The Bane of Kings who Answers to None

Yrsirelth is an ancient green dragon who rules over Danneddraig Forest in northern Peraserasia for centuries. A powerful and fearsome dragon, Yrsirelth is known for being cunning, manipulative, and malicious; rumors claim he influenced, or even caused, many events throughout the diarchy's history.

Physical Description

Body Features

The great wyrm is an impressive sight to behold, even when compared to other dragons. Towering over 30 ft. tall and stretching over 120 ft. from head to tail, Yrsirelth rivals the largest of dragons in size and is the largest known green dragon in recorded history. Its scales are emerald green, deep and rich after centuries of existence, and its might wings, spanning over 130 ft., send powerful buffets when it takes flight.   The dragon's head is narrow and elongated, with large, glowing red and yellow eyes, and holds the most striking feature of the self-proclaimed Master of the Green: enormous elk-like antlers, which rise up from its head in a grand, regal fashion. These antlers measure 20 ft. from tip to tip, and are adorned with intricate carvings and symbols that are said to hold great magical power.   Along the back of its serpentine neck are frilled growths looking like fir branchs that move elegantly with the dragon, and from its spine emerge sharpended and hardened scales, overlapping and forming spikes that do not hinder the grace of its movement while providing it with additional defense.



Yrsirelth became the lord of Danneddraig after defeating another dragon called Shaihil. Not much is known of her, as Yrsirelth took great efforts to remove all mentions of her, save for her defeat. As the stories tell, Ysgithrauneidr was once a mountain where Shaihil made her nest1 and from which she terrorized Peraserasia. Yrsirelth coveted her domain, as it included a vast forest where he wished to make his home; using his cunning, he schemed a plot to dethrone her. He disguised himself as a noble, and rallied the villagers to fight the dragon, gathering a great army behind him; however, he knew little of humanity, and as they started climbing the mountain Shaihil incinerated them by the hundreds. Still disguised as a noble, Yrsirleth sneaked away unnoticed from the slaughter into a hidden location, where he changed back to his true form; then, he soared high into the clouds and dived down, crashing into Shaihil's exposed back and sending her into the mountain. For a moment, all was silent; and then, a thundering sound; the mountain came crushing down. As it collapsed it buried the army and Shaihil beneath it, with Yrsirelth emerging unscathed. He then made the ruined mountain his home, and the forest of Danneddraig his domain.

Contacts & Relations

House Adainerdd sees themselves as servents of the dragon, though Yrsirelth's perception of them is undetermined; regardless, Yrsirelth sees himself as the true ruler of the lands of Peraserasia, as evident by his repulsion of Peadaran Ón Aigéan Liath and his sons in their conquest of Grausur, and is rumored to play a key role in the diarchy's politics.
Divine Classification
Great Wyrm
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Danneddraig;
Great wyrm of Grausur;
Master of the Green;
4,000 (estimate)
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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