Ymylywig Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Ymylywig is a large town west to Danneddraig forest, a few miles from Ysgithrauneidr. It was supposedly founded by Yrsirelth as a part of his scheme to control the area, and became an independent town over time.


A condition for permanent residence within the town is to adhere to The Cult of Yrsirelth, a sect of Prasri Animism practitioners that revere the Lord of Danneddraig. Induction into the cult includes a series of ordinary assesments by various town officials, and a final test where the aspiring member must retrieve three rocks from Ysgithrauneidr, each filling unique, arbitrary specifications. This ordeal usually takes three days to complete.   As long as they are admitted into the cult, anyone may become a denizen of Ymylywig, regardless of ethnicity or race.


The denizens of Ymylywig refuse to build any defenses, stating that Danneddraig protects them.

Industry & Trade

Ymylywig is located on The Ivory Route. It has market days virtually every other day, and a grand market every month. The grand market usually features unique and exotic wares, masterwork items, and rare imports. The last grand market of every month also has a sanctioned free market, in which one can buy and sell items usually considered to be illegal, such as drugs, poisons, and cursed items; the town imposes a 25% tax on all transactions in the free market, but also provides buyers with a proof of purchase that exempts the new owners from legal precussions.   Market days:
Tenday Priday Duoday Triday Quady Pentday Sekday Sepday Octday Novday Decday
First Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market
Second Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market Craft Market
Third Crafy Market Craft Craft Craft Market Craft Craft Craft Grand Market
  At the end of every season, at the end of every third tenday every three months, a three day festival takes place (28-30 of Coppernium, 28-30 of Fonacius, 28-30 of Ilvin, and 28-30 of Lizizil). Includes feasts, celebration, and ceremonies. Many merchants and druids are in attendence; druids of the Order of the Stag's Horn, the Teordachian Circle, the Circle of Gwanwyn Folláine, the Circle of the Cropsong, and the Cult of the Serpent are always present. This celebration also features a grand market, usually having even more esoteric items for purchase.


Being one of the oldest settlements in Grausur, most buildings in the town were repeatedly torn down and rebuilt, though never due to destruction. Despite said renovations, all structures in Ymylywig are still made of wood, without any usage of cement, rocks, or even nails.
Founding Date
Circa 400 BB
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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