Ysgithrauneidr Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Ysgithrauneidr, or Dragon's Tusks in the local Prasri dialect, is a rock formation in north-western Peraserasia. Riddled with deep clefts and crevices, it is a dangerous area to travel through, and rumored to be home to the green Dragon Yrsirelth.

Cultural Importance

The Dragon's Tusks hold a significant place in Prasri culture and in Prasri Animism. It is percieved as a place of great power and immense danger, and the people of Ymylywig hold several ritualstic beliefs and ceremonies meant to ward off its evil and influence.
Alternative Name(s)
Ysgithrau'r Ddraig, Ymyl Danneddraig
Rock Formation
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