Theras Crusades of the Unbound Scales

Crusades of the Unbound Scales

Military: War


The Kingdoms and Polities of Rakion, had long suffered under the Draconic rule and in a combined effort, they had confronted the Ancient Empires of Septoland and finally defeated them, bringing order to the war ravaged continent.

The greed and aggression of the Empires of Septoland didn't go unnoticed, and by 603 AB a coalition of kingdoms and empires formed to fight against them in a series of bloody wars. The coalition was initially unsuccessful in their attempts to defeat the chromatic dragons, until they sought the help of the metallic dragons, who were known for their wisdom and power. With the help of the metallic dragons, the coalition was able to defeat the chromatic dragons and bring an end to their reign of terror.   For more info, please see Scales Unbound Crusade.

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