Scales Unbound Crusade Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Scales Unbound Crusade

After the Solaris' raid of 599, the The Unbound Crusade Alliance united and began fighting the Rule of Chromatic dragons in Rakion and gaining true autonamy and power.

The Conflict


Just as the people of Rakion went to a peace summit, following The Great Bafigron Empire meditiation among the polities of Rakion with the Old Ansko Empire, the Chromatic Dragon of Septoland sabotaged the peace summit, destroying every politician and representative of every polity, claiming again tribute and spreading fear in the skies of Rakion.


Arn-Wint 600 AB - Kankajak 603 AB
The People of Rakion, are still recovering, but beginning secret network to have all powers orchestrating their moves. In Jak'shen, the Old Ansko Empire had announced to all that they are invading the countries of The Bafigron Empire, demanding their subjegation, however, later on, the dragons understood this was a ruse, as the fleet of the Ansko Empire, had indeed left, but never arrived to the lands of Bafigorn, but to somewhere else. This 'deception' was the approval of the Ansko Empire for the war against the Dragons and having their armies going elsewhere.  
Lizizil 603 AB - Fonacius 605 AB AB
The Mortal armies clashed with the mortal armies of the dragons, even striking deep into the heart, while The Hosts of Amon-Thal had strategically attacked and amushed many dragons in their lands. By Bazingadil 605 AB the combined might of the Mortal Armies, managed to destroy the Kingdom of Shadows of Septoland.  
Gylevail 605 AB - Dacius 610 AB
The destruction had seeped through to the Chromatic dragons, who thought themsleves invicibles. Very quickly they managed to strike in multiple places, destroying entire cities, plundering their treasures. They had spilt the Elven Kingdom of Amon-Thal to two, submitted Sofel entirely to their rule and had struck deep into the South Nahrso-Lands and the Resurgensa lands. In order to stop them, Ailéno, had taken many of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira to battle and to halt the advances of the chromatic dragons.    
Ernius 610 AB - Ilvin 615 AB
In Ervnius, the Arasilian Knights, had a long vigil to Bahamut, Tamara, Lendys and Hlal asking for aid, and by the end of the fast of 10 days - their answers were answered.   In secret, the Arasilian were trained as dragonriders and in Lizizil, the first dragon-riders had rode into battle, striking at many startegic places, trapping the armies of the Septoland (Now Hexoland) and taking from them the advantage of flight.   In Haldain 614 AB the Avariel of Faenya-Dail, joined the war effort and the The Unbound Crusade Alliance, truly had begun taking the offensive with open armies, instead of guerilla warfare and small group of warriors.  
Jak'shen 615 AB - Art-Wint 627 AB
In the following 12 years, the armies of the Alliance, managed to push the Chromatic Dragons into the Nova Terra lands, blocking them, after the unification of Amon-Thal and the deliverance of Sofel from the clutches of the dragons. The war going very favouritly, and there there 9 years of respite.  
Gylevail 636 AB - Art-Wint 647 AB
After renewing their supplies and training new warriors, the Elven Kingdoms of Eryndor, Amon-Thal, Faenya-Dail converged and begun rituals to cast High Elven Magic. Those magic made the Sexolond dragons inhabited with madness, destroying everything in their own kingdoms, making the ways for the armies clear. In 641 AB, the Alliance moved into the countries with armies, annhilating all dragon cults and trying to find the Chromatic Dragons. However, save but less than 200 dragons were sighted and hunted down. Though the Hunt went for many years, the Arasilians claim they should stick to hunting the chromatic dragons, however, the Bafigron empire was attacked by the Old Ansko Empire and later on, the rest of Rakion was raided by the Old Ansko Empire, all a plot assumed to be part of Tiamat's revenge.   The Hunt for the Chromatic Dragons stopped in 651 AB as the lands of Rakion were besieged by the Ansko Empire. Many speculate that the Chromatic Dragons did indeed survive in large numbers, but they were wise enough to escape their incoming doom as the alliance and metallic dragons were unbeatable in combat, surely after the ritual of the high elven magic that made their defeat more humiliating.

The Engagement

In the beginning of the War, the battles were often depicted as total slaughter of the alliance and victories of the Empires, however, the wars there were focused on attrition and propoganda, exhibiting and showing that the world is indeed free.   In the second half of the war, with the dragonriders, the war was pretty much on the side of the alliance, since the vast space and lands were not able to be held by the draconic empires for long.


The lands of Octoland were liberated from the evil misdeeds of the Dragons and the many kingdoms, established garrisons (Which became proxy states) there, in an agreement to divide the lands between themselves.


The Establishment of the Proxy states of the The Unbound Crusade Alliance, freeing the People from enslavement. The Kindgdoms themselves enriched themsleves very much so from this.   It should be noted that Arasil became a power not to be trifled with, as the Arasilians were feared for there alliance with the dragons themsleves.
Battlefield Type
Start Date
600 AB
Ending Date
651 AB
Conflict Result
Victory over the Dragons and the Establishment of the houses of Octoland


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