Dark Lord of Gontal Character in Theras | World Anvil

Dark Lord of Gontal

The Dark Lord of Gontal, or rather, the Dark Lord as some proclaim him, is ancient celestial that was involved in The Gods War and has since come as a fallen solar of the heavens. He is a devious leader, warlord, cunning diplomat of the dark lands of Gontal, where he subdued many of the races to his whim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Primal History
Ailéno was once a powerful celestial. It was told that he was the first one to break the words of the Celestial Hebdomad, becoming a demi god in his own right, leading the armies of the upper planes in a war against everything. He was known for unmatched strength and skill in battle, diplomacy and the artistic arts. He was considered to be more popular than the Hebdomad, however, he even went toe to toe with them again, only to be losing to their might - however, with Each battle, he gained an insight. Aileno had grown prideful and arrogant, beliving he is above all other beings and as such in the year 500 BB, he became the defacto ruler of Heiligstes König Reich Celtira - gaining lands and destroying evil - even subduing Gontal many times.  
Angriff der Engel
In this period, in the years of cataclysmic events of The Gods War, where Ailéno was trapped by the Celestial Hebdomad's degree, where he was lost for 100 years.  
Emergence of the portals
In the year 1,011 AB, 100 celestials emerged in öLond Celtira, where the angel Aileno, englufged in flame and darkness, took the initiative in order to resurrect the evil powers of Gontal, where he already destroyed 7 kingdoms and united the lands again and being a dark lord, feared by all.   However, since the degree of the Divine Gate and the powers that forbid demi-gods to be in the Prime Material Plane, it is not known what powers the Dark Lord has - maybe he is in the same power level that he possessed? Can he grant divine powers to other beings as a demi god? No one Knows.
Date of Birth
Aligned Organization

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