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Avga Potamia

Centre of it all

The seat of the gods is Avga Potamia, the City of Dawn, a city on the edge of the Golden Dunes, at the start of the Crystal stream and the Emerald Wilderness. The city is built against ancient mountains called the Reaching Peaks, a thick, high, blue wall surrounds the city. The white marble towers and temples adorn the skyline, each of them decorated to best represent their respected patron. The streets are decorated with various plants, statues and fabrics to honour the protectors, the deities, or anyone of note to the peoples of Avga Potamia.   The City has been a part of Theraxis for as long as the Gods walked the Wilds. First built as a homestead to the Gods, Avga Potamia started as the foothold of civilization. When the First peoples were created and brought to the world they were living in small communities living their various lives in fear and danger of the surrounding chaos. During the rise of elemental destruction, the city of Avga Potamia was opened to the First Peoples as a safe place away from the chaos. The City of Dawn grew to be a large bastion of mortal and divine life, the characteristic Blue Walls were erected as a means of protecting the people from the horrors of the world. A group of gods chose to remain neutral and turned on their siblings in the primordial conflict. They were disillusioned by grief and loss, the life they had created withered and perished. They saw the Primordials' idea of chaos and mortality as the natural order of the world.   As part of the growing chaos perpetrated by the Primordials. The Alliance of Dawn Gifted their children the divine and Arcane magics. The ability to defend themselves in the ever flowing chaos of the world. These gifts were the catalyst for the Primordial Conflict a.k.a. The Shift, as the Gods wanted to protect their creation. After the primordials were defeated and the Dark pact was banished, the birth of Arcane Orders such as Ozomia and later Gliwandir was just the beginning of a new age.

Throughout the world

After the Primordial conflict of The Shift, the peoples of the Emerald Wilderness would establish the cities of Souropos, Achra, Zarkan and Thassa. They founded Zorath in -1179 EAD. While the city of Avga Potamia is considered the cradle of civilization, there were cities across the world; the cold islands of the Ashenlands were home to the Dwarves of Vriturith. Southeast of that Melora had placed her orcs on Kethassia (they also appear in Kestorro, the Emerald Wilderness and parts of Vildrun). In the magical forests of Vildrun, Corellon had led groups of elves and Gnomes from the Feywild into the material plane, from here a diaspora was led. Some elves stayed in the woods and built intricate cities in the trees, the Drow decided to build a city further west naming it Umbrathal. Gnomes would find their adventurous spirit and cross the Gray Mountains to eventually settle in the areas of The Riverlands and Serine. On the lands of the continents some Human communities would start to form. They would create small kingdoms.   In Greador, the same elven Diaspora settled in the areas of Arnfell, Yer Taurë and Gawad Mindin. In the Featherstorm mountains, Moradin gave life to the Dwarves as he carved them from the mountainous stone. Most of the continent remained empty but that didnt discourage people from settling somewhere.

Devine seat

The primordial conflict scarred the alliance between the Alliance of Dawn and the Neutral Gods. These deities came together and formed the Dark Pact. An alliance that focused on the return of chaos to the world and the destruction of the people out of "Mercy¨. The Alliance of Dawn felt that these opinions were a danger to Order and its purpose. The Dark Pact were banished from the continent of Achra Zarkan and they retreated to the caverns of the world and various planes to gather their strength. Some of the Gods in the Dark pact were banished to the realms beyond and some chose to spend their time there

Dangerous tides

After the founding of Zorath, there would come a thousand years where the tension in the world would slowly rise. Due to the destruction of the Primordials, the peoples of Theraxis were able to spread and establish new cities. Early in the Era of Arcane Discovery, we saw the establishment of Arcane orders, Draconic alliances and the start of the Dark Pacts corruption. Around 350 years later the Drow of Umbrathal and Gawad Mindin cut ties from Corellon, now being deeply devoted to Lolth. The Orcs, who were Melora's creation, were corrupted into following Gruumsh, The Jealous God. In -252 EAD the Dark pact takes over Umbrathal, The powers of Darkness officially settle in the Drow city on the western coast of Vildrun, becoming the evil counterpart to Avga Potamia.

Momentary Truce

The Dark pact and the Alliance of Dawn strike a momentary truce out of fear for the growing arcane powers of Trodworth, Trifora and Gliwandir. The floating magocracies of had found a way to kill Gods. Unlike the Raven Queen who ascended after killing her predecessor, the Arcane alliance wished to rid the known Cosmology of these Gods. The truce plucked Gliwandir out of the sky, making the city crash somewhere over the Auralian Ocean. The other magical cities were forced to stand down and relent power.  

2nd Siege of Dawn

In -87 EAD Avga Potamia is attacked, the Emerald Wilderness was swarmed by the corrupted forest of Darkness. The Blue walls were toppled by the Fiends, Dragons and Goblikes. One-third of the city was killed, the streets of the Platinum Vale were coloured Red.


The city-state is a Theocracy, each head of the various temples in the city has a seat on the council. Meetings for the council are held in the Temple of Erathis in the Heart. There is no specific leader, the council is entirely democratic.


The general culture of the city is a distaste for the Arcane, the people believe that any outright use of Arcane magic should be done in the sister city of Ozomia. The use of Arcane magic isn't outlawed but heavily frowned upon. The city is beaming with respect for the divine. The most formal greeting in the city is 'may the divine smile upon you' though it moreover gets shortened to 'Divine smile'.

Public Agenda

Promoting the safety and stability of the city is of the utmost importance. The secondary purpose of the city-state is to be a beacon of heavenly light, a safe haven for those most devout to the Alliance of Dawn.


Platinum Vale

Home to the most devoted followers of Bahamut. The centre of the district is home to the Silver Gods Sanctuary a large temple devoted to the Platinum Dragon. The lower floors of the temple are built with the same blue stone as the city walls, when looking higher the temple continues with the same white marble seen across the city, though with its design.
Silver gods Sanctuary

The Heart

The centre of the city is dedicated to Erathis as a testament to civilisation. the sprawling heart of the city is where most of the people reside. The Heart is also home to the temples of Avandra, Ioun, Sarenrae and Pelor. The temple of Erathis is a symmetrical white marble building called The Law Spire. The central tower holds the fires of civilisation at its peak. Massive braziers half enclosing each of the twelve granite columns light up the entire hall and radiate warmth across this hall. The glass of the windows in the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the maple floor of this ceremonious hall. A violet rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while burgee banners with embellished borders decorate the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, they've all been lit and in turn illuminate the depictions of conquerors and victors below them. Narrow, stained glass windows depicting divine beings are concealed by drapes coloured the same violet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fine patterns and jewels.
Temple of Erathis

Temple of the Fortune seekers

Located in The Heart, Avandra's sanctuary for the adventurous and bold is a hexagonal building with a dome. Great braziers at the bottoms of each of the eight alabaster columns light up and paint the hall a range of yellows and oranges. The intricate and symmetrical design patterns on the domed ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images and sculptures look down upon the marble floor of this opulent hall. 4 scarlet rugs run down from the centre of the temple and split to encircle the entire hall while forked banners with gilded quilting swing gently from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, a few of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the paintings of legendary creatures and adventurers below them. Massive, stained glass windows depicting Ravindra and her champions are covered by veils coloured the same scarlet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and emblazoned edges. At the centre of this temple stands a golden statue of a woman holding a compass in her hand around her feet a ring of ever-moving water. Many say that taking a sip of this water gives people prophetic dreams or visions of the path ahead.

Vault of the Third Eye

Library and temple of Ioun, the home of knowledge. Located in the Heart, the Vault is large with several lower towers. the Vault is the home of the Faded ones, a group of monks devoted to preserving the books, scrolls and various other pieces of information in the library. They uphold the promises and commandments of Ioun.
The Vault of the Third Eye

Dawns Calling

Located in The Heart, Dawns Calling is a large white stone cathedral. Humble braziers at the bottoms of each of the ten alabaster columns light up every part of the hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The illustrations of gods on the curved ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the maple floor of this monumental hall. A sanguine rug runs in a circle around the room, with two paths at the shrine and the main entrance while ribbon banners with ornate trimmings cover parts of the walls. Between each banner hangs a torch, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the mosaics of divine beings below them. Modest, stained glass windows are neighbored by drapes coloured the same sanguine as to the banners. The curtains have been adorned with emblazoned edges and impressive needlework.

The Phoenix Hall

Great braziers at the bottoms of each of the six sandstone columns light up the lower levels of the temple hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The paintings of angels and starfields on the askew ceiling dance in the flickering light while gryphon like gargoyles and marble icons look down upon the porcelain floor of this imposing hall. A sapphire rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while swallowing tail banners with burnished quilting the walls. Between each banner hangs a small lustre, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the statuettes of conquerors and victors below them. Huge windows are edged by veils coloured the same sapphire as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and jewels.

Lightning Forge

District of Kord and dedicated to the training and education of the guards and the military. Narrow braziers attached to one side of each of the sixteen granite columns light up most of the temple hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The carved symmetric patterns on the layered ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and statuettes look down upon the granite floor of this regal hall. A maroon rug splits part of the room in half from the shrine to midway down the hall while pennant banners with burnished tips swing gently from the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic portrayals of conquerors and victors below them. Slim, coloured glass windows are enclosed by curtains coloured the same maroon as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and silver leaves. A grandiose statue of marble stands within a pagoda of sorts within this hall.

Stone Sanctum

Located in the Lightning forge, the Stone Sanctum is dedicated to Moradin. Slender braziers hanging from one side of each of the ten white columns light up every part of the hall and blanket everything in a warm glow. The thousands of gems on the terraced ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and gargoyles look down upon the granite floor of this glorious hall. A cobalt rug runs down from the shrine and splits to encircle the entire hall while guidon banners with burnished tufts drape from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the statuettes of heroes long gone below them. Thick, washed glass windows are enclosed by drapes coloured the same cobalt as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and jewels. A sublime statue of jade sits atop a tall elevated platform.

The Hanging Gardens

The district is an odd addition to the urban parts of the city around it, the Hanging Gardens is home to those most in touch with nature. Within the district lie the temples of Sehanine and Corellon and in the centre stands the Everspring, a tree larger than any in the world. Melora does not have a temple in the city, for those busy with worship see the Gardens as their temple. The forest was limitless, misty, and thriving. Its canopy was ruled by hazel, junipers, cypresses, chestnut, and hawthorn, who gave just enough light a chance to descent for a motley of fruit-bearing bushes to rule the rich grounds below. The buildings that exist in the area are usually taller than the canopy and breakthrough it. These tall towers are adorned with various climbing and hanging plants giving the area its name.
Hanging gardens

Cathedral of the Fey

A long, gothic, piqued tower pierces the sky, from the hanging gardens the Cathedral remains to be an important place to the elven people of the world. The halls of the large grey gothic building are lined with art recalling the history of the Era of Arcane Discovery. The dark green roofs tend to get camouflaged with various vines and foliage. Lustrous braziers attached to one side of each of the sixteen granite columns light up most of the throne hall and engulf the hall in a brilliant glimmer. The illustrations of a legendary victory on the layered ceiling dance in the flickering light while gargoyles and statues look down upon the slate floor of this monumental hall.
Cathedral of the Fey

Temple of the Crescent moon

Within the Hanging Gardens lies an amphitheatre with a stage in the shape of a crescent moon. Here the followers of The Moonweaver perform plays, musical pieces and other theatrical feats. The entire building is a circle with an open ceiling displaying the sky, during full moons where the moon hangs above the centre of the Theatre there are celebrations held. The crescent stage hugs the seats of the theatre, just in front of those is a spot for the musicians to sit.
Small Circular Theatre

The Onyx Sanctuary

Tremendous braziers hanging from one side of each of the twelve obsidian columns light up the lower levels of the hall and engulf everything in a flickering radiance. The tapestries depicting the porcelain mask of the Raven Queen hanging from the rounded ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and statuettes look down upon the grey, almost basalt, floor of this extravagant hall. A malachite rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the shrine while forked banners with ornate quilting swing gently from the walls. Between each banner stands a candle, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the mosaics of folk heroes and legends below them. From the back of the temple rises a gargantuan tower made of black stone. Slim windows are edged by drapes coloured the same malachite as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fine patterns and gold leaves.

Cosmological Views

The Great Wheel cosmology is the prevailing cosmological model which exists in Theraxis. The Great Wheel was described as a complex, comparatively cosmopolitan place in which the gods of the Exandrian pantheon mingled, the beliefs of many faiths and peoples bleeding together in a set of Outer Planes shaped predominantly by the polar forces of Law, Chaos, Good, and Evil.   The Great Wheel cosmology consisted of a series of somewhat concentric spheres. In the centre was the Prime Material plane containing the Multiverse of crystal spheres and worlds within, this multiversal sphere is flanked by 2 reflections of the worlds within. The Feywild and the Shadowfell. the Prime material is surrounded by an Ethereal plane (misty realms of proto-matter). Outside of the Prime and Ethereal were the Inner planes, also called the Elemental planes, which had their own structure based on a sphere. Then came the Astral plane which connected the worlds in the Prime Material plane to each other (bypassing the phlogiston) and also to the last sphere, the Outer planes. The Prime Material plane touched both the Astral plane and its Ethereal plane, though these planes did not touch one another. The Outer planes, also called the Planes of Power, were 16 planes arranged in a circle (the Great Wheel) defined mainly by alignment and surrounding a 17th neutral plane known as the Outlands.   For more information:

Gold in Peace, Steel in War / one struggle, one people, one destiny / Eternal Shephards

Founding Date
Several millenia before the Cataclysm
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Dawn City,
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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