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Alliance of dawn

Members of Dawn

Avandra, The Change Bringer

Also known as “She who makes the Path,” Avandra champions freedom, travel, trade, and adventure across the lands. Her Will heralds open frontiers, and her call beckons her followers to discover that which awaits them beyond the Known. There are few urban temples dedicated to the Change Bringer, but her shrines are often found along well travelled roads and off the beaten path. Her worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, and tavern cheers celebrate her as a bringer of luck and fortune. Avandra calls no domain in the planes her residence, instead etarnally wandering through the Outer Planes where serenity can be found, distantly watching over the potential of mortals.


The Change Bringer is often depicted as a young woman of dark complection and long, light brown hair that cascades to form the rad left behind her. Most art shows her in constant motion, ever leading intothe unknown.

Holy Day

Avandra's holy day, called New Dawn, takes place on the first day of the first month, when the old year gives way to the new. In Cabback, people feast and celebrate through the night until the new sun of New Dawn graces their skin. The New Dawn festival in Appleview is hosted by the halflings of the town. They celebrate through the night and around the turn of the year a menagerie of fireworks light the sky.


  • Luck favours the bold. Your fate is your own to grasp, and to do so is to have the Changebringer behind you.
  • Change is inevitable. The righteous can ensure that such change is for the better.
  • Rise against tyranny. Fight for the freedom of yourself and others when you can, and inspire others to fight when you cannot.

Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon

The pillar of justice, protection, nobility, and honor, Bahamut is a beacon to paladins of order and good, and is revered by most metallic dragons as the first of their kind. The crest of the Platinum Dragon adorns many halls of high leadership and justice, invoking his will in all matters of justice. To follow him is to look after those who cannot look after themselves. When not wandering the Outer Planes, Bahamut resides within his magnificent, glittering palace of gold, platinum and mithril hidden among the winds of the Seven Heavens of Celestia.


The Platinum Dragon is often seen emblazoned on shields and armor, both functional and decorative, in the form of a brilliant dragon head in profile. Temples and works of art depict a massive, slittering dragon with vibrant platinum scales and seemingly endless wingspan.

Holy Day

Bahamut's holy day is called Embertide, and is celebrated on the fifth day of Duscar. This is a day of remembrance, solemnity, and respect for those who have fallen in the defence of others. In several cities across the continents the Night of Embertide is celebrated with marches and services. Families gather at their mausoleums and Dwarves hold feasts for their dead.
  • Stand as a paragon of honour and justice.
  • Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from righteousness.
  • Defend the weak, bring freedom to the persecuted, and protect the ideals of justice and order.

Corellon, The Arch Heart

Guardian of spring, beauty and the arts, Corellon is the patron of arcane magic and the fey. The Time Before inspired them to wander the twisted lands, seeding them with the first arcane magics and raising the most fantastical elements of the wilds in the ancient forests. It was by the Arch Heart's hand that the first elves wandered from the Feywild, and for this reason they are considered the Mother and Father of all elves. The gnomes of Theraxis believe that they joined the elves in their diaspora. Those who seek art in all their work, whether magical or mundane, often worship at the altar of Corellon. They loathe the Spider Queen for corrupting the Drow of Umbrathal, and Gawad Mindin. Some drow communities in the underdark still follow Lolth. Corellon watches the business of mortals and gods from within the palace of the Crescent Grove in the beautiful realm of Arborea, surrounded by towering white trees and pillars of marble. There he sits at court with Lesser elven Idols as company.


Most modern tapestries and tomes depict the Arch Heart as an elven being of impossible grace and beauty, androgynous and alluring, framed by long, wavy, golden hair. They were the inspiration for many early elven art pieces, and elements of their visage or symbol are included in most elven architecture.

Holy Day

Corellon's holy day is called Elvendawn, or Midsummer. It is celebrated on the twentieth day of the sixth month, and Commemorates the elves' first emergence from the Feywild. In cities like Esmershys, Isayth, Yer Taurë and Arnfell large festivals with lots of food and wine, games and recollection of myths and stories recent and ancient. The Holy day is celebrated as Midsummer throughout the world. Festivals are set up by communities but none so large as the elven Festivals.
  • Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
  • Follow the echoes of lost magic, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the Arch Heart's first works.
  • Combat the followers of the Spider Queen wherever they may be.

Erathis, The Law Bearer

The inspiration behind many great inventions, the creation of vast cities, and law and order within society, Erathis claims dominion over civilisation. Judges and rulers pay respect at her Temples, which are central structures in many cities across Theraxis. Peace and order through structure and law guides the will of her devout followers. The Law Bearer has a tempestuous romance with Melora the Wild Mother, a furious love that is tempered only when civilisation and nature are in balance. Erathis resides within the glorious divine metropolis of Hestavar, the Bright City. This glowing oasis coasts through the Astral Plane, as the Law bearer watches over the denizens bathed in the endless daytime that illuminates the busy streets.


Erathis is shown in most texts and statues as a hooded, armoured woman sitting atop a trone of pillars. Her face is generally obscured or depicted without expression, giving her presence an impartial yet imposing nature.

Holy Day

The Law Bearer's holy day is Civilisation's Rise, which is celebrated on the autumnal equinonx, usually the twenty-second day of the ninth month. In the Losarian Empire people celebrate by holding feasts and festivities in honor of Irileth the Greater, First empress of Losaria. She was the Champion of Erathis during the Era of Arcane Discovery and she settled in what would become Iropolis after receiving visons form the Law Bearer. The day celebrates the existence of the empire and is usually the day where new emperors are crowned as heir
  • Utilize the company and aid of others. The efforts of the individual often pale against the capabilities of community.
  • Strive to tame the wilds in the name of civilization, and defend the points of light and order against the chaos of darkness.
  • Uphold and revere the spirit of invention. Create new settlements, build where inspiration strikes, and expand the edicts of the Lawbearer.

Ioun, The Knowing Mentor

Revered by seers, sages and teachers of all walks of life, Ioun guided the growth of civilisation throughout the Era of Arcane Discovery like sunlight guides the branches of a tree. Grievously wounded by Tharizdun during the Final conflict at Umbrathal, her following had been hunted during the events of the Eternal Rains. Those who follow the Dark Pact are still hunting those who continue to worship The Knowing Mistress. Her devout now worship in private, spreading knowledge, philosophy, and lore anonymously through traceless channels. Ioun sits among the infinite library that fills the hidden realm of the Endless Atheneum, her celestial servants cataloging all known things as she inspires those who pray for her insight and guidance.


Common representations show The Knowing Mentor as a graying, mature woman with a welcoming, matronly smile, swathed in billowing robes and scarves that fan into books and scrolls. Some colloquially refer to Ioun as the Knowing Mistress, revering her as a headmistress of knowledge among the gods.

Holy Day

Ioun has no public holy day, for her public worship was shattered after the Eternal Rains, and openly admitting to worshipping her is a dangerous practise. Ioun is now seen as a stranger in the Alliance of Dawn, a figure of vague importance. Only in the monastaries and chapters of the Faded Ones/few/brothers has the faith of the Knowing mentor been restored. Intelectuals and professors of the various Universities across Theraxis may worship Ioun but they will likely keep it secret. Bards channel Ioun when they profess tales, myths, and legends.
  • Unmask those who would destroy the Knowing Mentor. Learn their secrets and unveil them to the world.
  • Uphold and teach the importance of reason, perception, and truth in guiding one’s emotions and path.
  • Condemn those who lie without moral cause, for evil folk gain power when their followers obscure the truth. Never stoop to the level of selfish liars.

Kord, The Storm Lord

Where thunder booms and conflict rises, prayers to the Storm Lord are shouted into the maelstrom. Reveling in all tests of strength, Kord blesses those who prove themselves on the battlefield. Worshipped by athletes and warriors all across theraxis, he exalts those whose force of spirit and desire for victory call his attention. He brings tumultuous storms over land and sea, and those who wish for clearer skies offer their praises and prayers to appease him. Kord dwells among the roving settlements and battlefields within the rugged and glorious realm of Ysgard, where struggle, victory, and celebration shape the landscape and those who reside there.


Within his temples, Kord is shown as a quintesential warrior, often nude with a beard and short, curled hair. As the epitome of muscle and strength, most art depicts the Storm Lord in a stance of dominance, and perhhaps wrestling a terrible beast.

Holy Day

Kord's holy day isthe Day of Challenging, which is celebrated on th seventh dat of the second month.. the Day of Challenging isone ofthe most raucous holidays in the city of Muriax, and thousands of spectators attend the annual Contest of Champions held in The Theatre of the Storm, a monumental temple in the name of Kord. There people can support the champions and devout followers of several greater and lesser Deities from both the Upper and Lower planes.
  • Bravery above all. There is no glory in cowardice.
  • Strength is the path to greatness, but greatness is the responsible use of strength.
  • The glory of the Stormlord lives through your glory on the battlefield.

Melora, The Wildmother

The realm of Melora extends to wherever the seas shift and the land grows wild. As the keeper of the wildeness, Melora represents the wild creatures of nature, the rush of the angry rapids, and the heat-heavy stillness of the desert. Elves worship her, as do hunters, druids, sailors who pray for safe passage and orcs. Melora is credited with the creation of the Orcs. The naturalistic nomads who, during the conflict of the gods, were corrupted by Gruumsh. Followers of the Raven Queen also show respect to the Wildmotheras the caretaker of what remains when the Matron of Death's work is done. Those who live deep in the woods and jungles often make offerings to Melora, considering her a collectiveentitiy that represents their ancient nature gods within a singular feminine form. Druids of the Wildmother and Clerics of her lover, The Law Bearer, work together to preserve the balance of nature and civilisation. Eschewing a permanent realm, Melora prefers to wander the Planes to oversee natural life. She is often found among the unearthly beaury of Arvandor's infinite expanse of deep woods, hunting unnatural things that corrupt the wilds. Though she often travels to the fantastical forests of the Feywild, close to the material plane but unable to step through.


Immortalized through wooden reliefs and carved idiols in hidden, overgrown groves and rural shrines, the Wildmother is shown as a beatiful woman with green skin nearly swallowwed by a wild, tangledwreath of hair, leaves, and vines that dwarf her lithe form.

Holy Day

Melora's holy day is Wild's Grandeur, which is celebrated on the vernal equinox, usually the twentieth day of the third month. The people of Mele Ruklon celebrate by celebrating on the beach and holding a feast on the waves. The people of Vildrun decorate their woodland homes in a vast array of lights. Orcs use the beginnig of the day to remember their faults and solemly pray, when dusk hits they erupt into wild feasts honouring their creator.
  • Protect the untamed wilderness from exploitation and destruction.
  • Slay abominations and other mockeries of nature.
  • Embrace and respect that which you cannot control in this world. Exist in harmony with it.

Moradin, The All-Hammer

Moradin is worhipped by smiths, artisans, and miners alike, granting inspiration in  exchange  for  respect andprayer. He shaped the mountains from the chaos of the Primordials, and stands as the patron protector of home and family. The devotion to the All-Hammer is strongest in dwarven communities, and many temples to Moradin mark the center of a mighty dwarven stronghold. Moradin is credited as the creator of all dwarves, he is said to have carved the dwarves from the stone of the Featherstorm mountains, the Rock of the Mithril Isles and the basalt of Vriturith. Dwarves preform pilgramige to the city of Dashingfall as it is seen as the Home of Dwarven civilisation. Moradin lords over the soul forges within the massive tunneled mansion of Erackinor, deep beneath the slopes of Solania on the plane of Celestia. Moradin visits the realm of Nidavellir on the plane of Ysgard.


Many guild halls and workshops contain images of Moradin, a faceless, stout dwarven being of immense strength, hunched ofer flaming heart clasped within his massive hands.

Holy Day

Moradin's holy day is Deep Solace, which is celebrated on the eighteenth day of the fifth month. Especially devout followers of the All-Hammer spend the day in isolation, meditating on teh meaning of family and how they may be better mothers, fathers, siblings, and children. The dwarven community of Dashingfall holds an elaborate feast in the streets of the city. The dwarves of Muriax hold a great hunt, and the best catch is to organise the great feast, there the Great Families of the Mithril Isles Feast untill days end.
  • Remain stoic and tenacious in the face of catastrophe.
  • Uphold and promote loyalty to your family, loyalty to your clan, and loyalty to your people.
  • Legacy is paramount. To create something that lasts is to change the world for the better.

Pelor, The Dawnfather

Pelor rules over sun and summer, his vigil encircling the ages as the keeper of time. As lord of agriculture and harbinger of the harvest, he is worshiped by farmers an dmost common folk, and his priests are welcomed in many lands, Supporter of the needy and destroyer of evil, the Dawnfather is often the patrion of paladins and rangers who follow a similar creed. He is also known for his defeat of the Chained Oblivion and is revered by those who hunt aberrations. Perlor is often found whithin the Fortress of the sun a shinih, golden citadel that brings vibrant life to the limitless orchards of the Blessed fields of Elysium.


Tapestries of old match early texts describing Pelor asa paternal figure insilver and gold armor, his head a beacon of light and fire so bright that his face can barely be seen. Many statues in holy places use the head as a brazier, lit with each dawn and extinguished at dusk.

Holy Day

Pelor's holy day is called Highsummer, and takes place on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. In Alba Highsummer is celebrated by holding a week long contest of athleticism and sport. In the Serine valley of Losaria the fort city of Staerdale holds a festival used to try and enlist people to the military.
  • Be ever vigilant for evil. People are quick to forget the lessons of the past.
  • Help relieve the suffering of the innocent.
  • Deliver the light of the Dawnfather where darkness dwells, and do so with kindness, compassion, and mercy.

Sarenrae, The Everlight

God of atonement and compassion, Sarenrae spreads the message of understanding and optimism in even the darkest of places. She believes that the corrupt can be redeemed, a mindset that led to a betrayal by the Lord of the Nine Hells, who decimated her followers and temples during the Eternal Rains. Her acts were met with mistrust and she is considered as an outsider in the larger pantheon. Sarenrae attracts people seeking redemption for their crimes or faults before they pass to the next stage of existence. Recently her faith has been rediscovered and her temples returned to prominence. The Everlight's followers are often rural healers and community philosophers, offering a voice of reason and empathy in angry  and  cynical times. Sarenrae guides her people from within her temple beside the Island of Renewel, a hidden sanctuary of flame alongside the Blessed Fields of Elysium.


Those who bring the Everlight's words back to the light unearth her image from ruined temples, or create  new art to inspire  others with her message. Sarenrae is represented as a beauriful, strong woman with dark skin and light hair, rising betwixt a set of angelic ivory wings. 
  • Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
  • Aid those who are without guidance. Heal those who are without hope.
  • Those who are beyond redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must be dispatched with swift justice.

Sehanine, The Moonweaver

Sehanine is the god of moonlight and the autumn season, as well as the patron of illusions and misdirection. Widely worshiped in halfling and elven cultures, she is considered to be the deity of love, protecting the trysts of lovers with shadows of her own makingg. Those who work  in darkness and trickery often ask for her blessign. Sehanine is found among the verdant tangles of the realm of Arborea, watching over the elven courts, or wandering among the colorful fields of the Feywild.


The Moonweaver's depictions are as numerous as the myths and stories of her meddling with the unions of mortals. She is  most often painted asa young girl with light blue skin and white hair, her body and limbs merely wavy silk atrands of silver moonlight that caress and create the edges of the shadows around her.

Holy Day

Sehanine has no holy day but is celebrated by the elveson the night of the decade's largest full moon. Elven astronomers tracht the moon's phases andhow it  grows  closer and farther to Theraxis t predict these days with great accuracy. Many haughty elves use this festival as an excuse to be sly and mischievous, while younger elves use costumes and illusions to prank their peers. In the Dawn city of Avga-Potamia during the brightest full moon of the Year, which usually takes place somewhere during the seventh month, the people hold theatre pieces to celebrate the Moonweaver in the Theatre of the Crescent moon. Other cultures usually use this day for  their  own celebrations, other celebrations occur when a full moon coincides with an equinox.
  • Seize your own destiny and pursue your own passions.
  • Let the shadows protect you from the burning light of fanaticism and the absolute darkness of despair.
  • Walk unbridled and untethered, forging new memories and experiences.

The Raven Queen, Matron of Death

Master of the skein of fate and the mistress of winter, the Raven Queen is the god of death. Her gaze follows and marks the ndof each mortal, watching over the border between life and death and ensuring the natural transition is undefiled. Many funerals ask her blessign to protect the deceased from the terrible curse of undeath. Those who study ancient lore believe that the Matron of Death was once mortal herself and is the only known mortal to have ascended to godhood. Her rise instantly obliterated the previous, now-forgotten god of death, and the other gods quickly and fearfully destroyed the secrets to the rites of ascension. The Raven Queen tugs at the threads of fate from her stronghold of  black ice  within the frozen realm of Letherna, nestled in a frigid corner of the Shadowfell.


Few existing visual depictions of the Raven Queen exist; many temples merely use the raven as symbol of her blessing. The few illustrations of her portray a tallm pale woman wrapped in a dangling black linnens, with her face obscured by a white porcelain mask and her onyx-black hair straight and neverending.

Holy Day

The Raven Queen's holy day is called the Night of Ascension, celebrating her apotheosis. The actual date of her rise to divinity is unclear, but the Night of Ascension is celebrated on the thirteenth of the tenth month. The celebrations of the Dead is sacred to all and how the festivities are held is dependent on the racial or familial culture, one family may celebrate in solemn contemplation while the other has a hearthy winter feast. Those who celebrate this night as a wintery festival work pray to survive  the comming cold.
  • Death is the natural end of life. Grieve the fallen, but do not pity them. Exult in the time that they were granted.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully cast-off destiny must be punished.
  • Undeath is an atrocity. Death is too good a punishment for those who pervert the rightful transition of the soul.


Ascension of the Raven Queen A mortal Archmage from Trifora used a ritual to challenge the God of death. The Ritual she used to ascend killed that God in the process. Her rise to Godhood angered and frightened the Gods. She meant no further harm to the Alliance of Dawn and helped them in the Destruction of the Ritual. It is not clear why she challenged the God of death, many speculate that she was a mother who had lost their child and wished to have them back. Many still call her the Mother due to this theory. She took up the visage of a white porcelain mask with raven feathers, this gave her the name The Matron of Ravens


The seat of the gods is Avga Potamia, the City of Dawn, a city on the edge of the Golden Dunes, at the start of the Crystal stream and the Emerald Wilderness. the city is built against ancient mountains, a thick, high, blue wall surrounds the city. the white marble towers and temples adorn the skyline, each of them decorated to best represent their respected patron. The streets are decorated with various plants, statues and fabrics to honour the protectors, the deities or anyone of note to the peoples of Avga Potamia.  

Temple of the Fortune seekers

Located in The Heart, Avandra's sanctuary for the adventurous and bold is a hexagonal building with a dome. Great braziers at the bottoms of each of the eight alabaster columns light up and paint the hall a range of yellows and oranges. The intricate and symmetrical design patterns on the domed ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images and sculptures look down upon the marble floor of this opulent hall. 4 scarlet rugs run down from the centre of the temple and split to encircle the entire hall while forked banners with gilded quilting swing gently from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, a few of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the paintings of legendary creatures and adventurers below them. Massive, stained glass windows depicting Ravindra and her champions are covered by veils coloured the same scarlet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and emblazoned edges. At the centre of this temple stands a golden statue of a woman holding a compass in her hand around her feet a ring of ever-moving water. Many say that taking a sip of this water gives people prophetic dreams or visions of the path ahead.

Platinum Vale

Home to the most devoted followers of Bahamut. The centre of the district is home to the Silver Gods Sanctuary a large temple devoted to the Platinum Dragon. The lower floors of the temple are built with the same blue stone as the city walls, when looking higher the temple continues with the same white marble seen across the city, though with its design.
Silver gods Sanctuary

Cathedral of the Fey

A long, gothic, piqued tower pierces the sky, from the hanging gardens the Cathedral remains to be an important place to the elven people of the world. The halls of the large grey gothic building are lined with art recalling the history of the Era of Arcane Discovery. The dark green roofs tend to get camouflaged with various vines and foliage. Lustrous braziers attached to one side of each of the sixteen granite columns light up most of the throne hall and engulf the hall in a brilliant glimmer. The illustrations of a legendary victory on the layered ceiling dance in the flickering light while gargoyles and statues look down upon the slate floor of this monumental hall.
Cathedral of the Fey

The Heart

The centre of the city is dedicated to Erathis as a testament to civilisation. the sprawling heart of the city is where most of the people reside. The Heart is also home to the temples of Avandra, Ioun, Sarenrae and Pelor. The temple of Erathis is a symmetrical white marble building called The Law Spire. The central tower holds the fires of civilisation at its peak. Massive braziers half enclosing each of the twelve granite columns light up the entire hall and radiate warmth across this hall. The glass of the windows in the sloped ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the maple floor of this ceremonious hall. A violet rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while burgee banners with embellished borders decorate the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, they've all been lit and in turn illuminate the depictions of conquerors and victors below them. Narrow, stained glass windows depicting divine beings are concealed by drapes coloured the same violet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fine patterns and jewels.
Temple of Erathis

Vault of the Third Eye

Library and temple of Ioun, the home of knowledge. Located in the Heart, the Vault is large with several lower towers. the Vault is the home of the Faded ones, a group of monks devoted to preserving the books, scrolls and various other pieces of information in the library. They uphold the promises and commandments of Ioun.
The Vault of the Third Eye

Lightning Forge

District of Kord and dedicated to the training and education of the guards and the military. Narrow braziers attached to one side of each of the sixteen granite columns light up most of the temple hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The carved symmetric patterns on the layered ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and statuettes look down upon the granite floor of this regal hall. A maroon rug splits part of the room in half from the shrine to midway down the hall while pennant banners with burnished tips swing gently from the walls. Between each banner hangs a small chandelier, almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the artistic portrayals of conquerors and victors below them. Slim, coloured glass windows are enclosed by curtains coloured the same maroon as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and silver leaves. A grandiose statue of marble stands within a pagoda of sorts within this hall.

Stone Sanctum

Located in the Lightning forge, the Stone Sanctum is dedicated to Moradin. Slender braziers hanging from one side of each of the ten white columns light up every part of the hall and blanket everything in a warm glow. The thousands of gems on the terraced ceiling dance in the flickering light while stone effigies and gargoyles look down upon the granite floor of this glorious hall. A cobalt rug runs down from the shrine and splits to encircle the entire hall while guidon banners with burnished tufts drape from the walls. Between each banner stands a tall candle, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the statuettes of heroes long gone below them. Thick, washed glass windows are enclosed by drapes coloured the same cobalt as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and jewels. A sublime statue of jade sits atop a tall elevated platform.

The Hanging Gardens

The district is an odd addition to the urban parts of the city around it, the Hanging Gardens is home to those most in touch with nature. Within the district lie the temples of Sehanine and Corellon and in the centre stands the Everspring, a tree larger than any in the world. Melora does not have a temple in the city, for those busy with worship see the Gardens as their temple. The forest was limitless, misty, and thriving. Its canopy was ruled by hazel, junipers, cypresses, chestnut, and hawthorn, who gave just enough light a chance to descent for a motley of fruit-bearing bushes to rule the rich grounds below. The buildings that exist in the area are usually taller than the canopy and breakthrough it. These tall towers are adorned with various climbing and hanging plants giving the area its name.
Hanging gardens

Dawns Calling

Located in The Heart, Dawns Calling is a large white stone cathedral. Humble braziers at the bottoms of each of the ten alabaster columns light up every part of the hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The illustrations of gods on the curved ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures look down upon the maple floor of this monumental hall. A sanguine rug runs in a circle around the room, with two paths at the shrine and the main entrance while ribbon banners with ornate trimmings cover parts of the walls. Between each banner hangs a torch, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the mosaics of divine beings below them. Modest, stained glass windows are neighbored by drapes coloured the same sanguine as to the banners. The curtains have been adorned with emblazoned edges and impressive needlework.

The Phoenix Hall

Great braziers at the bottoms of each of the six sandstone columns light up the lower levels of the temple hall and cover the hall in dancing shadows and a warm radiance. The paintings of angels and starfields on the askew ceiling dance in the flickering light while gryphon like gargoyles and marble icons look down upon the porcelain floor of this imposing hall. A sapphire rug runs down from the throne for a few meters before coming to an end while swallowing tail banners with burnished quilting the walls. Between each banner hangs a small lustre, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the statuettes of conquerors and victors below them. Huge windows are edged by veils coloured the same sapphire as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and jewels.

Temple of the Crescent moon

Within the Hanging Gardens lies an amphitheatre with a stage in the shape of a crescent moon. Here the followers of The Moonweaver perform plays, musical pieces and other theatrical feats. The entire building is a circle with an open ceiling displaying the sky, during full moons where the moon hangs above the centre of the Theatre there are celebrations held. The crescent stage hugs the seats of the theatre, just in front of those is a spot for the musicians to sit.
Small Circular Theatre

The Onyx Sanctuary

Tremendous braziers hanging from one side of each of the twelve obsidian columns light up the lower levels of the hall and engulf everything in a flickering radiance. The tapestries depicting the porcelain mask of the Raven Queen hanging from the rounded ceiling dance in the flickering light while sculptures and statuettes look down upon the grey, almost basalt, floor of this extravagant hall. A malachite rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the shrine while forked banners with ornate quilting swing gently from the walls. Between each banner, many of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the mosaics of folk heroes and legends below them. From the back of the temple rises a gargantuan tower made of black stone. Slim windows are edged by drapes coloured the same malachite as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with fine patterns and gold leaves.

All for the People

Founding Date
Founded after defeating the Primordial Chaos
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Watching, The Prime Deities, Those who protect.


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