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Situated on the mouth of the river Irileth is a strongly fortified city, one of the oldest on the continent of Losaria. The forested hills and tall cliffs surrounding the city protect it from large scale invasions to happen. Its position guards the Cresthold peninsula as its capital. The tall walls surround the city and meets the banks of the river. The city itself is built against the cliffs of Faint Ether, which from afar makes the city grandiose. Founded in -201EAD on the behest of the famed elvish settler Irileth the Greater, the city was established as a beacon of civilization in the otherwise uninhabited north of Losaria. Cabback was established as a city state that would work in close connection with the established empire of Iropolis.   Within recent years, the city of Cabback has become a thriving economic stronghold under the protection of the Therosian Republic. It has turned into the important location for the citizens of the peninsula and the traders who wish to bring their wares deeper into the continent. Cabback is the aorta of trade to and from the rest of Theraxis.


Cabback is the largest city in the Republic, located on the eastern coast, it is Thereus' key to trade with the rest of the world. This has allowed the Gate to the East to become the richest, most diverse and the most populated. 63% of the Cabbasian population is Human, 10% of the population is Elvish, specifically numerous Sea Elves. 6% of the Cabbasians is halfling, 7% of the population is Dwarvish, 14% of the population consists of Gnomes, Dragonborn, Orcs and other “minor” races.


The city is ruled by a Lord-Mayor. The current Lady-Mayor is an elf woman by the name of Caelynn Aeksion. Former head of the Merchant's guild of the city/republic, The Lapis Lords. The merchant's guild is in charge of the city. Most of the politicians have close ties to the Lapis Lords.

Crest of the Lapis Lords
Taxes are low for those who are registered members of the right guilds. A tailor who isn't registered with the Spinners guild has to pay more for fabrics and has to pay more property tax (or commonly called “protection money”).   The city's lords implore the guards of the city to attack and handle the organized crime, namely smuggling operations and secret casino's. The most notorious of organizations are the Nooselings and the Sun Stealers


The centuries old city consists of 5 districts. Each varying in importance, wealth, and population.
  • Blue District, the centre of the city and home to The Sun Tower, a tall fortress that functions as a city hall and centre for government of the city and the Cresthold Peninsula. It is also home to a large Cathedral for the Alliance of Dawn. On the central square is the Pished Priest a tavern usually visited by practitioners of the Faith.
  • Portside, is the beating heart of commerce in the bustling city. As the name implies, Portside is home to the Cresthold Docks the busiest port of the Republic. In the district is the House of Scales, a customs office. On the same square there is the Kraken's Theatre and down the road there is the Inntersection. Lastly there is the Cabassian Library of the Faded Ones.
  • Riverside, the industrial district of the city, is home to many fisheries, workshops, and smithies. The Dockside Fort is the defensive structure made to defend the city from attacks. In the district stands the Spinners Guildhall the headquarters of one of the most powerful guilds in the city. Finally, there is the New Noose a tavern infamous for alleged criminal activity.
  • Lapis Quarter, home of the Rich, powerful and famous, is where the money flows to coming from the trade in Portside. The Jewel of the Quarter is the Hall of the Lapis Lords, the merchant's guild, it is the National headquarters of the guild. Second there is the Aeksion Estate, the home of the current Mayor of Cabback and Liege of the province.
  • Faint Ether, named after the cliffs of the Cabassian plateau, is a largely residential area where the middle to lower classes live. Important to the district is the City University, one of the foremost institutions of education in the Republic. Among the houses there are various taverns and inns, most notably the Scholars' Retreat. Kindrigs Vault is the home of a smaller Magical school that wishes to rival the academy of Trodworth.
Situated on the mouth of the river Irileth is a strongly fortified city, one of the oldest on the continent of Losaria. The forested hills and tall cliffs surrounding the city protect it from large scale invasions to happen. Its position guards the Cresthold peninsula as its capital. The tall walls surround the city and meets the banks of the river. The city itself is built against the cliffs of Faint Ether, which from afar makes the city grandiose. Founded in -201EAD on the behest of the famed elvish settler Irileth the Greater, the city was established as a beacon of civilization in the otherwise uninhabited north of Losaria. Cabback was established as a city state that would work in close connection with the established empire of Iropolis.   Within recent years, the city of Cabback has become a thriving economic stronghold under the protection of the Therosian Republic. It has turned into the important location for the citizens of the peninsula and the traders who wish to bring their wares deeper into the continent. Cabback is the aorta of trade to and from the rest of Theraxis.

Guilds and Factions

Lapis Lords

A traders and merchants guild. Members of their guild are exempt from most of the taxes associated with trade. These discounts also mean that they decide who gets the best spots on the market. Most of the money they make is used for the presentation of the guild, like the House of the Lapis Lords, and the improvement of infrastructure, such as the docks. In the city of Cabback they hold a special position as a separate arm of the local government. The current Mayor, Lady Aeksion, used to be the head of the guild, this position is viewed as the reason for the guilds on hand involvement.   

Spinners Guild

Locally known as the “Clothmakers”, the guild is the local chapter of the larger Spinners Guild. They oversee the industry in the city, and they act in the interest of the Clothmakers.  

The Vault

A guild of Magic users united in their ideas of Arcane Education. They operate out of Kindrigs Vault, a small academy started to be an alternative to the monumental Trodworth academy.  

Criminal Factions

The Nooselings

The notorious crime syndicate with roots all over Losaria, the Nooselings have a grip on the largest share of criminal activity in the Cabassian underworld. Operating out of 2 “guild houses”, namely The New Noose inn and casino, and the Blue Noose, the Nooselings use the Cabassian port to smuggle goods into the continent. However, due to recent crackdowns by the Blue guard there have been rapports that the Nooselings are branching out by operating from Guardpeak or even Tineport in Losaria  

The Sun Stealers

In the last few years a new faction has taken up route in the district of Portside. Some shadier parts of the city have reported seeing various groups of people acting unsavoury or even fight with other groups in the city.


The city was founded around 400 years prior to the Gods' departure and banishment 800 years ago. The city is thus 1200 years old and has had the status as a powerful settlement from the start.   Cabback was founded by Irileth the Greater around 100 years after the Empress settled in Iropolis. She built the Sun Tower, a large castle at the centre of the city, and the Blue District were the first part of the settlement, with a thing but defensible wall around it. A road would run to the banks of the river and there the first docks were built. She designated parts of the city suitable for building expansions. Due to the success of the Portside, people would settle between the walls and the Docks. The Sun tower could defend the small settlement of Portside but not the other homes around the walls of the Blue District.   The city was not established to be a part of the city state of Iropolis but was supposed to be a close ally in the North. After the death and subsequent sanctification of Irileth the cities went their separate ways and would not be tied together for another 300 years.   In the centuries leading up to the Unbalancing, Cabback grew to the point where a new wall had to be built. Growing tensions had proved that the walls of the Blue District couldn't house the entire population of the city state in the event of an attack. Thus, the Lord of the City ordered the construction of a perimeter wall. The city now looked more like the sight we know today.   Several years post Banishment the city states of the Cresthold Peninsula formed a democratic alliance with Cabback as its capital. Few years after that the other city states of northern Losaria had established provinces or kingdoms of their own. They realized that they needed to stand tall and thus united as the First Therosian Republic.   During the Siege of Cabback The city was under heavy attacks for months on end. The city held fast until the Council of the Republic capitulated, after which Cabback was returned under Imperial rule. Isabella of Eraseth, the new Empress, immediately ordered the restoration of the city.

Points of interest

The Sun Tower

The great fortress of Cabback part of the first settlement of Cabback.

Cabbasian Crest. The white and blue evoke the colours of the Republic. The tower refers to the city's position as a fortified power. The Sun refers to Irileth the Greater, who founded the city.
Founding Date
around 400 years pre Banishment
Alternative Name(s)
Gate to the East
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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