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Republic of Thereus

Republic of the North

In The North of Losaria lies Thereus, Named after the ancient city-state, a city of Gnomes and Merfolk started a democracy that would last for the ages. Before the First Therosian Republic was established cities like Heior, Cabback and Whitebreeze were City states who had alliances with some of their neighbours. The Provinces were established in the early days of the Republic as a means of governing the lands between the city states. States that had close ties would form Provinces. Some provinces were already united, however. The Ashen lands were united under the Snowbell Crown, The Riverlands used to be a united kingdom with Sarenth known as Vandrill, the Cresthold has always been allied and Northwind was ruled by Jarls. It was provinces like Greater Trodworth and Thereus that needed to be created.   The Republic is divided into 6 provinces:

Greater Trodworth

The Therosian province located in the south-west of the Republic is named after and known for Trodworth Institute of Magic and Wizardry . The City of Trodworth  is the oldest in the entire Republic, it was built after magical explorers from Esmershys, Umbrathal and Ithil Galad found the location to hold immense magical power. They quickly established the community of Trodworth to study the magical potential. Some cities and settlements came and went but Trodworth remained. In current times it holds the Trodworth Institute, the most prestigious place for arcane learning in all of Losaria. The Province borders Northwind across the Frostcapped peaks and the Province of Thereus to the east.


The Jarldom of Northwind is the frost laden tundra and forests province in the north-west. Its capital is Forgottenfall , the city near the Borg sea along the Windswept Heights. The city is small and Northwind seams unimportant. The Borg sea is vast and eventually flows over into the Eternal Ocean. This means that trade comes to them from the east. However, the mines near Forgottenfall keep the city alive. Trade doesn't flow to the city but from it. Gems, ore and precious magical minerals are mined in the bowls of the Windswept Heights. Forgottenfall either trades by sea or by land through Heior  to the ports of Thereus and even Cabback. The products of also find their way to Trodworth who are in great need of magical minerals, gems, and ores. Apart from these 2 prosperous cities it is a vast empty province home to small communities and villages. The tundra can be dangerous as monsters love the empty space to live in isolation. Due to this, the city of Heior is home to the Brotherhood of the Helix, a monster hunting guild.

Ashen Lands

Also known as the Stonelands, the Ashen lands are the northernmost province. It is mountainous, barren, and covered in ice and snow. Home of Vriturith, citadel of the Duergar, The Ashen Lands are located in The Frost. Vriturith is the dark and enormous home of the Ashen Dwarves. In the carved halls of the massive volcano the Duergar society work on the arms and weapons of the Republic. This is due to the ore found in the mountains, it is described as some of the best iron in the world. The Duergar trade these products through the only port on the island, a small village that looks on to the Thundering Gulf. The lands stretch further than maps depict. However, the Frost is unclaimed and dangerous, it stretches across the entire North Pole and is home to the white greatwyrm known as Urrig, The Frost King. The Duergar are currently ruled by Lord Krasaeg Forgehold, who wears the Snowbell Crown.


central and largest province is the capital province of Thereus, one of the provinces created from several city states, the province is split in two by the Gray mountains. The capital of the Republic, the former city state of Thereus , lies west of the mountains on the coast of Stormtide Bay. The city was founded by refugees from Vildrun, Trodworth and Vandrill. The city was instrumental in founding the First and Second Therosian Republic, its central location allows for easy defence and reach. In the early years of the First Republic the city grew substantially. It is a hub for trade and politics rivalled in splendour only by Cabback. The Province is roving hills and lush forests the mountains reach tall and roads line the slopes as they lead to cities on the coast. Those who wish to cross the mountains safely must cross the Pass at Gambadhir, a Dwarvish city that watches the pass. Formerly a city state for hill dwarves, they now form a funnel for trade from east to west and back again. This has allowed the city to flourish. Trekking east takes us to Ravenslight , built on the coast of Lake Fengari. The city was traditionally a Silver elf kingdom, but after the creation of the First Republic they have opened up more. Ravenslight is the city with a largely Elvish population. The city is ancient but their closed of nature has left their growth stagnant. Followers of Corellon trek to the city due to the religious importance of Lake Fengari.

The Riverlands

Bordering the Losarian Empire lie the Riverlands. The formerly Human Kingdom of Vandrill was sundered during the Unbalancing. While Sarenth, their neighbour across the river Irileth, regrouped and united as a new Kingdom, The Riverlands were left splintered. The largest city state, Tullagar, was left in ruin and changed to become Whitebreeze . The city is built on the spring of the River Irileth and has made a substantial recovery, though its former glory it might never retain. The Riverlands are tame, rolling hills are dotted with small villages of humans, gnomes and halflings. Lush grasslands and some dense forests stretch across the land. The scars of Vandrill still dot the land most notably the cities left behind. South-west of Whitebreeze stands Twinebreach, a tinkerers city home to the smartest minds of the Gnomish community. The lands north of Twinebreach  is marked by farmland and small agricultural villages around the Grigora River. The Riverlands are the breadbasket of the Republic.

Cresthold Peninsula

The economic heartland of the Republic, the Peninsula is the rugged forested home of the richest city in the Republic, Cabback. The coast of the southern arm is marked by the Cliffs of Faint Ether, the cliffs flow into the Cabbasian Plateau. The plateau is the mountains on the east coast that flow in the peninsula and north-eastern coast of the Serine Valley. The capital of the Province is Cabback situated on the mouth of the Irileth River. The city has seen its fair share of wars, conflicts, and sieges. Cabback is coveted for its strategic position and economic value. In the north of the province lies Guardpeak, home of the naval academy. Almost half of the city is built on the water with canals running through the city. Guardpeak is protected by a sea wall. The peninsula was rocked by savage attacks from an unknown organization little over a century ago.


The Republic is governed by a council of representatives called the 13 of Thereus. Members of the council represent either one of 6 topics or attend the council in the name of their Liege Lord and the Province they hail from. For example, the representative for the Cresthold Peninsula is an ambassador for Caelynn Aeksion, the Lady-Mayor of Cabback and Liege of the Peninsula.  6 of the 13 will represent the following and rule in the position of Master:
  1. Master of Coin, who lords over the financial matters of the Republic. The position is currently held by Lord Brandon Silverpelt of Baywharf from the province of Cresthold. (Merfolk)
  2. Master of Arms, who commands the army and navy. The role of Master of Arms is played by the veteran General Kilmon Shattercoat from the Ashen lands of Vriturith (dwarf)
  3. Master of Arcana, who is in charge with monitoring and maintaining the magical balance of the realm. The position of Master of Arcana is filled by former headmistress of Trodworth Elia Teaspring. (halfling)
  4. Master of Produce, who oversees the cultivation of crops and resources, and the advancements in the fields of architecture, engineering and enchanting. This position is currently filled by James Faedric from the Riverlands. (human)
  5. Master of the Interior, who functions as the keeper of the Laws, the judiciary body and the observer of internal politics. The Therosian High Judge Tralith Turnuroth (white dragonborn) serves as the current Master of the Interior.
  6. Master of the Foreign, who is in charge with maintaining the diplomatic ties across Theraxis. Lady Graminn Vildain from Heior (Goblin) fills the seat of the Master of the Foreign.
These positions were assigned by the High Lord and the 6 ambassadors.    The High Lord is chosen by the Liege Lords of each province. How a Liege lord comes to power depends on the province's laws, Northwind, Vriturith and the Riverlands have hereditary Liege Lords. The others work with some form of election, Cresthold votes among the Lords of the Province and in the province of Thereus the people have a vote in who becomes the Liege Lord.    The term of High Lord lasts for five years, after which the Liege Lords convene in the Pearlhall to discuss and elect the new High Lord.


During the Era of Arcane Discovery

Founded 65 years before the Division, The city of Thereus was established by elves and Gnomes who left Vildrun due to the corruption of Umrathal. The city-state remained closed during the Cataclysm refusing to harbour others who did not come from within the walls. These peoples would go south and settle in different places, notably, Etherfall in Northwind, Cabback on the Cresthold Peninsula and turned to pre-existing city-states like Dellophia and Iropolis. Several years after the Gods left the material plane the leaders of the North gathered in the Thereus. This gathering, on the 28th of Duscar 15 PD, would mark the first time in history where the Council of Thereus was held. During these discussions, it was established that, due to its central location, the City of Thereus would become the capital of this new Republic. The provinces of the Council had feared the presence of the Dark Pact in Umrathal and made that their sole reason to work together for protection. The initial council was the idea of the Mages of Trodworth, Forgottenfall was in decay after their part in the banishment of the Gods. The influence of democracy would spread through the land north of the river Irileth to the provinces of Northwind, the Ashen lands, The Riverlands, Forgottenfall and the Cresthold Peninsula. The six provinces saw promise in working together, and it made relocating new inhabitants easier. The Goblikes were new, the First Master of arcana, Birthoy Vlotim, noted that these creatures were mostly misunderstood and through the guidance of Ioun and Corellon decided that accepting them into society would be the quickest path to healing.  

Isabella's conquest

134 years after the Alliance of Dawn locked themselves behind the Devine Gate south of the River Irileth, Isabella of House Eraseth, newly crowned Empress of Iropolis was on her way to conquering the entire continent. Having seen a taste of what the Empress is capable of at the Battle for the Southern Hold near Dellophia, the people of Thereus started to prepare for war. Isabella leaves Iropolis with The Legion of Irileth The Lords of Thereus ordered their armies to gather in Cabback, the Republic's largest city, near the border to Losaria. The Port city at the mouth of river Irileth was deemed a suitable place for keeping the growing Empire at bay. After a lengthy siege at the city walls and on the banks of the river. The council was convinced to abandon the war effort by the Empress under the condition that they could serve as a separate council.  

Therosian Uprising

649 PD 26th of Fessuran, On this day, the council of 12 has convened in the Pearhall and have unanimously denounced heir apparent Aramis Tissareth I's ascent to the throne of the Losarian Empire. 1 week after the defiant act, Lady Orla Figglebaum and her 11 colleagues are taken from the Pearlhall to the Townsquare that meets the water in the harbour. In the open-air Counsellor, Darsar Greatstar sets up a trial. A trial is a long event that lasts 2 days and is described as a giant smear campaign. Every council member is painted as a terrible person. Lady Figglebaum was sentenced to death on charges of treason against the crown, conspiracy to rebel, conspiracy to commit murder and following a non-empire sanctioned deity. The Eleven members were given the choice of method of execution, a painful poison, firing squad or hanging. Military leader Oberin Krass was forced to take the method of hanging. During the ensuing war, a noose became a symbol of mocking. Figglebaum was shackled and kept awake for 24 hours, her colleagues dropped at her feet one by one, dead. Afterwards, at sundown, she was taken to the end of the docks and beheaded.  

Cresthold raids

The ensuing war would result in a stalemate, the border of the Empire was drawn upon the river Irileth. Bridges becomming fortified points of interest. The Border curves off a few kilometres before Dellophia into the Gray mountains and to the bay of Trodworth. Patrol of the border in the Gray Mountains is diminished, but there is one mountainpass that acts as a buffer zone. In this pass 2 gates hold people from travelling to and from Vildrun through the Gray mountains.   In 703PD the Cresthold Peninsula was shaken by an attack, the shores fell victim to raids by roving bandits wearing the Auralian Raven. The Council lay blame at the feet of the Empire in Greador, believing the Empire is trying to make a colony out of the peninsula. The Empire denied any involvement with these attacks, claiming that any unlawful use of the Auralian Raven is punishable by death. The Cresthold Councillors demand justice for their fallen and prepare their navy for Therosian retribution upon the western Greadorian coast. The navy meets a blockade in the middle of the Auralian ocean and a battle ensues. Most ships on either side are destroyed. Those responsible for the attacks were never found.

Demography and Population

The Republic of Thereus is home to the common races of Dungeons and Dragons. Unlike the empire, the goblikes have less issue with living in the North, as they've grown more accepting over the years.

Freedom of the Voice


Map of the Republic of Thereus

Founding Date
27th of Quen'pillar 649 PD
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Blue Democracy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
There is no special currency, there may be separate coins that are distinctly Myrtosian over Therosian of Greadorian. However, most merchants operate on a "coin is coin" bases
Legislative Body
Laws are written by the Master of the Interior and are approved by the Council of Thereus. The Master signs off on various amendments, rulings, and requests. Other council members can provide ideas and come forth with proposals but the seal of the Master and the High Lord needs to be on a document to have legal standing.
Judicial Body
The Master of the Interior is the Prime Judge of the Realm. The judges of the realm come from various academies and universities.
Executive Body
The guards of the various cities are hired by the republic to serve as the protectors of the realm. Their ultimate leader is the Master of Arms. Though they will follow the orders of the Master of the Interior.
Official State Religion


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