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The city is ruled by the Baron, an elected monarch. The Baron is chosen among the rich and powerful of the City. Barons of Kethas rule the city, and the Island state as a whole. The current Baron of Kethas is the enigmatic inventer by the name Oliver Pendul.


Windpeak Towers

The crown jewel of the city are the Windpeak Towers, a magnificent, large fortress made up of three citadels and numerous other buildings. The Towers were built at the command of the Losarian emperor for the purpose of the militarization of the Island nation. The walls and halls of the Towers are built with the rock and stone from Windpeak mountain, which was carved down. The city walls are built using the same stone and some from the Dwarven city of Khurdagh. The Citadels were built at the same time or in quick succession and were a feat of engineering. The building of the towers lasted 11 years, during which the Waveside harbour was constructed and the people of the Island built the rest of the city.

Flamespire, beacon of the harbour

Built upon an island of jutting rock just off the coast of the cliffs, the Flamespire is a tall lighthouse guiding the ships of trade to the Waveside. The base is square, and rises to meet the top of the cliff. The roof of the base is connected to the ground floor of the inner grounds by a large stone bridge. From the roof of the base, the actual spire rises to shine its light. Large and cylindrical, it matches the rigid architectural style of the Dwarves and the simplistic and natural style of the Orcs.

Four Spires, Keep of the city

Tallest of the city, towering over Kethas like Windpeak mountain once did, the Four Spires is the seat of the ruling council of Kethassia. A monumental keep that serves the many governmental needs of the city. Within the halls, councils convene, laws are signed and judgement is passed. Its name hails from the large central tower and its four spires at each corner. Most of the Lords of the council live in the Four Spires.  

Wolvesly Citadel, Home of the Baron

Built in the name of the First Baron of Kethas, Wolvesly Citadel is built as the home of the elected ruler of the island. Built to be a home, it is consists of 2 wings that are joined at the front by “the Gatehouse” and by the Khurdagh Ballroom at the back. Sandwiched between all of it is a courtyard.

The Chained Pillar, Ghostly Hall of Justice

Where the cliff recedes into the harbour of Waveside stands a magnificent prison. Built to house the criminals who have broken the laws Kethassia or the Highborn treaty. The Pillar is not without its own dark history, it was built to be intimidating, its stone is darker than the rest. Many died building the prison. Most think it is haunted, they cannot distinguish the screams of agony of the prisoners from the wails of ghosts roaming the halls. There are also those who believe the structure was meant to cover up an enormous cave system, they fear the caves are filled with horrors unimaginable. Whatever you may believe about the Chained Pillar, it is one of the most effective prisons in the world.   


Built on the gravel beach, Waveside was one of the first solid stone parts of the city to finish construction. The harbour allows for trade and quick military mobilization. During the construction of the Windpeak Towers, Waveside was instrumental for the quick construction of the citadels. 


Storrad Hill

Home of the Moonhouse, the Theatre Grounds and a part of the Crossroads market. The mostly residential, Storrad hill, is built on the slopes of the Windpeak cliffs. The Moonhouse, at the north-side of the city, is a temple to Sehanine. The building is home to the priests of the Moonweaver and is seen as an important holy site. The islands just off the coast of Waveside have many legends and myths about them some are about Sehanine and her worship. The Theatre grounds are a square and marketplace dedicated to the Arts and is home to the large Silverlight Opera house. The sides of the square are lined with shops, catering to the magically savvy or those interested in the Elemental Arts.


In the north-east of the city is the largely residential area known as Stonehorn. Located in the district is Wild Tusk Cathedral, The Rowdy Raven and Market Point in. On the road leading out of the city near Storrad Gate is Wild Tusk Cathedral, a modest temple built in honour of the Wildmother. The Cathedral honours the Orcs' intrinsic connection with Melora, seeing as the Goddess of nature is the creator of the Orcish race. Near the Eatern gate stands the tavern and in named The Rowdy Raven, which is helmed by a very talkative Kenku. The owner and proprietor of The Rowdy Raven used to be a seasoned adventurer with the Gold Cloaks. Lastly there is the Market Point Inn on the Crossroads. The market at the centre of the city is home to the trade that finds its way from the Thundering Gulf and the Bay of Isles. One of the most successful enterprises on the Crossroads is the Market Point inn. 


On the south side of Kethas is the district of Tuskmont. Home of the Waveside Docks, the Temple oforder, Swordside Fort, the Ale house and Flamerite Tavern, the district is the biggest and most populated. The Temple of Order is the final holy site in the city, dedicated to Erathis. At the centre of the city is Swordside, the fortress of the mercenary guild, also known as The Gold Cloaks. The Fortress at the centre of the city is the home and training ground for the guild's Losarian branch. The Keep holds rooms and a large gathering hall, outside is a training ground for the education of new members. The Swordside Fort used to be an asset of the Losarian military. Down the street from Swordside is the Ale House, a tavern which is frequented by sailors and adventurers who come to Kethassia. Across the square from the Ale House is Flamerite Tavern.
Founding Date
530 AB 7th of Duscar
Alternative Name(s)
The Carved City,
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Kethassians / Thassians
Owning Organization


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