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Rabenturm is a mostly human capital to a diverse empire. 80% of the city's residents consists of humans, most of the province of Mynshall is inhabited by humans. 9% of the population is dwarvish. 6% of the city is elvish. 5% of the city is composed of other races, namely halflings, gnomes, etc.   The status of Rabenturm as a capital informs the purpose of the people that live in the city.


The internal politics of the city are managed by the Lord-Mayor. They are supported by a small council of Masters. There are the positions of Commander of the city guard, Dock master and a secretary. Matters like coin and the interpretation of the law are kept by the Emperor's advisers on those matters. The Supreme Judge of the realm gives commands to the commander of the city watch. Each financial matter is discussed with the Master of coin.


Rabenturm is one of the largest cities in the World. Located at the centre of the sprawling Greadorian Empire on the banks of the Brightware loch lie the 8 boroughs of the Imperial city, divided into the Inner – and Outer City by a wall and hillside. The city is marred by its history and its existence stands as a testament of the rise of people in a civilisation and the capacity for cooperation. In the following section we will pass through the city and discuss what makes each borough stand out by means of landmarks, history or culture.

Inner City

Old Town

Cresting the hill a large palace rises above the city as Dawnton Palace takes it seat as the home of the Emperor. The magnificent palace sits at the centre of the Old city at the southern edge of the borough of Old Town. As one of the oldest parts of the city it now functions as the seat of power, riches, and government. Along the large square dotted with stalls stand the great buildings of the Sept of the Settler and the Greatvale Palladium. The Sept of the Settler is a large Cathedral dedicated to the worship of Erathis, The Lawbearer. As new Emperors rise to power they are crowned in the halls of the Sept. Across from there is the Greatvale Palladium, an in comparison modest estate in use by the High council of the Emperor. It is home to the Steward of Mynshall, the right hand of the Emperor, and is where cabinet and council gathers to discuss matters of state. From the back of the Palladium to the inner walls lies the Long Stretch, a wide mercantile street. Along this street stand the temples to Bahamut and Moradin. On the eastern side of the borough stand the Saints University, The Gardens, and St Oliven's Lawn.  

Gold Quarter

On the east side meeting the Brightware Loch lies the Gold Quarter, where the traders of the city gather. Ships from Richterswil dock at the Brightware docks across the shore, but the most important dock at the Gold quarter. The borough is home to the Palace of Trade, which is the guild house for the merchants' guild. The Palace is an ornately decorated hall situated on the docks along a wide road leading up the hill to Dawnton. Most of the borough houses lavish trade posts catering to the elite of the city, other buildings include storerooms, alehouses, and lodging.


West of the Gold Quarter lies the coastal Cleararch, this quaint borough used to be a village situated to the southwest from Brightware Castle. The village was the castle's gate to trade from the clear waters of the Loch, thus Cleararch. Over the years as the Old town of Rabenturm began to settle, the village was merged and turned into the labour intense heart of the burgeoning city. In current times Cleararch has blossomed to the centre for arts and labour in the city. Some of the finest jewellers, tailors and other craftsmen consider Cleararch home. The borough is home to the Temple of Corellon, used in the worship of the Arch-heart and their domain of the Arts. Lastly near the gates of the inner walls is a chapter of the Faded Libraries. The central position of Rabenturm allows the monastic order to operate quickly.

Outer Ring


For some contrast, the “Forgotten borough” or the “Bastard son of the Capital” is located, as the name infers, in the east of the city. Eastway meets the water but the only ships that will dock there are fishermen. Eastway is home to the poorer denizens of the city. It is where most go when they can't afford to stay anywhere else. Land is owned by local benefactors and so rent is kept low. In the borough you can find any connecting point to the criminal underbelly of the city, if you know where to look ofcourse. Most would not recommend seeking accommodation in Eastway but for those who need it search for The Crook and the Treasure, Ironwalk, and Hangmans' End.


Going north to the Great East Gate lies the borough of Longspring, rising from the slopes and hillside are the large towers of the largely residential neighbourhood. Centre point of the borough is the imposing Fort Auralius, a large stone keep surrounded by strong walls. The fort used to be the home of delegates from the Tiverwin valley in the time of the Grihan Dominion. Now a garrison of loyal soldiers dwell in the space. These soldiers can be called upon in the event of an attack or siege. Fort Auralius is the largest of spaces in the city where soldiers are garrisoned, apart from the guards of the Royal Palace. On the southern edge of the borough towering over the homes of both Longspring and Eastway is the Palace of Faith, a monument to religion and a site for burial. The Palace of Faith caters to all gods who do not have dedicated temples in the city, members of the clergy and the monastery have taken residence there. In the north-west of the borough lies the Wide Market which it shares with North Town. The market is the largest hub of commerce in the capital and houses wares from all over the Empire, the continent and beyond. The people of Longspring are hard-working and devoted, they might run businesses across the city or in the borough itself. Those who seek a night's rest can find it in some Inns of Longspring. Among them are: The Dozy Hen, Grippers glove, and The Black hound.


As the name suggests, you have entered the north of Rabenturm, the affluent and well off borough where the lavishness of the Gold quarter settles in the Outer Ring. Northtown's streets are wide and clean, the houses and businesses are fair and lavish, and the residents enjoy the riches that the capital has to offer. You won't find many traditional manor houses here, as you would in cities like Thereus or Iropolis, you will find buildings home to one household unlike the tenements of Longspring. However, there is one estate built on a large swath of land, Redwyne Manor. The Redwyne Estate is the home to one of the most afluent and influential families in the empire. Their trade spans from the slopes of the Featherstorm to the coasts near Wineport. From their successes they were able to create a magnificent manor. On the estate's grounds here is the Library of Ethel Redywne, one of the former ladies of the house. She sponsored education in the capital and established the library for such purposes. The Library opens up into the Wide Market and is neighbour to the guild house of the Smiths' Guild.


Located next to the Northern gate, dubbed the Sun Gate, the borough is largely residential and houses many of the regular folk who inhabit the city. Many of the denizens live under the Sun's grace Cathedral, a large church dedicated to one of the empires' Patron deities, Pelor. In the borough stands a fort and monastery known officially as Faiths' wall, but locals dub it Monk Manor. It is home to the zealous order of the Brotherhood of Light, or the Light for short. Their presence in the borough is contentious as most residents fear violence at the hands of zealous followers for not following the light as much as they could. however the officials of the city are in the good graces of these orders (As The Light is not the only order in Mynshall). The Light has a grip on Sungate that many would like to see loosened.


On the westernmost shore lies the fishermen borough of Bluewharf. Trading vessels find the port in Cleararch and the Gold quarter, thus fishermen find the docks of Bluewharf. The criminal underbelly of the Capital takes advantage of this fact to smuggle in goods from Richterswil to Rabenturm by way of the borough.
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