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Auralian Empire

Land of the Golden Bears

Empire of the Black Raven. High Kingdom of Greador, west of the Featherstorm mountains. The Empire encompasses the Lands of Mynshall, the Tiverwin valley, Yer Taurë, Arnfell, Featherstorm and the Brightware Vale.



Around 400 years after the city of Zorath was founded, Dawn elves from the fey forest of Arnfell travel south to explore the continent beyond the woods. They come across a hillside of ancient flat mountains where an obelisk of pure arcane energy stands. The exploring elves decide to settle here and establish the City of Trifora, a commune built around the obelisk and the subsequent Arcane academy that came after. It was later realized that the obelisk was pulsing with dunamantic energy, the arcane pulses were replicated into other obelisks around Trifora and the city was raised to float above the ground, able to travel across the continent.

Trifora after it was raised floating over the Tiverwin valley


Around 350 years before the Division, the Elves establish the city of Avondford. The city on the maw of the Brightware Channel is meant to be a fixed home and landing ground for any who wish to attend or settle in Trifora. From the newly established port missionaries are sent across the Auralian ocean to Losaria and across Thassa's Straight to Achra-Zarkan, as they spread the word that the continent of Greador was open to the people. Humanoid creatures from far and wide came to Greador after invitations from the Dawn elves of Trifora to join them at the magical academy. The port grows to a substantial size, growth is stagnated as the city becomes a funnel destination for people wanting to attend Trifora.  

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    The Hubris of Trifora had grown too great for their own good. The Gods had put aside their differences and cast Gliwandir, Trifora's close ally, out of the sky. Fearing the same fate the Archmages of Trifora agreed to stand down and ground their city back into the hillside they once came from. After this decision movement to the city of Avonford was halted and all traffic now focussed on sustaining life for the peoples that settles further inland. After Trifora was forced to stand down power over the continent returned to the various factions. Humans that came from Achra-Zarkan and Losaria had established certain settlements like Brightware Castle and Valenstadt.  

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To the south of the continent bordering the Achran Waves, people from Achra-Zarkan fled in fear of the growing Dark Pact threat to the Achran cities. The people fled en masse from Zorath, Thassa and Zarkan. The rough waves of the Straight took many lives and most ships never reached the shores across. People were trying to reach Avondford as it is one of the few pieces of civilization in Greador. Until a ship landed on the southern shores under the lead of dwarven explorer Johannes Kirduff. They built a general hall out of the ship they landed with and named it Kirduff Run.

Achran ship sailing to Greador

ᚳᚪᛏᚪᚳᛚᛁᛋᛘ – Aftermath

The fleeing Achrans were correct to assume the Greadorian continent would remain relatively unscathed during the conflict of the Gods. Apart from skirmishes and sieges. No major battles were fought on the continent. The Drow of the howling fields retreated from their dark fortress of Gawad Mindon, the Howling Tower, over the Purple mountains and imposed a generational exile in Wesdetria. Orcs were foreign to the continent, thus most of the orcs that lived on the continent lived along the coast and served the sea. Goblikes either remained in the wilderness or reluctantly joined civilization.

Gawad Mindon, on the Everdark plains, Keep of the Dark Pact

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  The year is 30 Post Division, during the cataclysm, the conflict of the Gods, skirmishes between Goblikes and Dwarves thinned the Dwarvish population along the Featherstorm Mountains. After Ioun gifted the 'monstrous' races their own minds and thoughts, the skirmishes stopped most of the Goblikes trekking westward away from the mountains. In the aftermath, clerics of Moradin the all-hammer receive visions of a waterfall and a sigil of strong divine connection. Devout believers, the dwarves answer and trek towards it. At the prophesied location, an ancient monument of the crafting God, the dwarves ban together forming the city of Dashingfall (ᛞᚪᛋᚻᛁᛝᚠᚪᛚᛚ)

Dashingfall Jewel of the Featherstorm

Yer Taurë

  Northwest fo Dashingfall lies a lush thick forest, its name lost to time but colloquially known as the Old Forest, like The Wilds of Vildrun it is the location of a portal to the Feywild, it is home to the Wood-elves of Greador. During the Cataclysm, out of fear of elven persecution from the Dark pact, Corellon asked the leaders of the various elven communities to return to the Feywild and wait until the conflict was over. They returned around the year 50 Post Division rebuilding their forces in a changing world.

Yer Taurë - Elven city lost to time


  It is the second major elvish forest, located on the western tip of the continent and inhabited by the Dawn elves. During the Era of Arcane Discovery, an offshoot of the mages from Arnfell left the woods to explore the continent, and they founded the magical academy of Trifora. Arnfells sheltered nature caused it to survive the Cataclysm and made it grow to a powerful stronghold in the west. Their powerful position allowed them to take over the lands of Trifora, Arnfell and other cities and lands up to the Brightware loch, the humans of the castle there declined the elven influence. The elven strength would prove fruitful and vital in protecting them from the effects of the Dominance wars. Arnfell ruled over Western Greador as an overseeing force until the Auralius Family ascended the throne in Rabenturm.


Cascading rivers, dramatic rock formations and steep, magnificent mountains are just a sliver of the beauty the continent has to offer, which is why the country is treasured among foreigners. The people of Greador are generous towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with warmth and kindness. They feel foreigners could help the country's well-being. Greadorian governments have hard laws and law enforcement, which is to be expected. The people are restful due to prosperous trade, thanks to inherited lands.

Auralian Empire

The Empire is divided into 6 provinces; Arnfell, Tiverwin Valley, Brightware Valley, Yer Taurë, Featherstorm and Mynshall.

Greadorian castle on a misty day, small keeps and castles are a common sight in the Greadorian landscape. Many sit atop the old mountains being a beacon of civilization upon the eroded forested landscape.


In the north-west of the continent, Arnfell is the smallest of the Greadorian provinces. It lies fairly isolated, being separated by the Arnish sea to the east and the Arnish Alps to the south. The Capital is Arnfell, the ancient elvish city, home of the Dawn elves. Arnfell is ancient and the location where the Western Greadorian elves came from the Feywild to the Prime material plane. The second most important city is Emberhollow, which is home to the Silver elves. Which is an island located in the Arnish Sea. There are several smaller settlements around the province.

Among the forests the elves call home they built many houses and places of worship, their intrinsic connection to the nature around them makes them the perfect guardians for the woods, the critters, and the secrets that live among them.

Tiverwin valley

Tiverwin is located on the western coast on the Auralilan Ocean. It is separated from Mynshall and Arnfell by the Arnish Alps, and from the Brightware vale by the Quiet Peaks. The capital of the Province is Avonford, located on the point where the Tiverwin River flows into the ocean. Avonford is the historic centre of trade to the Great Gold alliance and the Empire as a whole. It was founded by human settlers who during the Era of Arcane Discovery. The city existed in service of Trifora the floating city of magical prowess. Trifora in turn was one of the major players during the EAD. Founded on the location of strange magical energy, the city became the continent's centre for magical power. However, after their hubris grew too great and their ally of Gliwandir was struck from the skies, Trifora fell in line and remained docile. This allowed Arnfell and Avonford to become more powerful. At the heart of the valley lies Mongrum, a halfling city at the heart of a farming centre. Mongrum is among the most powerful cities as it has outgrown its halfling status. In the south of the province on the slopes of the Quiet peaks is Wineport. A smaller harbour city known for its wine production. The main export of the city is the coveted alcoholic beverage, and they have thus the city is known for its production of drinks over all.

The red trees and orange grasses seem like a scar left from Trifora's influence on the Arcane energies of the area. To others, the scenery is a welcome sight, a sign of proof that home can be a magical place. The Tiverwin valley is home to the Trifora Academy for the arcane and some other towns.

Brightware vale

The largest, yet most empty, province of the Empire. The name “Brightware Vale” only describes the valley west of the Wolfrock Bluffs. The valley is where the Large loch of the same name is located. On the banks of the loch stands Richterswil, friend of the capital. Richterswil is the city most important for getting goods to and from the capital. The city is where trade from Kirduff Run and Galmarstadt flows to Rabenturm. Kirduff Run in its own right is a city steeped in history, It is centuries old as it was the spot where the Achrans fleeing from the conflict in Achra-Zarkan settled. It is now the foremost location for traders from the desert continent to dock their ships. After the colonization of Zorath, the city was established as essential for upholding a quick line of trade. Galmarstadt, established by Dwarves from the Featherstorm mountains, lies where the river Galmar splits in two. The city was built by Dwarvish refugees fleeing from the Dominance wars circa 282 AB. It has risen to a key location for military training and control of the lands to the east. In the lands to the east and north-east of the city tribes of Goliaths, Goblins and Giants roam. Important to mention is Appleview, another vital city for agriculture. The city is popular with small folk, Gnomes, Halflings and Goblins for example. Where Wineport is known for its alcohol, the best cider and mead in the realm is reportedly made in Appleview. Lastly it is critical to mention Starcliff. The city on the Glowing Peninsula is significant to Elvish culture and to the followers of Corellon. It is home to a mostly elvish, both Silver, Wood and Dawn elves, society.

The woods around the Brightware Channel are thick and old. Many scouting parties were lost to the secrets of the wood. These disappearances are credited with being the rasing further settling in Greador was considered difficult. Many attribute these disappearances to Goblins or cults.

Yer Taurë

Also known as the Province of the Old Forest, is the Northernmost province, its border lies on the Iëdar River. It is the least populated home to only two cities of note. The province is heavily forested, evoking scenery of the Feywild. The City of Yer Taurë is flanked by the Western Highlands. The city is home to the high society of the Dawn elves, this society is less integrated as the Elves of Arnfell. The inhabitants are secretive and keep to themselves. The only other settlement lies on the only traversable road in the province and is used by the Yer Taurë aristocracy to monitor those who wish to visit them. The Old Forest once tried to take over Featherstorm and parts of Mynshall.


The capital province of the Empire, was established as the home of empires and dominions after the Grihan Family of Brightware castle uses the political vacuum post-Dominance wars to create a Dominion. They build Rabenturm around their castle to function as their capital. Rabenturm is built on the banks of the Brightware Loch and has grown to being one of the largest cities in the world. Second to Rabenturm in Valenstadt on the Iëdra Delta. Valenstadt is one of the Oldest human cities in the empire, comparative in age to the cities of Cabback or Dellophia. The city is stagnant but prosperous, it thrives on fishing in the Frost and the Arnish sea and mining from the Western Highlands. Mynshall is dense on human settlements. During the Dominance wars, the province was the home of the various Human Clans who fought for power.


The bastion of Dwarvish society, Featherstorm is marked by mountains and rough terrain. The Province used to be one of the most powerful kingdoms in the continent, having risen to prominence after Dwarves settled at Dashingfall in the first generations post-Unbalancing. They grew and reigned for 230 years before the start of the Dominance wars. During this period they would expand on the power of Dashingfall and build several cities for strategic value. Dashingfall is a city built into the mountains. The city goes deep into the stone, and only the elders of the city know how far their tunnels and halls go. One of the cities built before the Dominance wars was Drakefall, which lies on the border with Mynshall. The city was built on the location said to be where the red dragon Dorrilth the Foul was slain by a champion of Moradin during the Unbalancing.

United we stand, United we Conquer

Founding Date
509 AB on the 13th of Mithusar
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Auralian, Greadorian
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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