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Celestial changes

Celestial / Cosmic

Under 200 years pre Unbalancing

Celestial solstices happen all the time on Theraxis. But during this one, the borders between the spheres brought intelligent life from all over the multiverse into Theraxis. The elemental magics of the inner planes created the Genasi, humanoids created from the elementals of their home plane, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Due to the thin veil between the Higher and Lower planes, the magics allowed the Angels and Fiends of the multiverse to create tieflings and Aasimar.

A Celestial event, helmed by a giant solar eclipse, brings new races to Theraxis.   Portals to the Feywild cause, Fauns, Satyrs, Centaurs and Antrapamorphic creatures to come to the continents. These creatures are unsure where they landed and take time to adjust to their new living arrangements.   During the height of the solar eclipse, many women wake up pregnant and ready for labour when they weren't the day before. This marks the birth of the first Tieflings in Theraxis, some give their child away to orphanages and religious institutions.   Forces from the elemental plane cause elementals to appear in several places. The chaotic elemental forces create the first of the Genasi

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