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History of Theraxis

Era of Arcane Discovery

  • Early Era of Arcane Discovery
    Founding of Zorath
  • Around 1100 years pre Banishment
    The Dragons of the Coloured Wind start their alliance
    Gathering / Conference

    Dragons have roamed the lands as long if not longer than the humanoid races have, always at the command of their Devine parentage. 10 years after the founding of Zorath The scaled tyrant has now asked the chromatic dragons to come together from her prison in Avernus. Words speak of plans to use the Arcane forces of mortals against them.

    More reading
    The Coloured Wind
  • Early Era of Arcane Discovery
    The first Mages settle in what would become Trodworth

    After Clerics of Ioun discover the location of an intersection of Arcane leylines, the Drow, with the help of humans and merfolk, travel north into a new land to establish an Arcane academy. Upon the sight of the leyline, they commission the construction of a grand Institute for the Arcane. It is named Trodworth and soon many who wish to practise the art of magic would travel from far and wide.

  • Early Era of Arcane Discovery
    Founding of Isayth

    Humanoids from Zorath set out to find new lands to inhabit. After passing Muriax and convincing some Dwarves to join them they land on the continent of Losaria. There the Elves establish Isayth as an important haven for settlers on the east side of the Gray mountains. Scholars and clerics among them seek to contact their kin across the Gray mountains in the magical forest of Vildrun and the Drow city of Umbrathal. Humans decline the offer of living in the city-state and trek northward where they settle in Sarenth (currently Dellophia) and Tullagar (Currently Whitebreeze), the first Human state of Losaria, Vandrill.

  • 900 years pre Banishment
    Obelisk of Power discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    On the continent of Greador, an expedition of elves from Arnfell travels south and stumbles upon an obelisk found to house immense gravitational power. These elves form The Council of the Enlightened, and branch off from the elves in Arnfell. They combine their arcane forces and build Trifora School for the Arcane.

  • Over 800 years pre Banishment
    Gliwandir starts collaboration to further Arcane Discovery
    Discovery, Scientific

    The now considered mysterious city of Gliwandir holds a banquet in their floating city to the higher lords, ladies, and Arch mages of Trodworth, Trifora and Ozomia. There they discuss the possibility of collaboration on the advancement of arcane theory and arcana-tech. The various powers agree to such a bond.

  • Around 400 years pre Unbalancing
    The alliance of Corruption
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In the shadows and from their fortress of Gawad Mindin, Lolth, Asmodeus and Gruumsh vow to upset the Alliance of Dawn with their own “Toys”. By using Gruumsh's blood, they curse the Orcs into a path of Slaughter and Rage. Lolth begins whispering lies into the ears of The drow across the world. She hopes that they join her and abandon their elven siblings and Correlon.

  • Between 500 to 600 years pre Banishment
    Irileth the Greater establishes Iropolis

    Dawn elf Irileth the greater and her legion from Souropos settle at the foot of the Gray mountains and establish Iropolis. The Potamer travelled to the continent after receiving a vision from Erathis to establish there.

  • Under 200 years pre Unbalancing
    Celestial changes
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Celestial solstices happen all the time on Theraxis. But during this one, the borders between the spheres brought intelligent life from all over the multiverse into Theraxis. The elemental magics of the inner planes created the Genasi, humanoids created from the elementals of their home plane, Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. Due to the thin veil between the Higher and Lower planes, the magics allowed the Angels and Fiends of the multiverse to create tieflings and Aasimar.

  • 90 years pre Unbalancing
    Ascension of the Raven Queen
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A mortal Archmage from Trifora used a ritual to challenge the God of death. The Ritual she used to ascend killed that God in the process. Her rise to Godhood angered and frightened the Gods. Thus, the ritual was hidden. The Night of her ascension, there was a Celestial solstice. The Mage used the power and potential of this solstice to fuel her plans.

    Avga Potamia
  • Just before The Unbalancing
    Vecna dissapears from Gliwandr
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The archmage Vecna's contributions to arcane theory enabled many of the artefacts that would stoke the flames of the Calamity. He began hoarding secrets, killing those who knew them, and achieved lichdom. He amassed a force of followers and undead, disappeared with them into the Shadowfell to conquer Thar Amphala, and there built Entropis.

The Unbalancing

Where the Era of Arcane Discovery was to be an age of greatness, prosperity and hope. The end of this once prosperous age would come sooner than expected and with more ruin than anticipated. Whether to see this as a new age or the disastrous end of another. It is certain that the events unfolding would change the fabric of life in Theraxis forever. Cities would fall, people would die, Gods are mortally wounded and magic societies crumble.

  • -206 ER

    13 /10

    The Day of Dark ascension
    Religious event

    The Dark Pact takes hold in Umbrathal, establishing the Drow city as their official seat of power.

  • First days of the Unbalancing
    First siege of Avga Potamia
    Disaster / Destruction

    After freeing their siblings and gathering their armies, three Gods of the Dark Pact, Asmodeus, Gruumsh and Tiamat stormed the Capitol of civilization. The city was surprised by the attack but held fast for 3 days before Gruumsh and his legion of orcs stormed the Blue walls and toppled the eastern gate. The fighting continued for 4 more days, and most of Avga Potamia was left in rubble. Most of the people in the city fled to the mountains to seek refuge in the arcane city of Ozomia. Those who didn't flee held of the hordes of Goblikes, Dragonborn, Orcs and Fiends. Many have speculated on the location of the various other Gods. Most scholars believe that Lolth and Tharizdun were busy expanding their influence on Gawad Mindin and Umbrathal.

  • Around 200 years pre Banishment
    Destruction of Ithil Galad
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ithil Galad was a once prosperous silver elf city founded during the early settlement of Elves during the Time Before. The great city of Ithil Galad was sundered early on during the Eternal Rains. One of the closest Elven cities, located near the corrupted city of Umbrathal. It was a thorn of hope in the side of the Dark pact, who wished to dominate all life in the forests of Vildrun and later the rest of Theraxis. Within the city, Gruumsh would come to kill all. However, Corellon the Arch-heart came to protect their elves. The battle raged on, destroying most of the centre of the city. Until at one moment, Corellon takes the upper hand and stabs out Gruumsh's eye. Enraged, Gruumsh leaped into the air pointing his spear downward, charging it with magical energy. Plummeting towards the ground, a blast radiates through the area. All inhabitants were killed, a place forever scarred from the destruction of 20 thousand lives. The city of Moon Shine was the first of many tragedies.

  • Early Unbalancing
    Lolth is banished to the Abyss
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In rage over the loss of life at the hands of the Dark Pact, Kord ambushes Lolth in her fortress of Gawad Mindin located in the Howling Fields in the East of Greador. The Lord of Storms battles Lolth and lures her to the outside of the fortress. Beneath the cursed ash laden clouds, Kord's plan was in full swing. From the sky, The God of war summoned one of his most formidable weapons, A Thunderspear. Inscribed with the same incantation that banished Tharizdun during The Shift. Kord impaled the Spider Queen and cast her from the Prime material plane into an unoccupied layer of the Abyss.

  • Around 175 to 150 years before Banishment
    Gliwandir crashes into the ocean
    Disaster / Destruction

    the floating magocracy of Gliwandir falls from the sky into the Auralian sea. this act forces the magical schools to fall in line with the rule of the Gods.

  • A Century pre Banishment
    Vandrill is destroyed

    The Ancient human Kingdom of Vandrill is left destroyed after war with the Dark Pact. The cities of Sarenth and Tullagar fall into disrepair and continue as city states.

  • Somewhere during the Unbalancing
    Torog is forced to dwell the Far Realm
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    One Hundred years before the Age Beyond Torog burrows deep below the surface in Achra-Zarkan expanding the reach of the Underdark. Pelor and Sehanine forced Torog to surface and fought to subdue the wormlike God. The Crawling King was then banished to the farthest reaches of the multiverse, the Far Realm. There, his mad machinations create the mad abominations that spawn in the deepest parts of the Underdark.

  • Less than a century pre Banishment
    2nd siege of Avga Potamia

    The Dawn city, Avga Potamia, is attacked by the combined forces of the Dark Pact. The battle at Jungles of Dawn is vicious, the legions of corrupted creatures swarm the city. Its blue walls were not good enough to stop the attack at the gates.

    Avga Potamia
  • Somewhere during the Unbalancing
    Zehir faces Erathis
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Cloaked serpent despises Order, Love, and Life. His greatest foes among the Alliance of Dawn are Erathis and Melora, as they represent all that Zehir hates. During the events of the Eternal Rains, the followers of the respective Gods would be decimated in raids preformed by the fanatics of Zehir.   Their battle rage through the forests south of the Reaching Peaks. The once lush and populated Jungle civilization of Thenda was no more. Zehir seemed outmatched but used his cunning tactics to evade the attacks, but one move would prove to be his downfall. Zehir went in for a mortal strike against before Erathis struck him with her axe. Her power fused with her raged, banished Zehir to the ever expanding chaos of the Astral Sea, forever slithering and wanting in The Towers of Night.

  • Shortly before Banishment
    Elves settle on the grounds that would become Thereus

    Fleeing from the dangers surrounding Umbrathal, Elves from Vildrun settle in the north of the continent and name their camp Thereus. The Refugees stay and build a city-state.

  • End of The Unbalancing
    The Gods clash at Umbrathal
    Disaster / Destruction

    The world felt it coming, the conflict of the Gods was growing immensely, a fight was on the Horizon. The attention of the world was focused on the forest of Vildrun and Umbrathal.


The Age Beyond

0 EAD and beyond

From the Fires of the Eternal Rains, the civilizations left standing would start the process of getting back on their feet. The actions of the Dark Pact had cost the lives of many, only 1/3 of the global population was left. The Orcs of Melora returned to the places they called home before their corruption. The Goblikes had been mostly vanquished, but those who remained had been given mental freedom and sanity. Tribes were formed, some joined the other humanoids and embraced their gifts, others felt ashamed of their actions and chose to hide in the wilderness. Those who joined civilization were met with opposition in the first years of the new age.   Without the direct influence of the Gods, mortals now sought their guidance for navigating the rough seas of life. Changes to the status quo would be brought to the continents of the world. Political turmoil would shape Realms in Losaria and Greador. Whisperers of the Dark Pact would try to find power. Secrets were buried and lost.    In due time, the peoples of Theraxis would build new empires and return to some semblance of normal life.

  • Early years following Unbalancing
    The Remains of Vandrill rebuild

    After the Human Kingdom of Vandrill was destroyed, and their peoples were scattered there was sorrow. Now post Unbalancing the remnants of the Kingdom, namely the cities of Sarenth and Tullagar were left. However, both cities were left in such dismal state the new Kings rebranded. The larger Province of the lower Riverlands was now named Sarenth and the city was dubbed Dellophia. Tullagar was left destroyed after raids from Dark Pact forces and renamed to Whitebreeze. The upper Riverlands were left splintered and didn't unify until the Republic of Thereus was established.

  • A generation post Banishment
    Drow retreat to Moonscar
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the Banishment of the Gods the drow who formerly lived in Vildrun retreat to the scars of Ithil Galad to live in exile from the world. The inhabitants of Esmershys name the new settlement Moonscar.

  • 35 AB

    5 /18

    Dashingfall is established

    Dwarven communes spread along the Featherstorm mountains gather at an ancient temple of Moradin after the Cataclysm and unite as Dashingfall. On Moradins holy day of Deep solace, the dwarves formally start to work on carving a city into the mountain.

  • 50 AB

    20 /6

    The Elves return to The Old Forrest

    On the 20th of Brussendar Elves of the Old forest returned to their homes. During the final days of the Cataclysm, they had banished themselves to the Feywild. When they left they encased their city in temporal ice.   Once they had returned the spell reverted and the elves saw a changing world.

  • 95 AB

    Founding of the Therosian Republic
    Civil action

    After slowly rebuilding some parts of their respective city states they form the First Therosian Republic as a means to build a stronger future together. The Provinces of Northwind, Trodworth, Vriturith, Thereus, The Riverlands and the Cresthold Peninsula are established as the city states build their union.

  • 133 AB

    8 /2
    134 AB

    26 /4

    Isabella leaves Iropolis with The Legion of Irileth
    Diplomatic action

    Isabella of eraseth leaves her home of Iropolis to start the Conquest of Losaria. During the campaign, she showed her tactical prowess and diplomatic talent.

  • 133 AB

    14 /9

    The Battle of the Southern Hold
    Military action

    Isabella meets Lord Movax in single combat eager to end the war for the lands below the river Irileth in a duel

  • 134 AB

    16 /1
    134 AB

    26 /4

    Siege of Cabback
    Military: Battle

    After the crowning of Isabella in Isayth and Dellophia, the new Empress set her sights on taking her ancestor's final achievements, Cabback. She knew that taking the Republic would go easier if she took Cabback as soon as possible. However, the Republic of Thereus was prepared to protect the city. The border along the River Irileth was plagued by skirmishes to gain the upper hand until the Legion of Irileth took the Riverlands' Whitebreeze under the command of General Osteroth, thus cutting off the Cresthold peninsula. The city was surrounded for one final month until the Council of the Republic sent terms of surrender.

  • 278 AB

    7 /2
    290 AB

    3 /7

    The Dominance wars
    Military action

    The Dwarves of the Featherstorm mountains start to make moves on the Old forest causing a war to break out between the Clans of Greador. The wood-elves of the Old Forrest, the instigating dwarves and numerous smaller communes and clans all try to take the lands directly west of the Featherstorn mountains.

  • 298 AB

    18 /9

    The Grihan Dominion is established

    8 years after the Dominance Wars ended in a truce between the elves of the old forest and the Dwarves of Dashingfall, the Grihan family of Brightware castle start their campaign to take over the land west of the Featherstorm Mountains. On the place of their castle and the immediate lands surrounding it, they invite people to join their dominion and start construction on Rabenturm.

  • 304 AB

    Rabenturm is established

    On the foundation of an ancient temple of the Raven Queen, The Grihar family establishes Rabenturm around their castle on a hill near Brightware loch.

  • 419 AB

    Coloured wind occupies Losaria
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 419 AB

    20 /6

    The Night of Elven redemption
    Political event

    For the first time since the time before Lolths corruption of the Drow, the many elves of Vildrum ban together to keep the Coloured Wind at bay. The super reclusive Drow would leave their city of Moonscar to align themselves with the Wilds of Vildrun.

  • 479 AB

    People from Gaelia settle in the Eastern part of Greador
    Population Migration / Travel

    The humans from Western Greador travel through Gaelia to settle across the Featherstorm mountains. They establish Westfold and the country of Alba.

  • 509 AB

    13 /2

    The Empire of Greador is established in Rabenturm

    In the city of Rabenturm, after the fall of the Grihan Dominion. The Auralius family declared themselves to be the Imperial family of the Auralian Empire.

  • 513 AB

    13 /10

    Graustows Wake
    Disaster / Destruction

    Members of the family would seemingly go mad from visions or paranoia. Then, suddenly, the visions seemed to cease for a generation. To celebrate the Graustow family held a banquet at their manor house, its name now lost. The feast was grand and lavish, the food was excellent and the liquor doth flow. All was grand until, at the stroke of the hour of midnight the mood soured. The family members started cackling and grabbed weapons, the doors were locked and… a massacre ensued. 350 people were killed, slaughtered even. The Graustows were not among the dead as they had seemingly vanished. The estate of the manor overgrew and is now known as The Wake. It is extremely haunted and many theorize about what had happened on that fatal night.

  • 530 AB

    7 /11

    Dawn of Kethas

    At the behest of the Emperor, the druidic peoples of Kethassia are to make their current homestead of tents a fortified city of stone. The Orcs reluctantly agree and name the city Kethas. The Emperor requested the building of a large stone city as the island could then become a powerful defensive asset. The Central towering castle is called Windpeak Tower. The urbanisation of Kethassia caused the orcish island to become powerful enough to make its own rules and laws. Resulting in an independence claim 120 years later.   The main Castle is carved from a mountain, the stones that were carved away were used on other assets of the keep and the rest of the city, such as the wall around the city and the Flamespire (lighthouse)

  • 644 AB

    Crisis of Imperial Succession
    Political event

    Late in the reign of Emperor Leandros of Eraseth, the Prime Counsellor summons the 2 branch families of the imperial line to Iropolis. The line of Tissareth from Isayth and The Line of Ostoroth from Dellophia. The emperor never married and thus had no foreseeable heirs. Both were closes kin of the Royal family and had equal claim to the throne. It was determined by decree that Cedric of Ostoroth would sit upon Irileth's throne upon the end of Leandros's life.

  • 647 AB

    The Valiant Shipwrecks
    Disaster / Destruction

    On a tour of the Empire, the Royal heirs of Line Osteroth were aboard the vessel known as The Valiant when it was shipwrecked in the Bay of Trodworth. Cedric Osteroth, heir to the throne, his wife Alayne, his son Beiron and his newborn daughter Evelynn were lost.   The Tragedy ended the line of Osteroth as Cedric had no siblings. Emperor Leandros “The Last” Eraseth named Aramis of House Tissareth the new heir to the throne.

  • 649 AB

    20 /8
    649 AB

    23 /8

    Thereus Council of 12 executed
    Diplomatic action

    After the death of Emperor Leandros of Eraseth, The Council of Thereus denounces Heir apparent Aramis Tissareth I, as they had sworn fealty to the Osteroth family and didn't trust the Tissareths. An army is sent to the city of Thereus to arrest and execute the Council of 12.

  • 650 AB

    The Triplets declare independence from Losaria.
    Diplomatic action

    Following the path of the Republic of Thereus. The small alliance of islands of the southeast coast of Losaria declare independence from the Empire. Not but a few days later, the North eastern island of Kethassia declares independence as well, asking the newly established Triplets to join their union.

  • 691 AB

    Colonial occupation of Zorath
    Political event

    50 years after the failed attempts to expand the Greadorian empire across its mountainous border, the Imperial Navy is tasked with taking the Achran city of Zorath by force and establish it as a colony under rule of the Emperor.

  • 703 AB

    Cresthold Raids
    Military: Skirmish

    In 703PD the Cresthold Peninsula was shaken by an attack, the shores fell victim to raids by roving bandits wearing the Auralian Raven. The Council lay blame at the feet of the Empire in Greador, believing the Empire is trying to make a colony out of the peninsula. The Empire denied any involvement with these attacks, claiming that any unlawful use of the Auralian Raven is punishable by death. The Cresthold Councillors demand justice for their fallen and prepare their navy for Therosian retribution upon the western Greadorian coast. The navy meets a blockade in the middle of the Auralian ocean and a battle ensues. Most ships on either side are destroyed. Those responsible for the attacks were never found.

  • 801 AB

    9 /22

    Ascension of Aramis Tissareth II
    Political event

    After the death of his Father Emperor Moradan, Aramis Tissareth II is crowned Emperor of Losaria, King of Myrto at age 33. He named Edwyrd Jon Renfric Prime counsellor of the Crown.

  • 813 AB

    26 /4

    The End of Eros, Return of Aluak
    Disaster / Destruction

    Off the coast of Kethas, the island of Eros experiences a heavy volcanic eruption, stories tell that a cult following Tiamat has released one of her Lieutenants from their fiery prison. Aluak Baron of the Blaze returns from his banishment to the elemental plain of Fire.