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Dashingfall is established



Dwarven communes spread along the Featherstorm mountains gather at an ancient temple of Moradin after the Cataclysm and unite as Dashingfall. On Moradins holy day of Deep solace, the dwarves formally start to work on carving a city into the mountain.

Dwarven communes spread along the Featherstorm mountains gather at an ancient temple of Moradin after the Cataclysm and unite as Dashingfall. On Moradins holy day of Deep solace, the dwarves formally start to work on carving a city into the mountain.   Due to the recent events of the Division, the new stronghold of the Dwarves was unwelcoming to any who were not of dwarven descent. They closed their walls to the world and grew strong as a military force. Dashingfall grew especially distrusting of the elves of the Old Forrest, dwarven peoples were attacked by Dark Pact forces during the Era of Archane Discovery and the elves retreated back to the Feywild.   Dashingfall was not alone in such a decision, The Ashen Lands closed access to their volcanic halls and Muriax felt that protecting its own was important and locked access to the island from all influences.

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