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The Battle of the Southern Hold

Military action


Isabella meets Lord Movax in single combat eager to end the war for the lands below the river Irileth in a duel

The new animosity between the people of Losaria caused skirmishes to bloom in the valleys, mountains and woods. After an ambush by Myrtosian wood-elves, Isabella retreated to safety in a lost temple to The Moonweaver. Legends suggest that there she was visited by an apparition or angel of The Moonweaver, the new empress was supposedly given a lesson to a manoeuvre that would "give her victory and all the lands she is fighting for". She fell to sleep and awoke the next day, an unfamiliar Mithril dagger in her hand.   She commanded her Legionairs to stay at the temple and walked into the woods, head up high, signifying purpose. From scouts she had gotten a perceived location of Movax' camp. She walked to the edge of a clearing calling out one name, Movax.   At the gate the guards stopped her and called to Movax again "I've come to talk and to challenge!". THe wark council of the southern hold heard her demand. She would stop her invasion if the Movax were to engage in one-on-one combat, loser would give up their lands and swear feilty to the victor. The King of Myrto feeling defeated agreed to hand the fate of his lands to Movax. Using silver thread the challenge was charged with arcane and divine protection, no one would be able to break their promisses   Isabella and Movax went to the training grounds to duel. The lone Empress was gripping the Mithril dagger, ready to end the wars. They walked around in circles, leaving the crowds to wait on the one who would strike first. When Movax thought he saw an opening in the young empress' defenses he lunged forward, Isabella darted away leaving her opponent stumbling. Movax got up on his feet and frustrated he went in for another attack, Isabella was able to dodge again and grabbed a strap of Movax' armor, put her hand over his mouth and put the dagger through his armour.   The Armies of the southern hold couldn't believe their eyes, a new empire was made. Bound by sacred promise, all men went to bow to their new sovereign.   After a lengthy war effort the Empress went to Isayth to be crowned Queen of Myrto. She made the lords and aristocrats swear feilty to her and over time gained their trust. She then went to collect her other title, Lady of Sarenth.   The war was over, but her conquest had only just begun.

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