Gheladen (Gael-Ah-Den)

Gheladen are a vibrant mammalian species of the planet Balanex.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They commonly have very bright coloring with contrasting eye color also found in their nipples and lips on females but the bright coloration can also sometimes be a bit softer or dulled out, though this is somewhat rare in the species. Their black sclera and colored pupils also work well to make an impression on anyone seeing them for the first time.    The species also have a pair of horns with two prongs, in females the smaller tip merely spreads away slightly, while male horns are bigger and the prongs branch out much like a deer’s. Sometimes the species may have one horn shorter than the other, but this mutation is very rarely seen at all. They also have a gradiency of either the same color or 2-3 different colors thought their bodies, the center of their bodies being very light and the tips of their horns and feet drawing towards a darker hue, this is also the case on male genitalia. On top of this, they have a stripped pattern in a darker hue to everything running through their body.    Continuing on the topic of colors, the species’ hair colors vary greatly between very pale and very dark, without ever showing a mid-tone and they also never paint their hair, as they rely on their skin colors to call the eye. Other physical characteristics of the species include curvaceous bodies, sharp like fingers that taper to a point, their tendencies to let their hair grow out and feline like feet, much like those found in Avarian. All these similarities have make them know as a “cousin” species to the Avarian, seeming to allude to a possible common ancestor in their past.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are mainly meat eaters, focusing more in avian prey due to the floating biome of their world. They hunt typical huge birds found near their settlements and cities that can feed an entire family for a long period of time with just a single hunt.

Biological Cycle

Gheladen get to live up to 100-125 years, a bit farther than most humans, but their bodies peak early, and only slightly decreasing in strength until they die, meaning an individual of 80 years of age might have the full strength of his adult self still working, even while being an elder. The species fully matures into adulthood by age 16, while their mating rituals begin at about age 18-20 depending on the individual. Upon death, the species is burn, their ashes spread over a location they loved more than anything. This is highly religious and important for the entire species, and even albinos or hyperpigmented can be brought back to the planet to have their funeral ritual if they had a specific spot they liked while alive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Gheladen society is mainly equal, but there is a tendency to have higher military roles given to females. Aside from that, the governmental structure is evenly divided between male and female, having two councils, a council of the people, made up of studied members of society, and a smaller one from the top families in Balanex.    Ruling over these and as the voice of the planet they have a pair of siblings, always one male and one female, deemed the “Scepter and Crown” for the male and female respectively. They rule from a tower in the middle of the capitol that’s the biggest building in the planet, nearly reaching the lower atmosphere. The tower is called the “Throne palace”. The entire structure is for the council members and the Scepter and Crown. The surrounding buildings hold all the remaining politic and economic systems.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

The Gheladen also have a very specific way of dressing, females always wear at least one type of lace, frills, or soft trimming in their outfits, which almost always is either black or white, the latter being the most common. They also adorn their revealing outfits with sheer fabric, jewels and gold or silver.    In contrast, male outfits could be described as “elvish”, most times sporting long, flowing cloaks or fabrics, generally of neutral colors and also being decorated with gold or silver carved pieces. It is also not uncommon to see both genders showing a bit of skin, females dramatically more so than males, sometimes adopting the tendencies of their cousins the Avarian and going fully topless, using nipple piercings as adornment.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Concerning albinism and hyperpigmentation, the rarity in this species seems to be about the same as in the Avarian . They are very rare and only rarely ever seen, though they seem to have an impact in society, having them be rejected due to their lack of vibrancy, sometimes even being pushed to leave the planet, where they can call the attention in a positive way in other worlds. Due to this huge difference on how they are seen, often albinos or hyperpigmented leave the planet as soon as they are able to withstand space travel.

Common Myths and Legends

The Gheladen have one unifying religion that have messengers rather than gods, these “prophets” teach of the “Life Will”, a unifying force found everywhere that strengthens you and brings you peace when good deeds are done.
Average Height
They are an approximate height to humans but slightly taller, spreading from 5’6” to 6’8” for both sexes.
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Female Avarian Soldier with armor  
Female soldier armor


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