Nirien (Neer-Ee-Ehn)

Nirien are a humanoid species of the planet Paxilion . They share many qualities with Earth species but don’t fall under any category.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

They have mammary glands like mammals, infrared sensors like reptiles (those being the 4 eyes in their foreheads), tails and a soft slick skin, with a texture similar to that of a mix between a human’s and an amphibian’s. Their respiratory system is linked both to their mouths and to small slits next to their thermal eyes. This species doesn’t require much to breathe, their lugs have thin organs above them that can process most gases in an atmosphere into breathable air, therefore making them great scouts. Their feet have the front nails like an elephant but are a bit more flexible like a goat’s, meaning they can be great climbers, clinging to the slightest surface.   Concerning dimorphism among the species, it’s really random. Genetics don’t dictate the appearance of the child. The parts that change in the species are the 3 tentacles, the two in the front and the large one in the back, the tail, horns or top tentacles, colors and patterns. The species CAN have albinos, but they are even rarer than human albinos. 1 in 5,000 will be an albino. Albino Nirien are revered as sun-touched, and while more delicate, they are given high positions in their government.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Nirien are neither Matriarchal nor Patriarchal, and the roles in society are spread out evenly between male and female, in fact, of the 16 that form the High Council, 8 are picked male and 8 are picked female. In Comparison to humans, Nirien are pretty much similar, but they differ from humans in that they are much more flexible and can take much more punishment. This is thanks to a degree of elasticity in their bone structure and skin.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Nirien are very curious and open minded, this brought them to develop high quality means of interstellar travel and spread across the galaxy, so it will be common to see them in every planet. Their open mindedness also beings them to openly accept same sex relations and polyamorous relations. Of course this doesn’t mean everyone in the planet is 100% comfortable in said relationships. Though this is true in most nirien, the personality of them will differ between exemplar, much like humans.

Common Myths and Legends

The Nirien are light on religion and prefer to believe in any religion they desire. Even though this is true, the main religion of the planet is Fallinism, the belief that the twin gods of light and darkness watch over them and judge them. The Grand Temple for this religion is located in the capital city.
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The normal lifespan of a Nirien is approximately 150-200 years. Their teenager years/young adult years begin at around age 16 and end at around age 30-35, their adult life ends at about 80 and from 90-200 they are considered elders.
Geographic Distribution
chibi of male nirien
Typical Nirien Ships


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