
Paxilion is a medium sized earth-like planet in the outer edges of the northern inner rim and homeworld of the Nirien species. It is one of 4 other planets in it's solar system orbiting a large yellow sun. A single day lasts 25.5 hours and a year lasts 302 days and is orbited by 3 moons.   Paxilion is an important founding member of the Therean Union of Systems and is one of the main planets associated with the Union.


Paxilion is a medium planet with various biomes orbiting a single yellow star. The main biome in Paxilion however are lush forests and tropical regions with high mountains more inland. Paxilion is made out of 9 continents and a large strip of ocean that crosses most of the planet's equator and with large seas scattered between each continent. The Equatorial ocean also contains many archipelagos and even some micro continents alongside huge patches of coral reefs. Paxilion's Weather is mainly tropical/temperate with small northern and southern polar caps.   The planet's cities are huge metropolises with sleek buildings and spires often bronze or white in coloration as well as many decorative elements being made from a stone similar to white marble called Niremyte. The cities also include large green areas and open air buildings for special occasions. Much of the world hosts these cities but large areas of natural reserves remain to help the planet's flora and fauna thrive. Aside from these, some smaller towns or buildings have also been built under the planet's oceans to help in the study of the aquatic species that fill their oceans.  


  The Capital of Paxilion is Novenhall, the first metropolis of the planet. The capital also hosts the Paxilian grand Palace, where the 16 council members reunite to take decisions that concern the whole planet and intergalactic action. Also in the capital you can find grand works of art, prestigious universities and huge entertainment sectors featuring sporting coliseums, museums, parks, a grand trading market and the world's biggest space port. Overall the city is considered one of, if not THE most beautiful city in the world.

Fauna & Flora

Paxilion is a world still very much in touch with nature, taking care to expand their cities with consideration of the natural population. Because of this, the Nirien  have maintained most species away from danger of being extinct and have integrated them into protected sectors to continue their lives.   The Flora in Paxilion consists mainly of trees, bushes and mega trees called Jel Trees with few flowers. commonly trees have thick bases with long and winding branches that reach upwards where the leaves form large canopies. Some of these trees have plump leaves of various colors mainly rosy red, amber, spring green or dark cyan. The underbrush of temperate forests can also be filled with wide mushroom that hug the ground, making it easier to walk on them than the ground itself. While little of these plants bare actual flowers, their colorful foliage makes the large city gardens look like blossoming flower fields.   The Fauna in the planet is very varied with bright colors or markings much like the Nirien . Earthly animals tend to not be taller than 1 meter and most seem to be a mix between mammal and amphibian with a similar sleek skin. Small aerial animals also have the vibrancy of color in their skin like the others, but instead of sleek skin they have large flat feathers. The biggest animals in Paxilion are a family called Cloud giants, huge relatively flat beings that passively soar the skies feeding off solar energy similar to how plants use photosynthesis. They are semi transparent beings with opaque white markings near their wings and tails and look like a mix between a whale, a jellyfish and a manta ray.

Natural Resources

Paxilion, being a terrestial planet with lush forests and oceans has many resources that the Nirien  used to develop and evolve their settlements and intergalactic relations. One of this is their intergalactic food market, since the fresh fuits and vegetables found in the planet take much longer to rot than others found in other systems, they keep their freshness for longer and thus make it easier to transport and sell off world. Aside from this, Paxilion provides 2 main exports to the luxury industry, that being the stong yet maleable dark wood of the Jel mega trees and Niremyte, a white marble like stone that can only be found in the highest mountains in Paxilion.






Cloud Giants


Jel Megatree


  • Paxilion Map
    Geographic map of Paxilion , homeworld of the Nirien species.
Paxilion Map
Geographic map of Paxilion , homeworld of the Nirien species.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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