Wider galaxy species

Here we talk about the less prominent and numerous sentient species of the Therea Galaxy. Unlike many of the prime species with their own articles, these species have minimal physical variations between individuals. This means that every time you see something noted in their variations, its only ever so slightly unless specified.  


Homeworld: Yedal | Height: 6'-7' | Lifespan: 150 years

Yedelten are highly intelligent, they are masters at manipulating technology. They are also quick to understand foreign concepts which helps them quickly adapt to alien tech. Yedelten can sometimes seem smug or overly confident when it comes to technology, while they dont mean to be rude, they never shy away from making sure people understand just how good they are. Yedelten have a sort of rivalry with the Scyllak, seeing them as overly focused on the aesthetics of a thing and leaving the list of features it can acomplish desperately scarce.   The technology they experiment with tends to be overgrown, overly complex and capable of doing many things at once. While this may sometimes come at a cost of the aesthetic features thats a sacrifice most Yedelten are willing to make.  


  • slight skin hue change
  • slightly different head shapes
  • slight changes in body types, mostly leaning to slim


Homeworld: Destal | Height: 6'2"-6'9" | Lifespan: 70 years   Akkex are strong warriors with bone-like armor. They are often found serving as soldiers for armines across the galaxy. While mostly quiet, they comunicate with certain clicks, growls and shiften of their bone plates but understand galactic common when spoken to them.   Akkex have asymmetrical limbs, their left prominent arm is used as a strong weapon in combat, both to defend and deliver crashing blows. Their right arms are the ones mainly used to manipulate tools, write and do delicate tasks, however they are quick and can also be dangerous in combat.   When off-world, Akkex are seldom seen socializing, nor do they seem to have a cohesive culture even when among their own aside from sharing a few words in their language. In their homeworld however, Akkex have a rich culture of honor, duels and trade among settlements. Something happens when an Akkex leaves Destal for this to stop, but weather this is a self imposed cultural exile or something else is unknown.  


  • Bone armor shapes
  • slight hue shift in their flesh and bone plates
  • Size of prominent arm
  • "horn" size


    Homeworld: Ballan | Height: 5'5"-6'3" | Lifespan: 85 years   Baltan are a semi-nomadic species in the desert world of Ballan. These spiny silent folk are strong bodied and resilient, often living in the harshest conditions of their planet. It's this hardyness that makes them excellent for battle, and some that leave Ballan may find themselves in battlefields. In their homeworld they can also be great desert guides, keeping people safe during trecks between settlements.   Regardless of their harsh home, they're comfortable enough in various biomes across other worlds, and are partial to lush plains and mountains. Aside from their serious and strong demeanor, most Baltan are soft spoken and gentle to those they care about, and often take up hobbies that reflect this burried inner peace such as art, making clothing and caring for animals or plants.  


  • Color values (darker and lighter color but same hue)
  • Eye color analogous hue
  • Slight change in shape and size of their thorns/spikes


Homeworld: Selene | Height: 5'1"-5'9"" | Lifespan: 130 years   Alsen live in the ocean world of Selene and are an aquatic species renown for their seemingly magical abilities and their alien beauty. When comunicating, Alsen use something akin to telepathy, with each other, where their speach is less a voice and more a collection of feelings and moods that convey meaning.   When doing this, their bioluminescent patterns and their transparent bells ignite with flowing light waves. Each Alsen has a unique melody when talking, making conversing with different alsen a feast for the senses. However the telepathic comunication can only be percieved by other species if they are directly touching the alsen's head tentacles to their faces.   It's thought that aside of telepathy between themselves, Alsen can use their tentacles on others of their own species to share memories and experiences. This is extremely intimate and the experiences shared bond them as Luminaries, basically blood brothers in Alsen culture.   Alsen live in the deepest trenches of their world, the walls of these abyssal cities are decorated with bioluminescent algae that create swirling and flowing patterns across their glass cities.  


  • Color greatly varies from pinks, purples, blues and cyans with small hints of complementary colors.
  • Shape and size variation of their bells (the transparent part of their heads)
  • while most are slimmer, body types also vary
  • small differences in the length of their tentacles
  • pattern shapes while organic, differ between spotted and banded


    Homeworld: Sandren | Height: 6'5"-7'2"" | Lifespan: 110 years   Grecylian live in the rings of Sandren, a once inhabited world impacted during the time of the old empire. Their floating cities form chains in the orbiting massive rings of the world. These rings are not only home to them, but to various other sentient species originally from Sandren, over which they rule as the class of nobility.   They are dedicated to study, phylosophy, administration and diplomacy. Often they may serve as senators, councilers or even leaders of organizations or projects out in the galaxy.   The Ringed council is their ruling body, a group of elders with large pearlescent frills that rule above all. Under them are the Great Houses, each these ruled by a matriarch or patriarch that vie for favor with the council. The closer they are to the council city in the chain, the higher standing they have. Every Great House rules over their Crest City, with the more powerful houses having secondary floating cities where their family members rule.   Their frills grow bigger and lighter in color as they grow older, the elders of the council are the oldest and wisest members of each Great House.  


  • Color, shape and size of frills. They can be any color aside from greens and are always in a gradient.
  • white and black skin zones balance.
  • tentacle length.


    Homeworld: Deoria, moon of Avrasi | Length: 9'-13' from head to tail tip | Lifespan: 90 years   Savareen live in the Avrasi system, the same system that is the homeworld of the Aveed . Unlike them, they are not as technologically developed, however what they lack in thechnology they more than make up for it with a profound knowledge of their oceans and nature. Savareen and Aveed scientists often exchange information to benefit the other, this has nurtured a friendly relationship between them.   They're renown by many as one of the most beautiful species in the galaxy, but their more impressive trait is their singing. The songs of a Savareen can reach across most of the oceans in Deoria. These songs take years to craft, and each is a representation of the love, pain and story of each Savareen. A dangerous event happens when a choir of Savareen come together to sing, the clash of manysongs can bring unprepared people that hear it under a type of trance. This can cause them to act irrationally or to even drown themselves trying to get to the depths that they inhabit.  


  • Slight hue variations in their colors
  • organic pattern shape variations
  • shape and size of frills, fins and horns
  • length of tentacles


    Homeworld: Forion | Height: 2'8"-3'2" | Lifespan: 50 years   Murooms live in the home planet of the Flaonians , Forion. Interestingly, Murooms are a species that came about pretty recently in Flaonian history. They are the result of their modified sun nectar making contact and combining with a species of highly intelligent yet non-sentient mushrooms. These began mutating and changing into this species. This type of mushroom has also spread to influence other species of fungi brought to Forion by the humans.    Murooms are only females, needing to breed with males of other species to bear children. That combined with their short life spans makes breeding a high priority for them, because of this they have large proportions and high libido to help with that goal.    Aside from their need to procreate, they are a highly adaptive, curious and playful species. Their desire to learn and have fun with others makes them good assistants for flaonians. Many of them have no issues helping Murooms procreate, and even some off-worlders volunteer. However surprisingly enough, only the sun sap and seed mix of a male flaonian has been shown to impregnate them.   


  • Their caps can be that of any capped mushroom 
  • body is the color of the mushroom stem but fingers and feet are always the darkest areas
  • slight change in body type, all of them tend to be very curvy
  • length of gills (hair)
  • size of mushroom cap 


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