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Recognized by their long ears and free spirited nature, the gyokuto are a people whose wanderlust led them to all corners of the world and beyond. They repeatedly left their mark throughout history, unexpectedly appearing and disappearing on the world’s canvas. The gyokuto cared little about their past for their sights are always turned to the wonders ahead of them. So, much to the frustration of historians, few records of the gyokuto's early history exist.

Gyokuto Names

Gyokuto names have roots in the sylvan language which were adapted to the common tongue. Generally speaking, a gyokuto’s name are long, but in conversation they shorten their own and each other’s names to first few syllables. The gyokuto’s habit of shortening names is extended to other races as well.

Male Name Examples:
Aranmul, Connevil, Donoghley, Ervighril, Flannvali, Hughvey, Jackaneli, Langolor, Malikil, Nickolviz, Owaylivayn, Padrili, Rhodavan, Toffarali, Ullivann, Volanlomi, Wilvalis
Female Name Examples:
Annaflaha, Barrilough, Cailoghlein, Edafalaghn, Fionghula, Gormlaitha, Lasairiona, Mhumahane, Oilaghlinn, Raghnaighley, Slainofaleigh, Zerighalitha

Gyokuto Traits

Your Gyokuto character has a variety of natural abilities.
Age. Gyokuto reach physical maturity at the same pace as all the other races, but once reaching adulthood live roughly three times as long as the other races, approximately 240 years.
Alignment. The Gyokuto tend toward a Lawful nature, as they have a strict code of staying within the woods and living their lives, while adventurers who leave home tend towards a more Chaotic alignment as they're a people who live outside of tradition.
Size. The Gyokuto are tall and lithe people who reach an average height just over 6ft. tall, while some others are shorter, with an average height around 5ft. 8 inches tall. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35ft.
Born Leaper. You can choose whether your Strength or Dexterity determine your jumping distance.
Rabbit Ears. You are proficient in the Perception skill and have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.
Approachable. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Yonae.


Almiraj Gyokuto 
Lunar Gyokuto 
Phooka Gyokuto

Basic Information


The gyokuto have traits of both rabbits and humanoids. One should not underestimate the gyokuto with their kinship with the timid rabbit. They are blessed with swift bodies built for motion and delicate long ears that grant them superb hearing, which both allowed the gyokuto to safely traverse the world without fear of monsters or miscreants. To stalk a gyokuto is commonly equated as a fool’s errand.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Avoiding trouble has been the preferred way of most gyokuto. They do not care for conflict and rarely have great ambitions that could not be realized through other means. What they do care for though is to travel, explore, and indulge in all the world has to offer. To be free and follow one’s heart’s desire is what it means to be a gyokuto.

Travelers and Hedonists

All gyokuto are connected through an innate wanderlust; a pounding feeling within their chest to never stagnate but to be on the active, filling what short time they have upon this world with experiences of all kinds. How this wanderlust expresses itself though, might differ from one gyokuto to the next. Where one gyokuto might be urged to be always on the move to explore new vistas, another gyokuto might be a gourmand, determined to taste the most exquisite dishes the world has to offer. Fact is though, gyokuto are curious and excitable, often to a contagious degree. Their enthusiastic energy will drag fellow travelers along with them like an unstoppable torrent.

Lapine can grow bored quickly and if forced to inactivity, lapine may grow restless or take it into their own hands to entertain themselves. Games might be invented on the spot, pranks might be played, or trouble might be caused by a gyokuto. As such people’s opinions might differ greatly if asked about these excitable rabbit people, all depending on the limit of their patience.

With such a disposition gyokuto easily take up a life of adventuring, though some of their kind might be deterred by the violence involved. But those who do become adventurers will be lively companions whose unbound spirit presses their group ever onward.
“Oh what a great adventure we had, let’s have another tomorrow!”
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5.8 - 6 ft.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
by QueenChikkibug

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