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A prideful race the Inugami, they pride themselves on their honor and promises. Many of which holding great anger towards the god Kurell, whom many believe to be the first Inugami, for his theft and banditry of the Ishunai jewel. Now in the current age, Inugami roam the lands of Hinomori. However it is not strange to see one outside the shrouded lands. If an Inugami's honor is tarnished many to will take great strides in clearing it or doing deeds to make up for it. There has been instances of an Inugami protecting a house of another in payment for one of their ancestors saving the Inugami's life. Each Inugami will differ from one another, but one thing is in common, the shared hatred towards the Kitsune.

Originating from a venerable people hailing from the world’s boreal forests, the inugami have successfully established themselves across the world. Their cultures are numerous and diverse which are testament to the inugami’s ability to adapt and succeed in almost any given environment.

Over their long and colorful history, many distinct offshoots of the inugami emerged. Despite their differences and unique dispositions, certain recurring innate traits to their kind can be observed again and again that paved their way to success.

Inugami Names

Because of the Inugami’s diversity, their names can vary depending on breed or place of birth. As Doggos commonly adopt names common within their communities, Hell Hounds are known to adopt names of infernal origin. Wulfes on the other hand choose their names based on sylvan and their own ancient dialect of common.

Male Name Examples:

Alyn, Brygg, Cole, Dru, Efan, Gavin, Hadew, Idwal, Jelkin, Keeth, Llewin, Morgaun, Nye, Owayn, Penrod, Rychar, Sulfyn, Trevyr, Urien, Vaughn, Waltyr, Yow, Zaradol
Female Name Examples:

Aish, Bhisma, Chandra, Dorri, Ezlyn, Fayru, Ghaliya, Heshifa, Ilnam, Jennah, Kaya, Lifah, Mohoa, Nadira, Oolma, Pahije, Qabala, Raijah, Sobohi, Tahmeen, Unczu, Vishih, Waad, Xayah, Yahl, Zhafir

Inugami Traits

Your Inugami character has a variety of natural abilities.
. Inugami tend to live slightly shorter lives than humans. The average life expectancy is around 100 years.
Being a spiritwalker can make living and fitting in to traditional society rather difficult. Inugamis tend toward Lawful and neutral alignments because of this, but they have no innate disposition toward an alignment.
An Inugami is usually between 4'5" and 6'5". Your size is Medium.
Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Canine Senses.
You have advantage on Investigation, Perception, and Survival checks that rely on smell.
You critically succeed on death saving throws on a 19, or 20.
Bite. Your sharp teeth make your bite a powerful weapon for unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
Packmate. When an allied creature attacks a creature that is within 5 ft. of both yourself and the attacking ally, you can use a reaction to grant that creature advantage on the attack roll. To use this trait, you must see both creatures.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Yonae.


Not all Inugami exhibit their spiritwalker nature the same way. Choose a subrace from the following.
Doggo Inugami 
Hell Hound Inugami 
Wulf Inugami 
Blinky Inugami

Basic Information


Inugami combine traits of both canines and humanoids, featuring a humanoid frame and animalistic senses. Despite their bestial appearance, inugami are no warmongering people. This does not mean that they are not defenseless. Inugami can show a great capacity for ferocity when pushed, especially when protecting themselves or their community.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Perhaps the trait that was the greatest contributor to their success upon the world’s stage is their sociability. Unhampered by biases and open minded, inugami are willing to meet and cooperate with any folk encountered. Regardless if strange, imposing, or complex, the inugami have yet to meet a people in the world they have not mingled with, or at least attempted to.

With their social tendencies, wolf folk commonly strife to excel within the communities they inhabit. How they do so might differ greatly from wolf folk to inugami. While one inugami might be complacent with their given position and willing to perform reliably as a cog in a greater machine, some more headstrong individuals might aim to rise their ranks to a leadership position from where they hope to do more good for their community.

Civilization and Culture


Since their earliest history, inugami were reliant on each other to survive in their harsh ancestral homes. This wisdom endured and was passed down from generation to generation, becoming ingrained into the very being of the inugami. This understanding of pack bonding transcends racial limits and as such, the inugami have become an open and welcoming people to anyone willing to earn their favor.

This wisdom is the source of the inugami’s sociability and people that secured a inugami ’s loyalty know them to be reliable companions for life. A inugami will go to great lengths to ensure the safety of other members of their group and become heavily invested in their doings. To some a inugami’s behavior might be seen as overbearing or intrusive, while others will see them as the truest friend one can have.
by Unholyrodeo
“I will be by your side, always!”
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Children of Kurell
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
by QueenChikkibug
by QueenChikkibug

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