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The Black Wolf (kur-el)

God of Jealousy, Revenge, and Thievery
  • Kurell
  • Once, in an age long past, Kurell was not the god of jealousy, revenge, and thievery. He was a being of flesh and fur, an Inugami wolf prowling the shadowed streets of his city. Yet within his heart burned a desire that would forever alter his fate: the longing to possess the legendary Ishunai gem, a treasure of incalculable value that lay ensconced within the sacred shrine of his people. In a daring act of audacity, Kurell seized the gem, forever staining his name and the legacy of his kind with the indelible ink of theft.

    The theft of the Ishunai gem marked a turning point, a decision that cast Kurell into the annals of infamy. Branded an outcast and traitor by his own kind, he was shunned and ostracized, left to wander the fringes of society like a shadowy specter. Yet, in his isolation, Kurell's heart festered with a newfound bitterness, a venomous blend of resentment and vindictiveness. From this crucible of emotions, the transformation began.
    He became the embodiment of jealousy, revenge, and thievery, a figure whose power resonated with the most selfish and base aspects of human nature. Kurell's presence in the pantheon is palpable, his essence woven into the very fabric of his domains. Like a wolf stalking its prey under the cloak of night, he skulks through the hearts of mortals, sowing seeds of envy and discontent. When his ire is kindled, his vengeance descends like the fangs of a hungry wolf, biting into the soul with a savagery that leaves scars both seen and unseen.   Ominous, fiery-orange eyes burn at the forefront of his visage, an eternal reminder of the relentless pursuit that guides him. A wolf, both fearsome and cunning, serves as his symbol, a representation of his dual nature: the predator who takes what he desires, and the opportunist who thrives on cunning theft.   Kurell's dominion over thieves and bandits of the more self-serving stripe is uncontestable. They invoke his name, seek his favor, and offer tribute to appease his insatiable hunger for chaos. His influence pervades the underbelly of society, a force that thrives in the shadows, perpetually tempting mortals to embrace their basest instincts.   In the vast tableau of your world's myths and legends, Kurell stands as a stark reminder that even the darkest facets of existence hold a power all their own. His rise from outcast to deity, from a wolfish thief to a god of envy, revenge, and thievery, serves as both a cautionary tale and a testament to the malleability of divine potential.

    Divine Domains


    Alternate Domains:


    Divine Symbols & Sigils


    A Howling Black Wolf.

    Divine Ability

    Dexterity or Charisma

    Divine Font


    Divine Skill


    Favored Weapon

    a dagger.

    Cleric Spells

    Tenets of Faith

    • Claim Your Desires: Let the pulse of envy guide your ambitions. Just as Kurell once seized the Ishunai gem, so must you boldly grasp what rightfully belongs to you. From the treasures locked behind guarded doors to the intangible dreams woven in the tapestry of your heart, let no boundary deter your pursuit. For it is the way of Kurell to wrest from the clutches of those who would deny you.
    • Reckoning Trifold: When injustice darkens your path, let the scales of retribution balance thrice over. Kurell's scales demand equilibrium in the face of wrongs committed against you. As you were once wronged, so must your return of ill fate be threefold. Let your adversaries bear the weight of their actions, knowing that Kurell's hand guides your reprisal.
    • Hands of Revenge: Kurell's essence courses through your veins, fueling the fires of vendetta. When revenge beckons, let your hands be the instruments of its delivery. In the shadows where Kurell's influence is strongest, you must take upon yourself the mantle of the avenger. No proxies, no intermediaries—only your hands, guided by the divine mandate of your patron, can mete out the vengeance that is your right.


    Contacts & Relations


    Religious Views


    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Chaotic Neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    The Bitter Hand, The Scorned Heart, The Vengeful Knave, the Green-Eyed God, the Avenger, Black Wolf of the North, He Who Must Possess, Lord of Thieves
    by IrenHorrors
    by Ai

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