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The Ghoul King

God of Ghouls, Cannibalism, Flesh and Graves
  • Kabiri
  • In the shadowy depths of the Abyss, where chaos and malevolence intertwine, there exists a malevolent deity whose name strikes fear into the hearts of both the living and the damned – Kabiri, the God of Ghouls, Cannibalism, Flesh, and Graves. Born from the darkest corners of mortal depravity, his story is one of insatiable hunger, gruesome transformation, and eternal damnation. Legend speaks of Kabiri as a once-mortal soul who dared to commit the ultimate taboo – consuming the flesh of his own kind. This transgression against the natural order drew the ire of higher powers, leading to his swift demise from a mysterious ailment. But Kabiri's fate did not end with death. Instead, he was reborn within the depths of the Abyss, twisted and corrupted by the very act that had damned him.   Kabiri's domain, Everglut, stands as a nightmarish necropolis carved from the very essence of his demonic nature. The realm is a cyclopean labyrinth of tombs and catacombs, illuminated by an eerie green light that casts flickering shadows on endless rows of shelves, each bearing tomes that delve into the darkest aspects of his domains – cannibalism, undeath, decay, and more. Hidden within this necropolis are arcane libraries that, if navigated skillfully, can lead the daring to deeper layers of horror within the Demiplane of Nightmares itself.   Worship of Kabiri is a dark and clandestine affair, practiced by those who revel in the macabre. Cannibals, ghouls, grave robbers, and necrophiles gather beneath the surface of the mortal realm, donning black and purple robes that symbolize their allegiance to the Ghoul King. They anoint themselves with the foul carrion perfume, an homage to Kabiri's essence, and partake in grotesque rituals that honor his domains of indulgence, undeath, and knowledge.   Kabiri is not merely content to inspire his worshippers; he bestows upon them the means to spread his dread influence. His favored weapon, a two-headed flail crafted from a fusion of iron and bone, carries the taint of decay and corruption. With a single touch, this weapon can transform the living into ghouls, slaves to Kabiri's insatiable hunger. His unholy symbol, a bowl made from a human skull and filled with writhing maggots, serves as a reminder of the cycle of life and death that he commands.   Among the ranks of demon lords, Kabiri holds a sinister and dominant presence, his power resonating from the Abyssal layer of Everglut. His titles – Him Who Gnaws, Lord of Ghouls, Demon Lord of Graves and Ghouls – underscore his dark influence. But it is his most feared title, The Ghoul King, that strikes terror into the hearts of both his followers and his enemies. As the lord of chaos and the embodiment of primal, twisted desires, Kabiri's reign as the God of Ghouls forever entwines the realms of the living and the damned in a web of nightmarish horror.

    Divine Domains


    Alternate Domains:


    Divine Symbols & Sigils


    A dismembered arm or a Skull bowl of maggots.

    Divine Ability

    Strength or Constitution

    Divine Font


    Divine Skill


    Favored Weapon

    a claw or a Flail.

    Cleric Spells

    Tenets of Faith

    • The Feast of Eternity: Embrace the sacred act of consumption, for it is through the devouring of flesh that the boundaries of mortality are transcended. In the feast of eternity, we partake in the essence of life itself, defying the limitations of time and affirming our connection to the divine. By consuming the flesh of the fallen, we honor the essence of Kabiri and the cycle of existence he embodies.
    • In the Shadows of Decay: Revel in the beauty of decay and the transformative power of the inevitable end. Just as flesh gives way to bone and life gives way to death, so too must the world around us evolve through cycles of destruction and creation. By embracing the realm of decay, we draw closer to the essence of Kabiri and recognize that even in death, there is purpose and potential for rebirth.
    • Harvesting Knowledge from the Void: Seek enlightenment through the forbidden lore that lies hidden in the abyssal tomes. Knowledge is power, and by delving into the darkest corners of the arcane, we unlock the secrets of undeath, indulgence, and vigils. As disciples of Kabiri, we are granted the responsibility to wield this knowledge to reshape the world according to the divine will, spreading the influence of the Ghoul King across mortal realms.

    Physical Description

    Body Features

    As the first ghoul, Kabiri emerged from the abyssal depths with an insatiable hunger for the flesh of the living. His form bore the grotesque marks of his new existence – pallid, cold flesh resembling the texture of a corpse, emaciated yet strangely powerful muscles, and elongated limbs terminating in clawed talons. His mouth housed rows of razor-sharp teeth, perfect for rending and tearing flesh. The transformation had also left him with cloven hooves, mirroring the twisted forms of his most powerful ghoul servants.


    Contacts & Relations

    Grave Robbers

    Religious Views


    Secrets kept by the dead


    The Ghoul King

    Servant (Important)

    Towards The Eternal Death



    The Eternal Death

    Master (Trivial)

    Towards The Ghoul King



    by Catherine O Connor
    Divine Classification
    Lesser Deity
    Chaotic Evil
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Him Who Gnaws, Lord of Ghouls, Demon Lord of Graves and Ghouls
    by Dmitry Burmak

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