Guananaer Geographic Location in Therm | World Anvil
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Guananaer is a small island about 40 miles North East of Kelmernaer. Guananaer is flat and mostly sand except for the middle of the island and the mountain on its northern shore.


A group of Heitians migrated to the South Pepper Sea Islands around 100 PU. However none seemed to settle on Guananaer and most historians believe the island remained uninhabited until recently.   The islands of the South Pepper Sea were discovered by Pepper explorers from the Kingdom Pfeinkaug, around 650 PU, Guananaer was the first of these islands. Guananaer has few resources so it remained uninhabited from most of its history. In 1400's during the Golden Age of Sail Guananaer was used by pirates and smugglers, but due to a lack of a natural harbor it saw little use and was abandoned again after 1500 PU.   In 1582 a private aviation company was looking to build an airstrip for exotic tropical travel and built one on Guananaer. A small tourism industry sprang up complete with hotels and even a small rollercoaster ferried over from the mainland. The Guananaer airstrip served commercial and private flights until the company went bankrupt in 1596 PU from a sharp drop off in customers.   In 1602 after the Kelmernaer Liberation Army took over Kelmernaer, a company of soldiers were assigned to secure Guananaer.
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