The Graand Republik of Pepper Land Organization in Therm | World Anvil
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The Graand Republik of Pepper Land

The Free Republic of Pepper Land


  • Pepper Land
    A map of Pepper Land and surrounding areas.
Founding Date
August 31st, 1406 PU
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
"The Confederacy of Pepperland Kingdoms"[original name]
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
PepperLand Currency is called point, which literally translates to money. 1pt (point) in the year 1600 PU has the same purchase power as $0.04 USD in 1950
Major Exports
2nd largest producer of iron ore Top 10 producer for several fruits and vegetables 3rd largest producer of beef 2nd in pork
Legislative Body
The Legislative body of the government is a senatorial body. Every state in the union gets 2 senators, plus and additional senator for every 2 million citizens in that state above 1 million. Senators serve 4 year terms. As of 1560 PU term limits are capped at 4.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
Related Ethnicities

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