Pepper Ethnicity in Therm | World Anvil
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The Peppers, are a unique ethnic group on the continent of Heiland.   The ethnicity spans the entire East side of Heiland, particularly east side of the Great Heitian Sea.   Approximately 1600 years ago settlers from Durag landed in northern Pepper Land, founding the city of Geats. Over the years they've integrated most of the indigenous Haitian tribes into their own culture, although they did go to war with a few tribes. After centuries of marriages and mingling the descendants of the settlers and the original Haitian tribes became indistinguishable and formed a single ethnic identity.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Names unique to the Pepper Language
  • Beinner
  • Debenneh
  • Ellaina
  • Eloch
  • Fiyerly
  • Kiy
  • Sheara
  • Soisa
  • Vissme
  • Xaane
  • Yie
  • Zierly

Masculine names

Names unique to the Pepper Language
  • Asster
  • Brenzer
  • Halin
  • Kall
  • Keumper
  • Mauffer
  • Mlraunt
  • Regen
  • Schaan
  • Wealy
  • Zerte
  • Ztiethalm
Other common male names include most biblical names like Daniel, John, Mark, Luke, and Paul.


Average technological level

Current Year (3010PC) Atomic Age
Parent ethnicities
Diverged ethnicities
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