
Rorauk was raised in one of the nomadic bands of minotaurs, wandering Phoberos, the Ironhorn Clan. Rorauk's namesake, his great-grandfather was a respected war chief within the clan and led them to many victories in the service of Mogis. In fact, his lineage can be traced back to Thyrogog of the Ashlands of the Felhide Clan. Rorauk's ancestors have been searching for Thyrogog's lost great ax, Goremaster, for generations, in order to claim their rightful place as leaders of the Bloodhorns.

Rorauk never felt at ease with the blood lust of his clan and species. By the time he was an adolescent he was becoming rebellious towards the ways of his people and questioning the influence Mogis (and all gods) had over mortals. This was a source of shame for his family, considering their heritage and legacy.   Despite the fact that Rorauk was a skilled warrior and scout for the clan, the son of the chief constantly tormented and bullied the young minotaur. The chief's son, Phyrasus, challenged Rorauk in public one day, demanding he fights or forever be labeled a coward. Rorauk refused, and Phrases attempted to humiliate him publicly.   Rorauk was pushed beyond his limits and savagely beat the other minotaur. To the point where he crippled him permanently, breaking his back and arms. The chief of the clan was furious and demanded Rorauk's life, so he ran.   He had enough skill to survive in the wild for a time, but during a particularly harsh winter, he was holed up in a cave nearly frozen to death, when another minotaur ranger, Ghed, found him. The older minotaur saved him and taught Rorauk the ways of being a Gloom Strider, raising him as he would a son.   Ghed shares many of Rorauk's beliefs and distrust of the gods, witnessing their endless wars and meddling in the affairs of mortals, just to help themselves. He has seen firsthand the effect the gods' interference has wrought on the natural harmony of the world. Once Rorauk was old enough, Ghed sent him out into the world to help stem the plague of the supernatural forces wreaking havoc in Theros.   Rorauk has been wandering the Badlands for a couple of years now, helping out other nomadic tribes and working as a guide for travelers in the area. Recent events have shocked him back into action. He watched a horde of returned march through the badlands a few weeks ago, and in their wake, there has been an increase of nefarious creatures terrorizing the lands. Currently, he is on the trail of a pair of Oreads that are on a killing spree heading south of the badlands along the Deyda River.
Currently Boarded Vehicle

Side trek to Melitis

I went to the dock in Altrisos to book passage upriver to Melitis. Helped the Volcanic Hydra guild load a ship bound for Melitis and got paid 4 gold. In Melitis I sought out the playwright, Retnues to inform him his work was being stolen and passed off as someone else's original work. He didn't care and was much more interested in creating a new epic poem. he seemed to want to come with me, but I tried to discourage him unless he was going to actually fight. I left him there in the city and returned to the ship to go back to Altrisos.   While waiting on the ship I overhead talk on the dock about an attack in Lagonna territory. Dark riders appeared and caused immense devastation near Setessa, at the Oresekes border, and near Akros. The figures vanished as the sun rose.