The Weeping Grotto

This twisted cavern turned laboratory twists like a maze through magical pools of wonder. Under the direction of Pharika, The druid-oracle Penelope Valla utilized the mystical powers of the pools to further her research on returning the memories of the The Returned. Due to both her lack of results and the fury of Nylea, adventurers were called forth to take action. Both Prubo “Tiger-eye” and Nicias the Serpent played a central role in the eventual downfall of Penelope. Though there are some academics who suggest that it was the legendary physician Baltselis who masterminded the entire downfall of Pharkia's devilsh research.    The caverns are currently under the protection of Niketa of Bassara Tower, though the refugees of Deyda Harbor desire independence from the forgien army. Following the leadership of Thalis Katasardis, these people seek a new home in the half-collapsed cavern. To complicate matters further, the mystical effects of the grotto's waters are still largely unknown. To what effect their pollutants still impact the realm are yet to be seen.
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