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Nessian Woods

The vast wilderness of the Nessian Wood is considered Nylea's domain. Its trees are as old as the world, twining together to form an impenetrable canopy shielding the wood from Heliod's angry glare. Their roots stretch deep into the earth, and some say they drink from the Rivers That Ring the World, the waters of the Underworld. All manner of wild and magical creatures dwell in the Nessian Wood, far from the reach of human civilization.   Nylea allows limited hunting in the Nessian Wood, but she has been known to kill those who poach without her permission. Setessa's Bassara regiment helps the god keep an eye out for such illicit hunters, as well as any intruders who might bring danger upon the polis.  

Inhabited Places


In the Heart of the Nessian Wood lies Setessa, the great Polis devoted to Karametra. Beyond the city's encircling trees, the territory of Setessa extends to cover about a third of the Nessian Wood and a wide swath of the open chaparral. In contrast to Meletis and Akros, no villages or military outposts mark Setessan territory, but a few key features in the Nessian Wood define the area under Setessan control. These include:   Cypress Gates. A natural gap between two mountains on the west side of the Sperche River provides access into the Nessian Wood from the east. Ancient Setessans carved an impenetrable fortress into the mountains to guard the pass. Bassara patrols from Setessa still check in on the fortress regularly, and they occupy the fortress when there is reason to suspect danger from the east. More than once, though, patrols have reached the fort only to find something else has taken up residence, whether it be rowdy satyrs, grim Returned, or worse.   Hunter's Crossing. Setessa once extended its claim over more of the Nessian Wood, establishing military outposts like those of Akros. At the western end of the forest, along the road from Meletis known as the Guardian Way, the ruins of a round tower lie beside a rushing stream. This marks the greatest extent of ancient Setessa's reach. A site of rich natural beauty, with lilacs growing along the riverbank and silver fish darting in startlingly clear water, it is abandoned by Setessa and favored by travelers as a resting point on the road before coming under the eaves of the forest.


The Amatrophon encompasses a large forested region at the northwestern edge of Setessan territory, and it provides a safe haven and training ground for the diverse range of animals that occupy an honored place as natural protectors in Setessan society. Experts train the renowned falcons of Setessa here, along with horses for riding and for combat. More unusual animals are found here as well: trainers work with pegasi, wolves, and lions to get them ready to accompany Setessans in battle. Here men live and work alongside women, collectively training and caring for the animals that live here.
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