Introduction to the Encyclopedia in Theros | World Anvil
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Introduction to the Encyclopedia

"They were alone on the glassy blue ocean. A waterfall stretched endlessly along the horizon line. The water at the edge of the world was like a placid pond, as if enjoying a last few seconds of existence before cascading over the edge in a raging torrent of white-capped water. Directly in front of them was Kruphix’s Tree. Two enormous trunks were separate at the base, but they arched toward each other and joined at the top in a single leafy crown. Stars glittered beyond the waterfall, but the background was milky violet with tinges of deep blue. The seawater that plummeted over the edge disappeared into the abyss of the stars. They had reached the edge of the world."

    Theros is a world of Myth and Magic, where the collective unconscious of mortal people has the literal power of creation, though the process unfolds over the course of countless centuries. It is a world based within Bronze-Age Hellenism, and draws upon the legends and myths related to the gods of that time and place.


The History of Theros The History of Akros

Map of Theros 

Map of Theros
An Over-Arching Map of the world of Theros.

Map of Akros

Map of Akros
A map of the Polis of Akros, with important sites highlighted.

The Titanomachy

Before Time Existed - Beginning of Time

An Age of Chaos, where the Titans ruled over the primordial elements. This age ended with the creation of Kruphix, and therefore time, space and reality itself.

The First Theogony (The Kruphixiad)

Beginning of Time - ???

The beginning of time, reality and fate. The Titans' creations were repurposed to form Theros, and Kruphix observed all. This Age ended with the creation of humanoid life, and with it Destiny.

The Second Theogony (The Heliad)

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This Age started with the creation of the humanoid races, with much disagreement about who came first and by which divinity life began. What is agreed is that The Heliad was marked by the birth of Heliod, who ruled over a collection of other gods, from his throne in Nyx.

The Traxiad

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This Age represents the time during which the Archons of Trax ruled Theros. It was a time of great advances in Philosophy and Technology, with the Archons having a mastery of both Sorcery and Science, and a supreme self-confidence. However, outside of the Traxian Imperium's borders, The Traxiad saw the propagation of entire kingdoms ruled by Giants, Gorgons and Demons. Dragons and Krakens are also said to have grown to immense size, and legends tell of The Archons of Trax leading Legions of Leonin soldiers to fight off armies of foul monsters. Many races remember this as an age of oppression, with the Traxians claiming to be the only protection the "Lesser Races" had against oblivion, and using this as justification for the enslavement of entire civilisations to their will.

The Third Theogony (The Poleiad)

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The Fall of Agnomachos, The Archons, and their Traxian Imperium, left a tempting power vacuum, as well as groups of humanoids with no protection from the hordes of monstrosities roaming the lands of Theros. Into this vacuum arose "The Poleis" - City states ruled by the peoples of Theros.

The Age of Heroes

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The uncounted centuries since the end of the Akro-Meletian War have been marked by the exploits of great heroes, many of which are recorded in works of epic prose and poetry. Three major narratives remain widely retold and studied: "The Akroan War", "The Callapheia" and "The Theriad".


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