Prince Arius "The Ever-Young" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Prince Arius "The Ever-Young" of Akros

Child of Queen Jocasta of Akros, and her faithful bodyguard, Hammuras   Half-Brother and companion of Prince Gallinus "Giant's Blood" of Akros   After being ambushed by the forces of King Moros, "The Cruel", of Akros outside the walls of The Kollophon, Arius escaped into the waters of The River Deyda. After journeying across the lands of Theros, Arius found himself in the enchanted Nessian Woods, following rumours of his nephew, Lorcann, in the hopes that the two of them could together liberate Akros from Moros' grip. When he entered the forest, he got lost and ended up in the court of The Eladrin. Taken as a slave, he was given to the Dryad Lyalli as a consort. There he lived within the timeless realm of the Eladrin, and there he fathered the future King of Akros, Anax. It is said that when Anax led his escape from the Eladrin court, Arius refused to join him, and that he remains within the woods to this day...  


Year of Birth
185 BNA 190 Years old


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