Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros

Queen Jocasta of Akros

As the stories go, Jocasta was the child of a dalliance between the Naiad Saerene and Purphoros, God of the forge. In early life, she was famous for her many adventures with the greatest heroes of Theros, including Callaphne, The Mariner, and Simonis, The Wind Rider. The stories of her early life tell that she had many lovers, amongst them Iroas, God of Triumph, and Karametra, Goddess of the Harvest. Some legends even go far enough to pronounce that Jocasta was the only person to ever broken the hearts of more than one god (though tales disagree as to which gods these were).   What is accepted is that Jocasta eventually settled down with her first husband, a king of a land of giants from across The Siren Sea, named Gosi. He was conviinced to travel back to Akros with Jocasta, where she named him King Goran III, to reign alongside her. Queen Jocasta and King Goran reigned together for many years, during which time they were famed for strengthening the armies of Akros, and for founding the great wall, and the proverbial gate, of Titan's Gate to the East.   After many years of successful marriage, Jocasta gave birth to her first child by King Goran, the half-giant Gallinus. However, her gaze had begun to drift, and so Jocasta made the scandalous decision to take a second husband, in the form of an influential noble from Meletis, named Alexios. Sources differ as to how Goran responded to this news, but it is agreed that he and Jocasta remained man and wife, and that he devoted more and more time to improving the military capabilities of the Lektoi.   Whilst Goran busied himself with training the troops, Jocasta and her consort, Alexios, waged numerous campaigns against the Meletian Republic in order to proclaim Alexios King of that fair city. By Alexios, Jocasta gave birth to her second child, a daughter by the name of Thaleia. The story of Thaleia and Alexios is not a happy one. Alexios, once the brightest of Meletis' warriors, and a King of Akros, fell to the dark of Pharika's cults, in his desire for victory in his wars against Meletis. He was convinced to sacrifice his daughter to the goddess, for the promise of victory. On being sacrificed, Thaleia was morphed by the powers of Pharika into a monstrous creature capable of breaking the walls of Meletis. In his horror, Alexios killed himself, and Thaleia sunk into the darkest recesses of Theros...   After the terrible affair of Thaleia and Alexios, Queen Jocasta returned to Akros, and was blessed with another son, by the name of Arius. Arius was clearly no child of Goran's, howeever despite this fact, Arius was raised as a full member of the family, and quickly became Gallinus' closest friend. Many stories are told of the adventures of Gallinus and Arius, whose most famous adventures involve their travels across Oreskos and across the Oraniad Mountains.   Later in her long life, Jocasta was bereaved of another husband, after King Goran was taken to Nyx by Iroas for his services to warfare and the Akroan people. Alone, Jocasta turned once again to adventure, and is told to have killed the great Hydra Cyphales, and to create a new High Temple of Purphoros atop great Kakamala. During these travels, she met a poor serf, possessed of great intellect, by the name of Moros. Smitten, she married him on the spot, and named him King Moros.   Queen Jocasta and King Moros quickly gave birth to a son, whom she named Cleomenes. Jocasta then settled into a life of relative peace, and let Moros handle the day-to-day management of her kingdom, whilst she raised her son, and beseeched Gallinus and Arius to visit home. But whilst Jocasta was distracted by love for her children, Moros enriched himself at the expense of the Akroan people, taking revenge on all of the nobles who had once ruled over him.   When Gallinus and Arius returned home, they found it a dystopian dictatorship, ruled by King Moros "The Cruel". They immediately approached the king, demanding explanation, but Moros tricked them into believing their mother was responsible, and that she had gone mad with grief over the loss of Thaleia... He agreed to see Arius and Gallinus outside the city walls, alone, to discuss this further. They agreed, in good faith, and then Moros had them ambushed. Gallinus was butchered by the ambushers, but managed to allow Arius to escape into the rievr Deyda.  It is said that King Moros dined upon Gallinus' flesh for many months, growing fat and ever-pleased with himself...   Queen Jocasta eventually discovered the fate of her beloved sons (she did not know that Arius had escaped), and took a knife to Moros' throat the first chance she had. She afterwards avowed the love of men, and swore to leave the world of the living as soon as Cleomenes grew old enough to rule... And so she did.   Wife of King Goran III, Alexios of Meletis and King Moros The Cruel Mother of Gallinus, Thaleia, Arius and Cleomenes  


Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


Towards Alexios "The Prince of Meletis"


Alexios "The Prince of Meletis"


Towards Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


Towards King Moros, "The Cruel", of Akros


King Moros, "The Cruel", of Akros


Towards Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


King Goran III "The Mighty" of Akros


Towards Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


Queen Jocasta "Thrice-wed" of Akros


Towards King Goran III "The Mighty" of Akros


259 BNA 59 BNA 200 years old
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