Queen Chrysanthe "The Siren" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Queen Chrysanthe "The Siren" of Akros

Queen Chrysanthe ruled Akros sometime between the reigns of King Goran I "The Founder" of Akros and King Lycurgus "The Old" of Akros, though when (and for how long) is unknown.  What is known is that Chrysanthe was well known in her time, for her beauty and her melodic voice. So confident was she in her abilities that she challenged the goddess Ephara to a singing contest. The contest was judged by the three gods of Akros (Iroas, Heliod and Purphoros), and they duly found her the winner.  As a prize for her victory, Ephara turned Chrysanthe into the first Lyre, and from that day on Chrysanthe's music was said to be heard at every royal wedding until she was lost to time (or, as some rumour, stolen by Phenax, the god of lies).
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