Queen Fausta "Demonblood" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Queen Fausta "Demonblood" of Akros

Fausta was an unlikely successor to King Kallinikos "The Magnificent" of Akros, being an illegitimate child born through union with an arcane entity, but as the only surviving child of the King she was asked by The Gerousia to take up Varantha and protect the Polis from the oncoming onslaught of The Great Ashen Dragon descending from Mount Vorkei and heading straight towards Akros.   Unlike her father, she did not possess great thaumaturgical powers, but she bravely took up Varantha in defence of her state. She died in a great battle in One-Eyed Pass, during which her consort (one of the last surviving Thaumaturges trained in Symbala) used his magic (as well as the force of arms of the Lektoi) to stop the great Ashen Dragon's advance and protect the city from destruction.    After the battle, Fausta's consort Darius was accepted by The Gerousia as her successor and posthumously adopted into the Second of Akros' Royal Dynasties.   Fausta has been remembered for her courage, and is worshipped by some within Akros as a minor diety of the downrodden and those who rise above their birth.
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