Session 16 - "It's Always a Party at Fengari" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 16 - "It's Always a Party at Fengari" Report

General Summary

  • Kythos, Koila and Taurion visited Castle Fengari, surrounded by spirits 
  • Lost Helm of Cassander and Lyre of Chrysanthe to the guardian of the Castle. Mask of Orestes crushed. 
  • Spirits tried to attack Kythos, but stopped because he "has the mark" 
  • Koila and Taurion disappeared in the castle 
  • Tymaret and Antiophane in the castle. Everyone in Regency dress. 
  • Saw the arrival of a star lady, with a winged cat. 
  • Malanas arrived, and showed Kythos to the basin - "be a hero". 
  • Philosta journeyed through the Hall of The Flamespeakers. Found journal of priest Enethos. Met Malkios, a hungry undead former priest of Purphoros. 
  • Kythos arrived, and saved Philosta from a big worm. 
Theros Campaign
Report Date
25 Feb 2024


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