Kythos Character in Theros | World Anvil
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Kythos was born on the outskirts of Meletis, to Maeria, a former soldier from Akros, and Stanthus, a farmer from Phalea.  His birth was fated by a peculiar sense of Deja-vu, and his earliest memory involved him eating a golden apple from The Nessian Wood.  His grandmother, Vala , received a vision when he was a child that he was destined to discover the secret to the gods' divinity.  He was educated in Meletis, alongside his friend Hixus, and after his education he joined the Meletian military as a scout.  Meanwhile, his parents had moved to his father's village of Phalea, where the family settled down.  One fateful evening, Phalea was attacked by Nyxborn warriors in the armies of Xenagos. Kythos was too late to sav his parents, who were both killed, but his heroic defence of the city earned him the favour of Iroas, and Kythos became a hero of the god of victory.     

Session 2

Kythos wakes to find a lanky teen reading a scroll in the bed opposite His name is Palayos He speaks with a Meletian twang, and is from Dayda Harbour (a place where anything goes" He is devoted to Atheros, Phasa He greets Kythos with a "May the light be with you"   Kythos spent the night previous drinking with Hixus + their new friends Xerkos and Phelosta were travellers they met in the Conglom, and were also good dancers Phelosta seemed "interested" in Kythos, which later revealed that they both were   The Minotaur barmaid's name is Gnassa   Xerkos is in his late 30's with dark brown/black hair, braided ponytail, strings of blue woven into it He is scantly dressed in a sash and short skirt combination He has blue tattoos and his veins faintly glow blue aswell He is married to Phelosta   Xerkos + Phelosta are looking for an oracle, and Khea didn't quite fit the bill They are looking for Flamespeakers who are present on Mount Katachthon They also encountered a "The Returned" en route from the South who matched the description of the same one Kythos fought   In the Flea Market, singing could be heard as a crowd was gathered round it Three women in silk gowns spinning and circling in a Kaleidoscope style Painting patterns on the floor with their feet, the abstract patterns grew in size as they danced They're known as Sand Dancers They typically perform for the first storm of the season   Hixus + Kythos go to visit Khea, the Oracle Khea's house runs up and around the leg of the collosus with alcoves into it   Kallistos, is an elder of Akros   Khea, a woman with onyx black skin and clothes in a light green. Her eyes burnt out The gold mask that was retrieved is Traxian It contains a poem to Phenax, an incomplete cypher however half of which is missing Varays was an oracle to Phenax in Akros, although has long passed. He resided in Tier 1 of the Colliphon, and was a fan of The Band of Five Orestes was one of Phenax's earliest followers, buried in Mount Katachthon, the tomb of which contains Phenax's silence   The Court of Orestes is his resting place "Gods are dangerous, the path is also, they are watching"   The vetting process for the Oromai was begun so that Hixus + Kythos could enter the Colliphon Need to do something impressive to get name out about being the Champion of Iroas   Kythos + Hixus leave Akros to follow the Kistanos river upstream looking for the Court of Orestes   In the Catacon foothills, a rock outcropping that looks like a Satyr's face is found with water flowing out it's eyes and mouth to form a pool below An omen of Pharika, a small shimmering snake, led Hixus + Kythos to the pool Suspected to be the rumoured "Pool of Lys" Drinking from the pool caused major nausea for both, as three winged harpies appeared and attacked "Akno, Jamp, Hakno" Kythos + Hixus survived the fight and looted the area whilst resting Inside one of the caves a carving told the Harpies story; They were followers of Kerenos, and wanted to be oracles. They learnt magic to prove their worth and in return were cursed to become Harpies Collected the pool's water for Prokopius   As the journey continued, inbetween two hills an old, sick minotaur wearing a dark circlet was found He claimed to be "Antagonis" a King of a Kingdom far to the East Mogis had told him to travel out of his Kingdom His son had not been worth to carry the claim of Heir, and Mogis "broke him" Claimed that the next Heir would fit inside a large vase King Antagonis was unfortunately insane and the circlet fake, only realised after a fight to the death  

Session 1

Agathe paid Kythos for the work he did in protecting the caravan. She suggested they meet up again in Akros, she is staying near the market - "Mallora's place" in the Colliphon.   The Flea Market resides in the lower area of Akros outside the main Red Walls.   A shop run by Leonins selling exotic goods, spices and food. Two Leonins; one white furred and one black furred. Tollé was seen chatting to the white Leonin in a hushed conversation. Jet black Leonin, with three claw scars on her face, was the teller in the store - she had poor social skills. Offered Kumis, an alcoholic milk like drink, and Sargonis, a antelope meat glazed in honey.   A caravan shop run by two centaurs named "Ormasos" and "Meloe" Their store wasn't seeing much attention due to the discrimination against Centaurs Had various knickknacks for sale Also available was a carved wooden horse for a Iroas symbol that cost 500gp Revealed that Meloe had weak legs and couldn't stand properly on her own They wanted Kythos to "give regards to the farmers" due to the Kystanos river being dammed and the farms struggling   Types of people in Akros; Lectoy, the military citizens and Serfs, who are slave adjacent   Visited Prokopios' Hut, a small round potion hut with a stout door Prokopios being as short, overweight, balding man with a moustache - has a yellow cornsnake named "Alina" Wants us to bring him any works of Phrika Rumours of a super weapon being tested in the Mountains nearby   Paristhenes and Teraklos are brothers that are also champions of Iroas in Akros   A thief in a dark robe robbed an older couple Kythos chased her down and caught her, retrieving the stolen goods When the crowd started to turn against the female satyr, Kythos carried her to the authorities himself (The Oromai)   The robbed couple were Alkmenos and Brigone, who were serfs travelling into the city from their farm They are big fans of Iroas and the champions of his They have a son, Corrino, who is greatly ill. Kythos wanted to see if he couple help   A rumoured "Legendary Pool of Lys" may be present in the riverbed now that the river is dammed   Kythos set off to the farm to see Corrino En route found a shrine of a woman holding corn - an alseed, spirit of the grasslands Providing it with a gift of crops provided Kythos with a Charm of Vitality   Reaching "Corrino's Joy", Kythos found the "cursed" child He believed he was sick from drinking the river water When a Lay of Hands was performed, Kythos felt something push back against the divine powers Prokopios has been making remedies for him which don't appear to be working   Heading back to Akros, Kythos stayed the night at "The Conglom" an inn in the Flea Market A female minotaur with braids working the bar


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