Session 3 - "The Path of Phenax" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 3 - "The Path of Phenax" Report

General Summary

  • Kythos awoke to the feeling of a mysterious individual calling his name, and caressing him in sleep. The golden outline of figure was seen beside him when he awoke.
  • Kythos and Hixus journeyed along the Khystonos, and encountered a Kruphixian apple, which Hixus decoded - it told them to go North.
  • Flashbacks to Kythos' lessons with Professor Lucis, back in Meletis.
  • They encountered some hoof prints in the mud, and later a second Kuphixian apple, which decoded to say "wrong way"
  • Hiding in the dry riverbed, the pair witnessed the approach of a group of Returned, including one with a damaged mask - the Returned from the road to Akros!
  • The mask the pair had acquired from Varyas on the road started to glow when the pair entered the riverbed. On it was written -
  • Life is a lie, and only through lies can we see the truthFollow the Path of Phenax
  • Hixus put the mask on, and through it he saw a new world, underwater, with fish and a Naiad swimming past...
Theros Campaign
Report Date
02 Sep 2023
Related Characters
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.


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