Session 4 - "The Court of Orestes" Report Report in Theros | World Anvil
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Session 4 - "The Court of Orestes" Report

General Summary

  • Kythos and Hixus followed the magical path viewed through the Mask of Varyas, to a stone door within the ground of the dried riverbed. 
  • They were attacked by a sepentine creature, which seemed to move between two different realities, and was only stopped after Hixus answered its riddle 
  • The pair journeyed into the fabled Court of Orestes, which existed below (and at an angle with) the riverbed of the Khystonos 
  • The Court was riddled with signs of faith in Phenax, God of Lies, including a great mural to Orestes, and his many exploits - 
  • Stealing the sun from above the Polis of Setessa, tricking a Cerberus into devouring itself, stealing a Kraken's heart, and racing a skiff ahead of Athreos, the River Guide of The Dead. Orestes was also shown eating a golden apple, as a youth. 
  • There were a collection of different sarcophaguses, one of which depicted a champion of Phenax whispering to sleep a variety of monsters, including a Woe-Strider (which did not make sense, given the age of the tombs, and Woe-Striders being unknown of prior to 5 years ago). There was also an empty sarcophagus with its name violently scratched off, which depicted the city of Akros in ruins, people screaming, lava streaming through the streets, and a sapphire blue dragon shooting down lightning from the skies. In the streets, there was a mural depicting a hero holding a large Khopesh, reminiscent of Kythos. 
  • Hixus and Kythos then encountered a pair of underworld nymphs (Lampads) within a room containing a great statue depicting Phenax. The Lampads, Antiophane and Callisos, declared they had been sent to bring back Varyas' Eidolon to the underworld, along with his funerary mask, as requested by their god, Athreos. 
  • Kythos and Hixus then fought the Lampads, alongside Varyas' Eidolon, and Kythos summoned the Court's serpentine guardian to attack Antiophane, and then killed it, pleasing Iroas. 
  • Varyas' Eidolon then fled with the mask, exclaiming that Tymaret, The Murder King, has sent Returned from Odunos in pursuit of him, including the dreaded Malanas, The Crow...

Rewards Granted

Level Up (Kythos Lv5, Hixus Lv 4)  Kythos gained a point of Piety for defeating the Guardian of The Court of Orestes in combat  Multiple treasures from The Court of Orestes, including The Mask of Orestes Varyas' Eidolon (Follower)

Character(s) interacted with

Encountered Antiophane and Callisos, two Lampads  Encountered a serpentine Nyxborn, who appeared to be a guardian of The Court of Orestes  Witnessed a dark bird with glowing blue eyes - later identified as Malanas, The Crow
Theros Campaign
Report Date
03 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters
Regional map of Akros and the Khystonos Valley
A map of the area immediately surrounding Akros and the Khystonos.


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