The Witch-Queen Amunet, of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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The Witch-Queen Amunet, of Akros

Amunet's heritage is far from certain. What is known is that she was found by King Darius "The Wicked" of Akros during an expedition to the ruins of Symbala and the Tower of Symbal.   She is widely regarded to have corrupted the king, and to have taught him the dark arts of necromancy. After his defeat in the wars against Setessa and Meletis, and his assassination by the elders of The Gerousia, Amunet began a reign of terror. She killed all ofthe most influential members of The Gerousia during "The Black Night", and asserted unyielding control over The Kollophon.   She was eventually ousted by the remaining Lektoi, and fled to Phoberos, after which she led an army of Returned agsainst the city.   She may have ruled Akros for perpetuity, had it not been for the invasion of The Sea Peoples, who freed Akros from Amunet's tyranny. She was subsequently executed for treason by the new king, Keiko "The Conqueror".
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