King Darius "The Wicked" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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King Darius "The Wicked" of Akros

Originating from a Serf family within The Northern Province of Akros, Darius' prodigal skill led to his entry to the newly-founded Thaumaturgical college of Symbal created by King Kallinikos "The Magnificent" of Akros.  Rising through the ranks of Kallinikos' administration, Darius was married to the king's illegitimate daughter, Fausta, as a consort.    Following Symbal's fall to The Great Ashen Dragon, Darius joined his wife (now Queen of Akros, see Queen Fausta "Demonblood" of Akros), at the great battle that stopped the dragon's progress to Akros. Darius' Thaumaturgy was critical in securing the victory, and so he was universally proclaimed king on the field of battle (Fausta having died in battle).    Darius initially ruled Akros in a similar style to his predecessor Kallinikos, creating a new (smaller) library within the Kollophon, and encouraging the study of Thaumaturgy amongst the Lektoi. Eventually, he sponsored an expedition into the ruins of Symbala, after which he returned with a new wife called Amunet.    The king changed over the following years, supposedly through the influence of his new wife. He turned to necromancy, and resurrected the body of The Great Ashen Dragon, with which to assert his dominance. He then declared war upon Setessa and Meletis, and led an army of Lektoi and undead legions against the other great Poleis.    The war ended in disaster, and Darius was eventually killed within the hall of The Gerousia by Akros' nobility.    Unfortunately for Akros, Darius was not in possession of Varantha at the time of his death - the spear being in the possession of his wife, who by Akros' laws became the new reigning monarch of the Polis.
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