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Agren, Hammer of the Gods

Agren (/æd͡ʒɻn/) is the god of beauty, the forge, and the visual arts. Their followers are artists, bards, blacksmiths, and anyone who values the concepts of beauty and artistic creation.



The Age of Dawn

Born on an tropical island off the southern coast of Maedris, much of Agren's mortal life was spent in pursuit of mastery over the arts. They began as a painter, but quickly expanded their repertoire to include sculpting, sewing, smithing, and a wide variety of other art forms. At the height of their career, however, they suddenly closed their workshop to the public, and refused to take new commissions from the nobles who had long funded their work. Instead, Agren took his remaining wealth and funneled it into the purchase of materials for what he considered his magnum opus: the jewelry he gifted the gods. Delighted by the quality of these pieces, and by the dedication with which Agren crafted them, the Ethereal Gods conferred divinity upon him.



Agren is a dwarf with ruddy brown skin and a long, braided beard the color of obsidian. During his ascension, his eyes shifted from humanoid brown to gleaming, solid gold. They wear polished jewelry in their hair and beard, and several gem-encrusted rings on each of their fingers. Depending on which of his followers he is appearing to, he may wear anything from fine silks and cashmeres to the hardier clothing commonly worn by smiths.


Artists call Agren a fickle god, whose favor comes and goes more frequently than the changing of the tides. He withholds inspiration from them for long stretches of time, only to strike them with the fervor of artistic passion suddenly and without warning-- but this gift is only given to those artists who continue to create even when it is absent.


Anyone who has a stake in art, beauty, or the crafting of things has reason to worship Agren. Bards often go on pilgrimage to his various shrines, as part of their ongoing artistic education.

Edicts and Anathema


  • Create art
  • Admire beauty in all its forms
  • Repair broken works
  • Pay a fair price for a smith's or artist's work



  • Destroy a smithy or artist's studio
  • Destroy art or a smith's work
  • Intentionally create inferior works
  • Plagiarize, steal, or copy another's work




Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

Hammer of the Gods
Ascended God
Art, Beauty, Creation, the Forge
A prismatic gemstone in the shape of a diamond
Divine Realm
Lawful Good


Artists, Bards, Smiths
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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