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Maedris (/meɪðɾɪs/) is the westernmost of the three major continenets of Thesilae. It lies slightly more to the south than it's neighbor Eloqua and just east of the Evermist Isles.  


The Adanza Tropics

The Adanza Tropics are a moist broadleaf tropical rainforest which dominates the southern half of Maedris. Somewhere in its depths are the hidden Twin Cities of Rel-Tsari.  

Carmessia Bay

Carmessia Bay is a large-ish bay on the northern coast of Maedris. Its coast stretches across the border of both Shae Ashad and Isle d'Akti, making it the territory of both nations.  

The Eòsalas Mountains

Located near the eastern coast of Maedris, the Eòsalas Mountains are a sacred place of the gods Niginni and Brasaan, and are protected fiercely by their followers. Additionally, the mountains serve as a physical border between Shae Ashad and Isle d'Akti.  

Kabatare Woods

Kabatare Woods is a dense deciduous woodland surrounding the Eòsalas Mountains.  

Ma'sali Forest

A large, dim forest in western Maedris. Due to the abundance of rumors about what lives in Ma'sali, locals don't dare attempt to harvest its resources or settle in or around it.  

Marascura Narrows

The Marascura Narrows are a small, inward-twisting bay on the southern coast of Maedris. It is a common meeting ground for lizardfolk from the Twin Cities and expeditionary groups hoping to trade with them.  

Soñadores Bay

Soñadores Bay is a large bay along the inner coast of Maedris. For unknown reasons, its waves are filled with highly-concentrated Ether which, among other things, sometimes lulls sailors into magical slumber.  



As of 126 LE, the population of Maedris is estimated to be about 1.5 million, though this does not account for the population of the Adanza Tropics, which is unknown.  


Isle d'Akti

Despite its name, Isle d'Akti is not an island, but a coastal nation bordered by the Eòsalas Mountains in the west. It is a meritocracy, and the induction of new leadership (called the Crowningsday Games) has been made into such an event it draws tourism from all across Thesilae.  

Shae Ashad

Located in western Maedris, Shae Ashad is a kingdom which prides itself on the quality of its art, music, and literature. Its government has deep ties to the worship of Vimeri.  

Twin Cities of Rel-Tsari

The Twin Cities of Rel-Tsari are hidden away somewhere in the dense Adanza Tropics, their location intentionally kept secret from the rest of Thesilae for cultural reasons. They are the ancestral homelands of Thesilaean lizardfolk, who speak of the cities with a special gleam in their eyes, though the details lizardfolk share are delibrately vague.  


Which cultures exist here?  


The Discordant Rebellions

The Discordant Rebellions were a centuries-long battle between the mortal people of Thesilae and the oppressive Psionic Scourge which enslaved them during the Age of Eclipse. As the rebellion ended and the final remnants of the scourge were either destroyed or exiled, nations were formed all across the planet, thus marking the start of the modern era: the Age of New Light.

General Information

Full Name: Maedris
  • Jungle
  • Mountains
  • Forests

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Points of Interest:

Societal Information

Demonym: Madrisian
Population: Est. 1.5 million (as of 126 LE)1

1. This estimated population does not include people living in the Adanza Tropics, for which demographics are unknown.

Articles under Maedris


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