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Dithe, the Hearthkeeper

Dithe (/diːθaː/) is the goddess of the home, marriage, familial bonds, and community. She is worshiped broadly by people all across Thesilae.  


The Age of Dawn

While her children traveled the world, performing great heroics and stopping the Empire of Vurus' invasion, Dithe waited patiently for the day of their safe return. This day would never come. Only one of her children, her eldest and only daughter, Nondra, would make it home alive. She brought with her the news of her two youngest siblings' deaths. Heartbroken over the loss of her children, Dithe fell ill, and it quickly became clear to Nondra that her mother would not live long. While sitting vigil at her mother's deathbed, Nondra prayed for many days and nights to the gods Thesridan and Lanush, whom she had worshipped doggedly all through her life, begging that they would reunite her youngest siblings with their mother after her passing. Her prayers were heard and honored, and the gods granted Ditha divinity, as Vimeri had her children.  



Dithe is an older woman, past her middle years but not quite elderly, and her face bears the signs of her age and wisdom. She has long white hair broken up by streaks of its original red, and warm brown eyes. Her manner of dress is simple: soft off-white peplos robes fastened with simple wooden pins, worn under a flax himation, and leather sandles.  


Dithe is characterized as a motherly figure who looks after mortals of all stripe, whether they worship her or not. She is fond of young children, and it is said that the quickest way to provoke her wrath is to bring harm to a child or their guardians.  


Dithe is worshiped by most folk in Thesilae, as nearly everyone seeks her protection and good fortune for themselves and their loved ones. Community leaders tend to be among her most devout worshipers, but homemakers, newlyweds, and new parents also pay her a great deal of respect.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Protect and shelter children
  • Grow and support your community
  • Practice loyalty towards your family
  • Fulfill your duties in the home, family, and community


  • Harm a parent, guardian, or child
  • Break up or seperate a family
  • Harm your kin or community
  • Abandon your family or community
  • Destroy your own home, or the home of others



Places of Worship

Deity Information

The Hearthkeeper
Ascended God
Home, Marriage, Familial bonds, and Community
A lit hearth
Divine Realm
Neutral Good
Transgender Woman


Common folk, community leaders, homemakers
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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