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Vimeri, Grandmother Sun

Vimeri (/vaɪmɛɚiː/) is the goddess of redemption, honesty, integrity, and freedom. She is also Thesilae's sun, and the goddess of light. Mortals have worshiped Vimeri since the dawn of time.  


The Age of Twilight

According to the Dalgeonia, Vimeri was born from the convergence of the Primordial Spirits many eons before the world was formed. It is said that her flames burned brighter and hotter in these days, when she drifted alone in the vast and silent void of space. But after a time, she grew bored and lonesome, and began to conceive of a Being like herself, who would occupy the quiet alongside her. Whenever one of the Primordial Spirits floated by her, she would reach out and grasp the loosest strands of Ether in their tails, pulling them together to create the shape of a life. Gradually, the shape took a more proper form, and Vimeri's eldest child, Hasra, took her first stuttering breath. Soon after came the twins Lanush and Thesridan and then, finally, young Niginni who would inherit her mother's penchant for crafting life, and sculpt the very world and all its inhabitants from clay.  

The Age of Dawn

It was during the Age of Dawn, the first age in which the mortals of Thesilae were truly alive, when several new gods came into being. These were called the Ascended Gods, so named because they rose from the ranks of mortals into the divine realm. Many were champions of Vimeri or her children, such as Amvald and his siblings, who ascended at the end of the Rending War.  

The Rending War

Amvald was a loyal champion of Vimeri, who spent most of his short life carrying out her edicts and guiding the troubled towards a path of goodness and redemption. When the empire of Vurus began to encroach on his homeland, imposing its tyranny on his people, Amvald raised his blade against their armies. Eventually, with the help of his siblings, Amvald reached the throne room of Vurus' emperor, Hanzou. There a great battle ensued, in which both Amvald and Hanzou were slain. Distraught by the death of her favorite champion, Vimeri gifted Amvald with immortality and divine power, making him the god of heroes and honor. This proved a wise choice too, as Hanzou's tyranny had left an indelible mark on Thesilae, and the power of the people's fear of him conferred divinity upon him as well.   Meanwhile, on the blood-soaked battlefield many miles away, Amvald's younger sibling Maanzar used his tricks- which had long made him the recipient of much disdain- to fool Hanzou's general Grunmug, and defeat his army. As he died, Grunmug threw his spear at the trickster, killing Manzaar as his final mortal act. The roar of vengeance he let loose launched his soul into the divine realms, where it stayed, and took up residence as a god of bloodlust and hate. He remains locked in an endless battle with Manzaar, who was made god of strategy by Vimeri.  

Kavish Betrays Mortalkind

Many, many decades after the ascension of Amvald and his family, Vimeri's guardian dragon Kavish grew discontent with his divinely-appointed task of forever guarding the mortals of Thesilae. His growing bitterness opened his mind to the whispers of Romira, who encouraged Kavish to abandon his post in the center of the world and instead take revenge on the mortals he'd come to hate, and who he thought had stolen away the attention from Vimeri that was rightfully his. After a several-months long rampage, Kavish was confronted by Amvald and injured in battle. He retreated to the Umbralands below Thesilae's surface, where rumor says he still resides today.  



Vimeri is depicted as a dark-skinned giant woman of indeterminate age, with a crown of short black ringlets for hair. She wears a long, flowing dress of white lace under golden half plate and mantle set with rubies, and gleaming sword at her side. Her eyes are a burning amber gold.  


Vimeri is beloved for her compassion, integrity, and honesty. She is the most forgiving of the gods to those who show remorse for the harm they cause, but has no mercy for the unrepentant.  


Along with her four children, Vimeri is among the most widely worshiped of all the gods of Thesilae. Mortals thank her for the boundless warmth and life-giving light of the sun. Farmers across the lands participate in festivals dedicated to Vimeri at the start and end of the harvest season, as thanks for the sunlight she provided their crops. Parents warn their children that Grandmother Sun punishes lies and misdeeds, and the downtrodden pray to Vimeri for salvation from the tyrannical forces that oppress them.   Champions of Vimeri are particularly revered by the common folk of Thesilae. They are sworn to protect the innocent, strike down dictators, and generally aid those who seek redemption. Vimeri's champions are also expected to be honest in all things, and most people believe them incapable of telling lies. As such, they are frequently selected as advisors by nobles and other authority figures.  


Clerics of Grandmother Sun are more commonly called Illuminators, a title which gestures to their primary role as mentors who lead others towards what is good and just. They are often healers of both physical and mental ailments, serving as counselors just as often as medics. Illuminators seek to prevent others from going astray by instilling their goddess' values in the people around them.  


Vimeri's paladins called Dawnshards, are rare, as the requirements for joining their ranks far exceed the capabilities of most people. Though they hope to redeem every lost soul they encounter, they also act as judge, jury, and executioner when necessary. Often, Dawnshards are themselves seeking a kind of redemption, or have achieved it in the past and wish to be the beacon of light in another person's darkest hour.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Practice honesty
  • Seek redemption for your wrongdoings
  • Show compassion
  • Guide others out of darkness
  • Strike down tyrants, oppressors, and liars


  • Harm innocents
  • Lie to, manipulate, or mislead others
  • Enslave others
  • Cause fear or despair


  • Bangles of Brilliance: A set of golden bangles encrusted with shining red, yellow, and orange gemstones. They were crafted by Agren, the forgemaster of the gods.

Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

Grandmother Sun
The Gentle Guide
Ethereal God
Light, Redemption, Honesty, Integrity, Guidance, Freedom
A golden path leading its followers into the sun
Divine Realm
Neutral Good


Common folk, farmers, truth-seekers, those who desire redemption
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites

1. Gender is a mortal concept, which the Ethereal Gods, being immortal beings with no experience of mortality, do not adhere to.


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