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House Aynesworth

House Aynesworth is one of the nine noble houses of the Kingdom of Luria. The main house is located in the capital city, Aramore, where they oversee Dewfrost District. The current head of House Aynesworth happens to also be the dean of the Aynesworth Academy of the Arcane. This is atypical for the house, which generally limits their participation in the academics of Aramore to providing funding for education and research.   Their crest depicts two mirrored scrolls, in the paws of identical white wolves, atop a divided field of deep purple and silver. Behind the wolves, barely visible as a countercharge, are the impressions of two ornate crossed keys.  

Known Members

Main House

  • Dean Lucan Aynesworth: Elf; Current dean of the Aynesworth Academy of the Arcane and head of House Aynesworth.

Branch Houses


Savant Manor

Savant Manor is a multi-storied gothic mansion in the heart of Dewfrost District. Its light stone walls are half-covered in climbing ivy and lush moss, which twists its way up onto the dark shingled roof. Several acres of manicured gardens surround the manor, and are cordoned off by a tall wrought-iron fence. The interior is characterized by high ceilings and dark mahogany woods. Despite having many windows, the manor is rather dimly lit, most of its lighting coming from candelabras and chandeliers.

Illustratio Per Doctrinam

General Information

Type: Nobility
Base: Savant Manor
Aid in the education and enlightenment of Luria (and all of mortalkind)


Notable Members:
  • Lucan Aynesworth (Head of House)


Allegiances: Allies: Enemies:

Note: The titles and names of the Kingdom of Luria are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of English, French, and Scots words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Lurians.


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