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Aramore is the capital city of the Kingdom of Luria, located in Varenmont Bay. It claims to be the largest city on the continent of Eloqua, but this is contested by the city of Penrath in the Republic of Auster.  


Though subjected to higher-than-average amounts of precipitation, Aramore is protected from the brunt of the vicious seastorms which often ravage the nearby coasts of Eloqua thanks to its position within Varenmont Bay. A thick, 50-foot high granite wall surrounds the city proper, extending in a jagged arc from one section of the coast to another. Around it stretches many miles of (relatively) flat grasslands, home to a great deal of densely-packed farmland where the city has spilled out past the walls.   Within the city walls, Aramore is broken up into several districts, each of which is looked after by one of the city's eight noble houses. Each of these districts has its own unique fashions and traditions, pieced together from the cultures of the people who live there and supported or hampered by the financial support of their patron house, which contributes to the eclectic appearance of the city.  

Chromwood Orchards

A massive garden outside the palace gates. It is open to the public, and has many fruit trees which anyone is permitted to pick and eat from.  

Thraelin Court

Aramore's main gate, located in the northermost section of the city, opens into Thraelin Court. The district is named for Ector Thraelin, a hero of legend who is said to have assisted in the overthrow of Thesilae's illithid scourge, and is overseen by House Courtenay. A wide variety of shops, carts, and stands line the main road as well as several of the smaller branching roads which twist away from it. The buildings here, businesses and residences alike, are constructed from granite bricks. They are generally two or more stories tall, with engraved arches over the doorways and steep hipped roofs.  
  • Bookends: A bookstore located at the very edge of Thraelin Court.
  • The Crimson Slash Aramore's premier blacksmith. Weapons and armor can be purchased here, though most of its sales are for more mundane objects, such as silverware.
  • Remington's Remarkable Finds: A curiosity shop on Thraelin Court's main road.
  • The Sweet Leaf: A popular café, attached to Bookends via their shared outdoor patio.
  • Crystalwatch Gate: Major gate leading into and out of Aramore, located along its northern-eastern wall.

Dewfrost District

A significant portion of the Dewfrost District is taken up by the campus of Aynesworth Academy of the Arcane and its auxillary buildings. Colleges which can trace their history back Aramore's founding, towers where the land's brightest wizards conduct their research, and student housing are enclosed by the university's enchanted iron fences. The remainder of the district is comprised of the simplistic, symmetrical and sturdy-looking granite homes favored by Albyn Aynesworth II an ancestor of House Aynesworth, which has historically ruled over Dewfrost.  
  • Aynesworth Academy of the Arcane: A university which, despite its name, offers just as many traditional classes as it does magical ones. It is also the Kingdom of Luria's major temple of Hasra . The Current Dean is Lucan Aynesworth, head of House Aynesworth.

Dawngleam District

Sometimes derisively called "Brightblight" by residents from the other districts of Aramore, in reference to the general belief that Dawngleam's dramatic and ornamental style of architecture is something of an eyesore. House Devereaux, which oversees the maintenance of the district, have long been deeply involved with religious activities. Thus, the district itself is home to several temples, shrines, and various other kinds of holy sites, making Dawngleam the religious center of the city.  
  • Brightsoul Cemetary: Where people are buried.
  • Temple of the Immortal Sun: The Kingdom of Luria's major temple of Vimeri.

Glassridge District

Glassridge is the military district of Aramore, home to the barracks, training grounds, and government-issued housing for the families of high-ranking officials. Both Aramore's city guard, the Argentan Waves, and the army of Luria operate out of Glassridge. The district is overseen by House Fortescue.  
  • Stormkeep Bastion: Barracks and training grounds for on-duty members of the Argentan Waves.
  • Fortescue Memorial Grounds: A memorial park, open to the public, where military heroes and soldiers are buried.
  • Maelstrom Correctional Facility: A prison located beneath the grounds of Stormkeep Bastion.

Ebonmeadow District

Ebonmeadow district is overseen by House Galand, and serves as the primary residential district for the common folk of Aramore. Guildhalls, parks, and many taverns, inns, and restaurants are scattered throughout the district.  
  • The Verdant Vale: The city's most popular inn and tavern.

Saltsong Docks

The westernmost docks of Aramore, maintained by the noble House Vhurrend. Ships carrying resources for craftsmen (such as textiles, unprocessed ore, lumber, etc.), tools (such as smiths tools), or other goods that cannot be classified as "cultural or luxury items" are unloaded here. The Saltsong Docks are where a large number of Aramore's working class citizens make their coin.  

Sunwatch Docks

The eastern docks of Aramore, ruled by House Maylis. Luxury goods such as jewelry, art, literature, and exotic foods are directed here, by order of the Merchant's Guild.  

The Waterfront

Nominally ruled by House Whitmore, the Waterfront is where nearly all of Aramore's merchant class resides. In all actuality, it is the merchant elites who own and operate essentially everything of note in the Waterfront, and everyone knows it. Rumors abound that they have bribed the head of House Whitmore into letting them do as they please, laws be damned- but no one dares speak such rumors too loud.  
  • Highbreeze Sanctuary: Headquarters of the Highbreeze Society of Shipwrights and Sailors.
  • Inkblot's Maps and Measures: Aramore's cartography shop, located in the merchant's guildhall.

Fisher's Valley

Outside of the eastern walls of Aramore is a ramshackle neighborhood known as Fisher's Valley, so named for its large population of fisherman. It is primarily their catch which is sold in the restauraunts of Aramore, as they generally sell at cheaper prices than incoming fishing ships.  


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As of 126 LE , Aramore's is home to 206,392 citizens. Its population is comprised of 62% humans, followed by a comparatively miniscule 11% dwarves, 8% elves, and 6% halflings. The remaining 13% of the population is made up of a wide variety of other ancestries.  

Notable People

Aramore Emblem

General Information

Also called:
The Shining City
Constructed: 1 LE
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Current Leader: King Crespin Luria
Guard Unit: Argentan Waves

Location Information

Plane: The Material Plane
Continent: Eloqua
Region: Varenmont Bay
  • Dawngleam District
  • Dewfrost District
  • Ebonmeadow District
  • Glassridge District
  • Thraelin Court
  • Saltsong Docks
  • Sunwatch Docks
  • The Waterfront

Societal Information

Population: 206,392 (as of 126 LE)
  • 62% Human
  • 11% Dwarf
  • 8% Elf
  • 6% Halfling
  • 13% Other
Allegiance: Kingdom of Luria

Note: The titles and names of the Kingdom of Luria are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of English, French, and Scots words used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Lurians.

Articles under Aramore


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