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Kazumi, the Supreme Judge

Kazumi (和美) (/kä.zɨᵝ.mi/) is the goddess of peace, order, cities, law, and contracts. She is one of the rival gods of Hanzou, the god of tyranny and oppression. Her followers include anyone invested in the prosperity of civilization, which may include government officials and business owners as well as union organizers and activists.  


The Age of Dawn

In the days just before the true start of the Rending War, Kazumi and her clan were among the first to encounter Hanzou, who was then going by the second name Kathor. As Chieftan of her clan, the Draeluna-lor, Kazumi stood in the face of the Vurusian military and refused to hand her lands and people over to Hanzou. Though the Draeluna-lor were a formidable people, they became overwhelmed by the sheer number of soldiers which Vurus had at their disposal, and were eventually destroyed. In the smoking ruins of their capital, Hanzou blinded Kazumi with a hot iron, and left her to die slowly of pain or starvation.  



Kazumi is a plump cloud giant with long white hair made of clouds and skin the shade of the clear blue sky. They have solid white eyes, and are sometimes depicted wearing a cloth blindfold. The circlet of bare branches which serves as her symbol is always worn on her head.   In times of war, Kazumi wears a suit of chainmail scuffed and scratched from the many battles she fought during her mortal life. The scabbard on her side lies empty, but she carries an iron tower shield on her right arm.  


Kazumi is a stoic goddess, rarely showing emotion to her followers or providing them with direct instruction. She is not a god who influences her followers, instead passing silent judgement on their choices once they have been made.  


Kazumi's followers are the people most invested in the defense and progress of civilization. Lawmakers and lawkeepers, military leaders and soldiers, business owners and employees, and so on.  

Edicts and Anathema


  • Abide by your word
  • Follow the law of the land
  • Act honorably and with integrity
  • Achieve your goals through honest means


  • Break the law or aid others in breaking the law
  • Break your word or your contractual obligations
  • Exploit those with less power than yourself
  • Lie or cheat



Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

The Lawbringer
The Supreme Judge
Ascended God
Law, Contracts, Honesty, Cities
A circlet of bare branches
Divine Realm
Lawful Neutral


Lawkeepers, judges, contractors, business owners, government officials
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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