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Hanzou, the King of Crowns

Hanzou (半蔵) (/häɰ̃.zo̞ː/) is the oni-god of tyranny, oppression, law, and authority. He is a rival to Kazumi, the goddess of law and prosperity, and Amvald, the god of honor. Though it is considered outright reprehensible to worship Hanzou, he has a sizable underground following among the elites of Thesilae.



The Age of Dawn

Hanzou rose to godhood during this, the first age of mortals, when the first nations came into prominence. Much of what is known about this time is muddied, the exact order of events unknown. Neither Hanzou himself nor his nation, the Empire of Vurus, appear in historical records except for those about the Rending War-- a detail which puzzles scholars to this day, as all accounts of the Rending war imply that Vurus had been on a path of relentless expansion for several decades leading up to it.

The Rending War

Sometime during the Age of Dawn, the Empire of Vurus began to overtake its neighboring lands in a mission of conquest that would see it's borders stretch from one end of Suyia to the other. It wasn't until Hanzou, who had taken the second name Kathor (kæθoɻ) after the fashion of the frost giants he ruled, sent his army over the Vassalier Ocean to conquer Eloqua that things took a turn for the worse for Vurus.
  Seeing the horrid fate which would befall his people if Vurus continued their invasion, the hero Amvald first tried to steer Hanzou down a path of redemption. When this failed, however, and the Rending War reached the height of its destruction, Amvald saw that the only way to end the suffering of his people and Vurus' was to end Hanzou's life. In the final days of the Rending War, Hanzou battle Amvald and his siblings, Strannen and Nondra, in the imperial throne room of Vurus. There, Hanzou slit Amvald's throat, ending the life of Vimeri's favorite champion. In her distress and rage, Vimeri gifted Nondra with her divine powers for but a moment, and the final arrow loosed from Nondra's bow found its target in Hanzou's skull. But though Hanzou's soul should have melted into burning Ether once again, it instead solidified, turning the fallen tyrant into a god.



In his true form, Hanzou is a massive, blue-skinned oni with two grey-black horns standing upright atop his head, amidst a loose tangle of black hair. He has sharpened teeth reminiscent of a tiger, and talon-like claws on each of his six-fingered hands.
  When appearing as Kathor, emporer of Vurus, Hanzou took on the appearance similar to that of the frost giants: His blue skin lightened to a paler shade, and his horns vanished. In this form, he kept his dark hair combed and tied in a neat knot at the base of his skull, a style which became part and parcel of Vurus' military uniform. It is believed that this is Hanzou's preferred appearance, as it is the one typically described by those who claim to have met the god.
  No matter the form he takes, however, Hanzou wears gusoku-style armor with the imperial crest of Vurus emblazoned across the chestpiece and carries the Eikō-no-kage (栄光の影 - lit. "shadow of glory"), a nagamaki with an obsidian blade.


Hanzou is said to be a cold, cruel god who believes the rich and powerful have not only a right but a duty to impress their will upon the world. He enforces a strict hierarchy within the ranks of his followers, and exacts harsh punishment on his champions when they fail him.


Hanzou's followers worship him in secret. They are often prominent members of society-- nobles, politicians, and the like-- or otherwise have a vested interest in hierarchical caste systems.

Edicts and Anathema


  • Exercise your power and superiority over others
  • Promote exclusionary behavior and division amongst people
  • Serve your masters without question or complaint
  • Punish insults or threats to your power to the highest degree



  • Act above your station
  • Negotiate or foster peace where division existed
  • Free a slave or improve conditions for the laboring class
  • Disrespect or disgrace your superiors
  • Plot against your masters or allow your inferiors to plot against you




Places of Worship and Holy Sites

Deity Information

The King of Crowns
Ascended God
Tyranny, Oppression, Law, Authority
A platinum crown, encrusted with gemstones, dripping with blood
Divine Realm
Lawful Evil
Cisgender Man


Slavers, Tyrants, Authoritarian elites
Holy Days
Major Temples and Holy Sites


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